
  1. 2007年邹平县乡村医疗卫生机构消毒效果调查

    Investigation on Disinfection Effect in Rural Medical Institutes of Zouping County in 2007

  2. 梁漱溟与邹平乡村建设

    LIANG Shu ming and Rural Construction in Zouping

  3. 邹平县土地利用时空变化及驱动力分析

    Analysis on Time and Space Change and Driving Forces of Land Utilization in Zouping County

  4. 地下水库回灌补源的数值模拟研究&以山东省邹平县城北水源地为例

    Study on Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Reservoir Recharge of North Zouping City of Shandong Province

  5. 14名工人已确定死亡,邹平副县长潘玉兰说。

    Fourteen workers were confirmed dead , said Pan Yulan , deputy head of Zouping County .

  6. 实验主义与邹平、定县所代表的乡村建设运动的理论和实践有很多联系。

    The pragmatism has many affiliations with the movement of country-construction which is represented by Zouping and Dingxian .

  7. 第一章节作为前言部分简单介绍了山东省邹平县的情况,介绍了论文选题的原因和研究方法。

    The first chapters as the preface introduced the Shandong province Zouping County , introduces the topic and research method .

  8. 先说说北方的习俗,比如山东省邹平县的端午,每人早起均需饮酒一杯,传说可以避邪。

    Zouping County , Shandong Province , the Dragon Boat Festival , drinking a cup per person is required to get up early , legends can be believed .

  9. 本文指出政治混乱、经济破产和自然灾害是导致中国农村危机的大背景,同时简单介绍了邹平与延安的小背景。

    It introduces that political chaos , economic bankruptcy and natural disasters led to the Chinese rural crisis . It also makes a brief introduction about the background of Zouping and Yenan .

  10. 在过去的80年里,山东邹平县经历过乡村建设实验、农业集体化,现在又在进行全新的发展探索。探讨它的发展历程,可以为今天的新农村建设提供有益的启发。

    Zouping County , Shandong Province is now experiencing a new-period development just as what it has done in the past 80 years , going through the rural constructive experiment and agricultural collectivization , etc.

  11. 第三,梁漱溟将其思想运用于实践,在山东邹平进行了乡村建设实验,引发了当时社会学界对中国出路问题的讨论,促进中国社会学发展。

    Third , he applied his thought to the experiments of village construction in Shandong of the central China . His doing resulted in the discussion about Chinese way out , and promoted the development of Chinese sociology .

  12. 今年1月,邹平镇工作了13年的公司一家在深圳设有业务的香港印刷公司为他提供了为期三年的合同,但凭他的工作年限,他是有资格签署无固定期限合同的。

    In January , Mr Zou 's employer of 13 years , a Hong Kong printing company with operations in Shenzhen , offered him a three-year contract , even though his long service entitled him to an open-ended one .

  13. 近年来,山东省邹平地区养鸭业发展迅速,鸭大肠杆菌病危害严重,开展鸭源大肠杆菌的分离鉴定及耐药性检测对有效预防和治疗鸭大肠杆菌病具有重要意义。

    In the recent years , duck industry has developed quickly in Zouping region of Shandong province and the serious damage of duck colibacillosis follows naturally . To prevent and cure duck colibacillosis effectively , identification and drug-susceptibility analysis of duck pathogenic Escherichia coli were particularly important .

  14. 经过客观的考察,我们得出无论是邹平模式还是延安模式,都是对解决近代中国危机的有益尝试,其经验和教训可以成为当代新农村建设以及和谐社会构建的宝贵财富。

    So we can draw such a conclusion as " Zouping Model " and " Yanan Model " are a useful attempt to solve Chinese crisis in modern China whose experiences and lessons will become the invaluable properties in making a new rural areas and harmonious society .