
lù qiàn
  • cutting;through cut
路堑[lù qiàn]
  1. 在公路建设中,路堑开挖施工组织是否合理、施工质量如何,将影响施工进度和边坡的稳定。

    In the construction of highway , the construction organization of through cut and the construction quality will influence the construction schedule and slope stability .

  2. 渝怀铁路十六标段路堑开挖一次成型爆破技术

    The One-Stroke Shaping Blasting Technique for the Excavation of the Through Cut of the 16 ~ ( th ) Contracted Section of the Yu-Huai Railway

  3. 他们已用栏杆把草地和新铁道的路堑隔离开来。

    They have railed the meadows off from the new railway cutting .

  4. 结合北同蒲改建铁路忻口站公路封闭式路堑的设计,介绍U形钢筋混凝土封闭式路堑设计的方法。

    An introduction is given to design method for U-shape reinforced concrete closed cutting .

  5. 基于ANN下的岩质路堑深边坡稳定性评价

    Stability evaluation of depth cutting slope in rock mass base on artificial neural network

  6. 本文以VISUALLISP为开发平台,介绍了路堑硐室爆破计药包布置过程的编程方法。

    With Visual Lisp developing platform , the programming methods that simulate the arrangement process of charges in chamber blasting of cutting , is introduced .

  7. 最后,根据具体工程实例,利用弹塑性有限元法,结合强度折减理论,采用ANSYS软件对顺层岩质路堑边坡的开挖变形进行数值模拟。

    Finally , the excavation deformation of the consequent rock cutting slope is simulated by ANSYS with the elasto-plastic finite element theory and strength-reduction theory according to the engineering practise .

  8. 500kV高压线下深孔路堑爆破安全控制技术

    Safety Control Technology of the Cutting Deep-hole Blasting Under 500 kV High-Tension Line

  9. 路堑边坡高5~22m,用喷射混凝土防护。

    The cut slope is 5 ~ 22 m tall , protected by sprayed concrete .

  10. 福宁高速A15-2标段二埔塘2号路堑高边坡弹塑性有限元数值分析

    Elastic Plastic Finite Element Numerical Analysis Of Deep Cut Slope

  11. 昆明东连接支线工程深路堑设计中路堑深度较高,达34m;

    In the deep road bed design of Branch Road Project of Kunming Eastern Connection Road the road bed has higher depth to 34m .

  12. 深路堑西侧边坡最大挖深约40m,设计边坡为台阶式,每级边坡高度为8m。

    The maximum depth of the west side slope of the cutting is 40 meters . The slope is designed as steps . The height of every step is 8 meters in this region .

  13. 最后,根据试验得到的边坡表层土体的力学参数,采用DP(Drucker-Prager)材料,对不同坡高和坡度的岩质路堑边坡绿色防护层土体进行了有限元分析。

    Finally , according to the project parameter that the test is received , the soil body material adopts DP ( Drucker-Prager ) material , then we analyse different hight and degree of rock slop and road cuttings 's body of top layer soil by the finite element method .

  14. 市区内路堑开挖爆破上方有220kV超高压输电线和275kV电气化线,临近建筑物,对爆破振动和飞石控制严格,爆破设计和施工难度较大。

    There are 220 kV kilovoltage superhigh voltage transmission lines , 275 kV kilovoltage electrified lines and some nearby buildings above cutting excavation blasting . The blasting vibration and flying rock control are strictly required , so blasting design and implementation is very difficult .

  15. 卵砾石土路堑边坡防护滑塌处治的体会

    The Treatment of Slide about Slope of Gravel Earth Depressed Road

  16. 公路路堑高边坡综合防护方案优选方法

    Optimized Method of Comprehensive High Slope Protection Scheme of Highway Entrenchment

  17. 土钉路堑边坡的稳定性分析方法

    The analysis method of stability of cutting slope of soil nail

  18. 基于可拓工程法的黄土路堑边坡稳定性评价方法

    Method for Stability of Loess Slope of Cut Based on Topology

  19. 路堑高边坡综合治理与工程应用

    Comprehensive Treating and Engineering Application of Highway Excavation and High Slope

  20. 高速公路路堑边坡失稳原因分析及治理措施的选择

    Analysis of Highway Cut Slope Stability Failure and Its Treatment Measures

  21. 四川省铁路路堑边坡植物多样性分析

    Analysis of plant diversity of railway cutting slopes in Sichuan Province

  22. 深孔控制爆破在渝长公路路堑开挖中的应用

    Application of deep-hole controlled blasting in cutting excavation of chongqing-to-changshou highway

  23. 爆破对深路堑开挖边坡稳定性的影响分析

    Analysis on the Influence of Blasting Vibration on Excavated Slope Stability

  24. 宜水高速公路路堑边坡光面爆破施工

    Smooth blasting construction in side slope of cutting at yishui expressway

  25. 膨胀土公路路堑边坡工程性状研究

    Study on Engineering Properties of Expansive Soil in Road Cutting Slope

  26. 他们用栏杆将草地和新修的铁道路堑隔开。

    They railed the meadows off from the new railway cutting .

  27. 岩质路堑边坡绿色防护技术研究

    The Research of Greening Protection for Rock Slope of Road Cutting

  28. 基岩山区公路路堑边坡的稳定性研究

    Study on the Stability of Highway Slope in Bedrock Mountainous Terrain

  29. 基于坡面稳定的黄土路堑高边坡优化设计

    Cutting high loess slope optimization design based on slope surface stability

  30. 简介用换填法处理深挖土质路堑基底

    Dealing with Soil Deep-Cut Cutting Basis by Changing and Filling Method