
  • 网络Terrain Quality;terrain mass
  1. 文中将地形分为平原、丘陵、山区、高山区四种类型,利用实际算例比较了不同地区地形质量对确定大地水准面的贡献,包括直接影响和间接影响。

    Classifying topography into plain area , hill area , mountain area and high mountain area , contributions of terrain mass including direct effect and indirect effect to geoid refining in different areas are compared using some practical examples .

  2. 数据质量控制是良好的数字地形图质量的重要保证。

    Data quality controlling is a important index for topographic digital map .

  3. 利用数据字典开发数字地形图质量检测软件

    Using Data Dictionary to Develop the Quality Examination Software of Digital Topography

  4. 模糊综合评判及地形图质量的评定

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Qualitative Assessment of a Topographic Map

  5. 复杂地形大气质量预测模型探讨

    Discussion on the Forecasting Model of the Air Quality in Intricate Terrain Areas

  6. 数字地形图质量检查探索

    Research on Quality Inspection of Digital Map

  7. 对缺陷扣分法和模糊综合评价法进行了改进,提出了加权缺陷扣分法和多层次模糊综合评价法,并给出了1∶5万矢量地形数据质量评定的应用实例。

    It also improves the deficiency score decrease method and fuzzy synthetic assessment method , brings forward weighted deficiency score decrease assessment method and multi-layer fuzzy synthetic assessment method , and cite an example of the quality assessment for 1 ∶ 50 000 terrain vector data .

  8. 内外一体化数字地形图测绘质量控制对策研究

    Countermeasures for Quality Control Over Digital Map Produced by Office-Field Integration

  9. 5万矢量地形数据的质量评定

    The Quality Assessment of 1 ∶ 50 000 Terrain Vector Data

  10. 数据质量控制提供了数字地形图的质量保障。

    Data quality control provides quality of digital topographical map .

  11. 基于小波滤波的地形简化数据质量分析

    Data quality analysis of terrain simplification based on wavelet filter

  12. 试用模糊综合评判法评定地形图的质量

    Quality of Topographic Maps Judged With Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Method

  13. 10000数字化地形图生产质量控制及检验

    Quality Control and Inspection Over 1:10000 Scale Digital Topographic Maps

  14. 浅谈利用航摄法测绘大比例尺地形图的质量保证

    Discussion on the Quality Control of Large-Scale Topographical Mapping using Aerial Photography Method

  15. 大比例尺矢量地形图数据质量监控研究与软件开发

    Researching and Software Developing on Data Quality Control of the Large-scale Vector Map

  16. 数字化大比例尺地形图的质量检验

    Quality Checking of Digitizing Large Scale Topographic Map

  17. 大比例尺数字地形图的质量检测方法是近年来同行们共同关注的热点。

    The quality examination method of large scale topography is the common hotspot of surveyors .

  18. 该换能器使用环形结构,能得到方位向的高分辨率,提高地形成像的质量;

    Since the annular structure is used , it can provide high resolution in azimuth to improve the terrain imaging quality .

  19. 将该解决方案应用到了南京市大比例尺矢量地形图数据质量监控和处理软件中,实践证明方案合理、结果可靠。

    The scheme has already been applied to the software of large-scale vector topographic data 's quality controlling and managing . The scheme has been proves reasonable and reliable .

  20. 在山地城市中,地形对土地质量及土地利用方式产生着深刻的影响,受地形地貌影响,重庆市城市发展在垂直方向和水平方向表现出不同的特点。

    Landform in Mountain city have quite effect on land quantity and the way of land used , Chongqing city 's development have different characters in vertical and horizontal direction .

  21. 文中从野外采集数据和地图数字化两个方面分析了影响大比例尺数字地形图数据质量的因素,讨论了数据质量控制的方法。

    This paper analysis diathesis which would influence the quality of the large scale digital topographic map from two aspect , and discusses the methods of the controlling data quality .

  22. 通过对比它们与土壤水分的相关关系来分析单流向算法和多流向算法计算得到的地形湿度指数质量的优劣,提出利用地形湿度指数模拟土壤水分的最佳流向算法。

    Then analyzed the quality of single flow direction algorithm and multiple flow direction algorithm by comparing the correlation of soil moisture and their topographic wetness index , put forward the best flow direction algorithm to soil moisture simulation .

  23. 大比例尺地形图成图质量的综合评判

    The Comprehensive Evaluation of the Large Scaling Topographic Map 's Quality

  24. 山区复杂地形上区域大气质量模式的试验研究

    Experimental study of regional air quality model over complex mountain-valley terrain

  25. 城市数字地形图维护及质量控制

    Ma in tenance and Quality Control of City Digital Topographic Map

  26. 大比例尺数字地形图的数据质量控制

    The Data Quality Controlling on the Large scale Digital Map

  27. 谈双鸭山市气象特征及地形特征对空气质量的影响

    Influence on Weather Characteristics and Geography Characteristics of Shuangyashan to the Air Quality

  28. 大比例尺数字化地形图测绘的质量控制和发展

    Quality Control and Developing Trend of Surveying and Mapping of Large-scale Digital Topographic Maps

  29. 沿海丘陵地形区域大气环境质量预测模式体系

    A Prediction System for Regional Atmospheric Environment Quality of the Coastal Hilly Topography Region

  30. 地形图扫描数字化质量控制

    Map Scanning Digitization and Quality Control