
  • 网络regional price differentials
地区差价 [dì qū chā jià]
  • [differences in regional priee levels] 不同地区间商品价格的差距

  1. 研究解决调峰气价与地区差价问题。

    Solving the issues of peak adjustment gas price and regional gap in the price .

  2. 最近中国金融市场的动荡可能还会抑制消费者对中档手表的兴趣,或者降低中国人到欧洲度假时利用地区差价购买奢侈品的能力。

    Recent turmoil in China 's financial markets might yet curb consumer appetite for mid-market watches , or the ability of Chinese to exploit regional price differentials for luxury goods by holidaying in Europe .