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  • 网络weak structural plane
  1. 从而进一步证明了局部破坏理论的正确性和边坡软弱结构面是控制边坡稳定的关键因素。

    Therefore , it is further proved that local failure theory is correct and weak structural plane will control the stability of slope .

  2. 软弱结构面和裂隙岩体直剪破坏机理研究

    Mechanism for Shar Failure of Weak Structural Plane and Fissured Rock

  3. 软弱结构面现场剪切试验的几个测试技术问题

    On the Technology of Shearing Test of Weak Structural Planes in Situ

  4. 改进的进化遗传算法在软弱结构面力学参数选取中的应用

    A research on evolution genetic algorithm of evaluating the soil friction parameters

  5. 带软弱结构面岩体的弹塑性有限元分析

    Elasto Plastic FEM Analysis for Rock Mass with Weak Surfaces

  6. 新疆某水利枢纽工程软弱结构面抗剪强度参数的试验研究

    Research into parameters of shear strength for a key water conservancy project in Xinjiang

  7. 软弱结构面粒度成分与抗剪强度参数的关系探讨

    Discussion on the relational between granulometric composition and shear strengh parameter of weak structural plane

  8. 顺层岩质边坡软弱结构面原位剪切试验及其稳定性分析研究

    Study on In-situ Shearing Testing of Weak Joint Plane and Stability of Consequent Rock Slope

  9. 受软弱结构面控制的隧道洞口稳定性评价及工程措施分析

    Stability Evaluation of Tunnel Entrance Controlled by Weak Structural Plane and Analysis of Engineering Measures

  10. 透镜体周边可以当作结构面或软弱结构面看待;

    The periphery of a lens body can be regarded as the structural surface or weak structural surface ;

  11. 兰尖铁矿兰山采场南帮软弱结构面抗剪强度的现场测定

    In-Situ Measurement of Shear Strength of Weakness Plane at the South Slope of Lan-San in Lan-Jian Iron Mine

  12. 不同含水率软弱结构面剪切蠕变试验及模型研究

    Experimental and theoretical studies on the effects of water content on shear creep behavior of weak structural plane of sandstone

  13. 块裂结构岩体是由软弱结构面切割而成,其变形和破坏受软弱结构面控制。

    Block rock is formed by the intersecting discontinuities , which are responsible for the deformation and failure of the whole rock .

  14. 由于边坡内存在断层、层间剪切破碎带等软弱结构面,使边坡的稳定性问题尤为突出。

    Because of the existence of weak structural planes , such as faults , interbeded shearing belts , the stability of slopes are quite obvious .

  15. 建立3号坝段的有限元模型,其中软弱结构面采用接触单元模拟。

    The finite element model of the third monolith is created , and in the model , contact element is used to simulate the soft interlayer .

  16. 这种新型抗滑体系可直接给滑动面(或软弱结构面)施加法向力以提高滑动面的阻滑能力,从而达到平衡下滑力的作用。

    The new system that differs from the conventionalities exerts a normal force on the slip surface directly to increase the resisting force against the driving force .

  17. 对于软弱结构面,提出根据充填厚度(平直型软弱结构面)或充填度(粗糙型软弱结构面)确定其抗剪强度参数的方法和原则。

    The thickness of weak layer ( flat layer ) or filling degree ( granulate layer ) is introduced to determine the shear strength of weak rock layer .

  18. 并结合《混凝土重力坝设计规范》中提出的用粒度成分定量指标选取软弱结构面抗剪强度参数,对软弱结构面抗剪强度参数取值问题进行了探讨。

    Finally , in combination with quantitative indexes determinied in the code for " Design of Concrete Gravity Dams ", the shear strength parameters of weak structural plane are determinied .

  19. 由于人工开挖产生临空面时,或在受地表水浸蚀等不利因素作用下,顺层岩质路堑边坡很容易沿着层间软弱结构面发生滑坡。

    The slope will slide easily on the soft structural surface when excavate formatting free end , or effected by disadvantage factors such as surface water erosion and so on .

