
  • 网络Local History
  1. 建国以来唐山地方史研究的成就

    Research Achievements of Tangshan Local History since the Founding of PRC

  2. 他把地方史看作是家族史的延伸。

    He sees local history as an extension of familly history .

  3. 约翰罗厄生是我们的一位地方史权威。

    John lowerson is one of our pundits on local history .

  4. 第二部分是地方史开发的背景。

    The second part studies the background of Local History .

  5. 二是加强对惠州地方史的研究;

    Strengthen the study of the local history of Huizhou ;

  6. 英国地方史研究中的莱斯特学派

    The Leicester School and the Study of English Local History

  7. 加强地方史教育,推进大学生思想政治教育工作

    Local History Helps to Improve Ideological and Political Work of College Students

  8. 地方史研究在国史研究中的地位与作用

    The Status and Role of Local History Research in National History Research

  9. 我受到任命并得到了开展地方史研究的指示。

    I was appointed and given the brief of developing local history research .

  10. 地方史研究的力作&《大连近百年史》评介

    A Masterpiece on Local Historical Research & Comment on A century history of Dalian

  11. 利用地方史资源开展高中研究性学习的探索与实践

    On Developing Research-based Learning in High School by Making Use of Local Historical Resources

  12. 地方史研究的思考

    Thinking on the Study of Area 's History

  13. 浅议地方史研究与档案的关系

    File Management of the Local History Study

  14. 近三十年来美国的中国地方史研究

    The Study of Local Chinese History in the United States During the Past 30 Years

  15. 近代外国探险家在我国西北地区的活动是新疆地方史研究的重要内容。

    Foreign exploration in Northwestern China is an important part of Xinjiang local historical study .

  16. 论清代扬州学派的扬州地方史研究

    The Research on the Yangzhou Local History by Yangzhou School of Thought in the Qing Dynasty

  17. 中华人民共和国地方史工作研讨会纪要

    A Summary of a Forum on Local History Research in the People 's Republic of China

  18. 试论地方史资源在《中国近现代史纲要》教学中的运用&以福州为例

    The Teaching Use of the local history resources in the Course of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History

  19. 这些史料对深入研究在清末、民国时期齐齐哈尔的地方史有着重要的价值。

    These literatures are of most importance to develop further research into the regional history of that periods .

  20. 本文力图从个案和地方史的角度出发,对齐鲁大学与近代山东教育作一探讨,以求给予这一教会大学客观的评价。

    This article is tried to study Cheeloo University and Mod-ern Shantung Education from individual and local history .

  21. 从《当代江西简史》的编纂探析地方史的编写规律

    Exploring the Rules of Writing Local History Based on the Experience of the Brief History of Contemporary Jiangxi

  22. 可以说,此书是清代东北地区最早的地方史著作之一。

    We can say this book is one of the earliest local history books about the Northeast area .

  23. 在研究地方史过程中查阅档案一定要全面,对重点档案还要不断深入分析,如此才能打开研究的思路。

    File lookup must be thorough in the process of local history study . Important files should be analyzed step by step .

  24. 而解放前的上海市通志馆就是一个专门研究上海地方史,以编纂《上海市通志》为职志的机构。

    Before the liberation of Shanghai , History Compilation Bareau of Shanghai was a bareau which specialised history of Shanghai and compiled Shanghai Tongzhi .

  25. 建国后,国内整理、出版了大量的地方史资料,为中国近代区域史研究提供了良好的条件。

    Lots of regional materials had been arranged and published after PRC was founded which were conducive to the regional history studies of modern China .

  26. 这不仅揭示了中国红十字会起源过程中的实际面相,也对当下的地方史路径形成了一定的挑战。

    This study not only displays the actual face of the origin of China Red Cross Society , but also challenges to the path of local history .

  27. 通过对辽王朝统治时期辽宁境内的民族源流及地理分布概况略作分析与论述,旨在为辽史和地方史研究者提供参考。

    The article analyses the source and geographical distribution of Liao Dynasty in order to offer some reference to the researchers on the study of Liao Dynasty .

  28. 目前,清代吐鲁番史的研究成果越来越多,是清代新疆地方史研究的不可分割的部分。

    Currently , research the history of the Qing Dynasty Turpan more and more local history during the Qing Dynasty is an integral part of the study .

  29. 对《报告书》文献价值的分析共有三个部分:《报告书》是了解延边地方史的原始资料之一;

    There were also three parts in analyzing the value of literature as follows : " report " is one of the historical source material on Yanbian district ;

  30. 在前人的研究已较为充分的今天,单纯的历史场景描述和叙事似乎已没有太大的必要,无论是整体史还是地方史莫不如此。

    Today , predecessor research outcome was affluent , the pure historical scene described and narrates seems have enough necessity , no matter the overall history or the place history .