
  1. 伪军在全村搜寻我们的地下工作人员。

    The puppet soldiers searched the village for our underground workers .

  2. 他们疑心他是我们党的地下工作人员。

    They suspected that he was an underground worker of our Party .

  3. 有一次她帮助藏起一个地下工作人员。

    Once she helped to hide an underground worker .

  4. 他们搜查了整个房子,寻找我们党的一个地下工作人员。

    They hunted up the whole houes for an underground worker of our Party .

  5. 情报人员和地下工作人员组成了抗战的第一线。

    The first line of Chinese resistance was formed by spies and underground workers .

  6. 同时,在比雷埃夫斯,希腊地下工作人员进行出色而英勇的怠工行动来阻挠轴心国的航运。

    Simultaneously , brilliant and daring sabotage operations were carried out by Greek agents against Axis shipping in the Piraeus .

  7. 他们把这个地主捆起来送到了区公所,并控告说,“这个家伙杀害过八路军的一位地下工作人员,还贪污了你们的粮食。”

    Having seized him , they brought him to the district government and declared : " He killed an intelligence agent of the8th Route Army and grafted your grain . "

  8. 可是他们后来被蒋介石赶跑了,临走时,留下了地下工作人员。这些人现在开始准备迎接刘的到来。

    Later they had been driven out by Chiang Kai-shek , but on their departure , they had left underground workers behind , who now began to prepare for Liu 's arrival .

  9. 随后服务员将单子递给TheCapital地下室的工作人员,他们叫做“寻酒师”,他们会为顾客找到相应的酿品,最后顾客如愿喝到他们点的酒。

    The waitress passes the order to The Capital 's underbelly , where a " beer finder " locates the brew . He places it on a vertical conveyor belt that runs up behind the bar , and it 's served .