  20. 本文采用有限单元法,对加固重力坝基础缓倾角软弱结构面抗滑硐塞系统的破坏机理进行了初步分析。

    In this paper , through mathematically imitating the slightly inclined weak layer consolidated with shear keys in the gravity dam foundation , the failure mechanism of shear keys is studied .

  21. 将边坡工程中软弱结构面上岩石力学参数粘聚力和摩擦系数当作模糊变量,采用模糊处理方法对其进行分析。

    Taking the cohesion and friction coefficient of the rock mechanics parameter in the weak structural surface of slope project as fuzzy variable , fuzzy treatment methods is used to analyze it .

  22. 安康膨胀土滑坡发生的原因和机理为:膨胀土斜坡土体中具有连续的各种软弱结构面,构成膨胀土土体内部的连续潜在的膨胀土滑坡滑面或滑带。

    The mechanism of the expansive soil landslide is that in the expansive soil mass , there are varieties of week structural planes that constitute the underlying continuous gliding planes and slide belts .

  23. 介绍一种研究岩体软弱结构面抗剪强度的新的试验方法&梯形试体三向千斤顶直剪试验法。

    The direct shear test on the trapezoidal specimen by means of tri direction jack is introduced as a new method to study the shear strength of the weak structural plane in the rock mass .

  24. 由于坝基内软弱结构面十分发育,且相互交错,坝基不均匀变形和深层抗滑稳定问题非常突出,成为制约本工程投资和安全的关键技术问题。

    Because of the weak structural planes in base that are extraordinary developed and interlaced , uneven settlement and stability against deep sliding has become the key technical problems , which restricted the investment and safety .

  25. 软弱结构面一直是水电工程建设中的一个重要工程地质问题,选取合理的力学参数对大坝建基面的选取及未来坝基抗滑稳定性具有重大意义。

    The weak structural plane is an important engineering-geological problem in construction of hydroelectric project . To choose rational mechanical parameters is of great significance for determining the dam foundation surface and the stability against sliding .

  26. 经受了诸如自重应力、构造应力、卸荷变形、降雨等内外因素作用,斜坡岩体沿软弱结构面发生滑移变形。

    Suffering from such as earthquake , gravitation , construct stress , rainfall action etc , the sliding deformation occured along the weak structural surface in the slope , and the cracks occur under the concentrated draught stress .

  27. 本文提出了一个组合滑面的构造模型,它分为两部分:一部分模拟不受地质影响的滑面,另一部分则模拟受软弱结构面控制的滑面。

    A model was provided to simulate combined slips . It divided slips into two parts , one part represented slips on which geological structures had no influence , and the other one could be affected by geological structures .

  28. 围岩分级主要从定量分级的角度对围岩等级进行划分,并通过地下水修正,软弱结构面修正和初始应力场修正,得到修正后的工程岩体质量等级。

    The classification of the surrounding rock divides the rock in the respect of quantitative classification and gets the qualitative gradation of the engineering rocks by correction of underground water , correction of weak structural plane and correction of original stress field .

  29. 在岩石相似材料模型试验中,摩擦实验是必不可少的实验,它用来确定节理、裂隙、滑动面等软弱结构面相似材料的抗剪强度参数。

    In model test for rock similar materials , friction test is absolutely necessary , which can be used to obtain the parameters of shear strength of similar materials of weak structural planes such as joints , cracks , landslide planes and so on .

  30. 软弱结构面是洞室围岩中力学强度相对薄弱的部位,它导致了岩体力学性能的不连续性、不均一性和各向异性,对洞室稳定性具有明显的控制作用。

    The weakness plane in the surrounding rock has a relatively weak mechanical strength , which leads to the discontinuity , heterogeneity and anisotropy of the mechanical properties of rock mass , and plays a significant controlling role in the stability of the caverns .