
  • 网络Routing Table;Route Table;show ip route
  1. 利用RIP协议的相临路由器定期交换路由表的机制,来改进RED算法,起到了早期发现并抑制网络拥塞的目的。

    This paper uses the mechanism that adjacent Routers using RIP exchange the routing table periodically for improving the RED arithmetic to discover and restrain the network congestion earlier .

  2. 通过深入研究非法外联的关键技术和检测模型,提出了基于路由表查找的C/S架构的非法外联检测模型;

    On the other hand , we proposed a C / S framework model of the detection of the illegal linking to external network by using the routing table searching method .

  3. IP路由表查找是实现高性能路由器的主要瓶颈。

    IP routing table lookup is a major bottleneck for high performance routers application .

  4. IP路由表生成方案研究

    Research of schemes to generate IP route table

  5. 路由表日志文件是包含xml格式数据的文本文件。

    The routing table log files are text files that contain data in the XML format .

  6. 一种新的IP路由表快速搜索技术

    A New Algorithm for Fast Routing Lookups

  7. 基于资源路由表的P2P资源查找机制研究

    Research of P2P Resource Lookup Mechanism Based on Resource Routing Table

  8. 构造一个8-8-8-8路由表的数据结构,并采用哈希算法来改进IP地址查找。

    Built a 8-8-8-8 routing table data structure and improve the IP lookup with hash technique .

  9. 针对路由表安全问题,提出了安全表格入口保护(STEP)机制以防止路由表的篡改。

    Aiming at tampering with the routing table , security table entrance protection ( STEP ) mechanism is put forward .

  10. 一种基于邻居路由表的Chord改进算法

    Improved Chord algorithm using neighbors ′ routing tables

  11. 在分组域内使用传统的Chord算法,为节点构建路由表。

    Within the O-chord use traditional algorithms to build finger table for the nodes .

  12. 基于BGP路由表的域间路由监测

    Monitoring of Inter-domain Routing System Based on BGP Routing Table

  13. 基于过滤机制的抑制BGP路由表增长的方法

    Approach to Restraining Growth of BGP Routing Table by Filtration

  14. 提出了一种利用ACS算法进行动态更新分布式路由表的方法。

    A new distributed routing algorithm based on ACS is proposed in this paper .

  15. Internet网两个最引人注目的问题是IP地址将要耗尽和路由表的膨胀,一个长远的和短期的解决方案正在开发之中。

    The two most compelling problems facing the IP Internet are IP address depletion and scaling in routing . Long-term and short-term solutions to these problems are being developed .

  16. 同时给出了从BGP路由表中推理出AS相互关系的启发式算法。

    It presents heuristic algorithms that infer AS relationships from BGP routing tables .

  17. 提出了一种使用BGP路由表对自治系统进行分类的方法。

    An approach to autonomous systems classification using BGP routing table is proposed .

  18. 如果节点使用push方法,则很容易从路由表推出最终输出节点。

    If the nodes used a push methodology , then it would be easy to deduce from the routing table which nodes are final outputs .

  19. 该拓扑图决定了表现于网际协议层的路由表,网际协议是基于在IP包中找到目的IP地址来做路由决定。

    The topology determines the routing table presented to the Internet Layer which makes routing decisions based solely on the destination IP address found in IP datagrams .

  20. Chord协议的最优路由表结构

    Optimal Finger Table in Chord Protocol

  21. OSPF路由表计算的实现技术

    The Implementing Technology of the OSPF Calculation of Routing Table

  22. 利用这种分层次的结构,IPv6利用路由表中单一入口就能表示大的地址块。

    Using this hierarchical scheme , IPv6 can represent large blocks of addresses by a single entry in routing tables .

  23. 这里是在failover发生之前路由器A的路由表的输出。

    Here is the output showing router A 's routing table before failover occurred .

  24. 该结构可以增加每个Chord环上的在线节点数量,避免路由表中产生大量冗余。

    This sturcture can increase the number of online nodes and reduce redundancy of the routing table .

  25. BGP路由表中环形路由现象分析

    Analysis of Routing Loops in BGP Table

  26. CIDR将IP地址由3级又回到了两级,降低了主干路由表的长度,提高了地址分配的灵活性。

    CIDR reduced routing table 's length in order to enhance the flexibility of address assignment .

  27. 将Bloom滤波器应用于路由表查找,可实现并行的最长前缀匹配。

    Bloom filters have been introduced into the routing table lookup algorithm to implement parallel LPM ( longest prefix matching ) .

  28. 软件仿真的结果证明新方案比采用单一路由表的方式更适合传输具有不同QoS要求的数据。

    This means which is validated by software emulation prove that it can provide much better QoS behavior in data transmission than classical forwarding mean .

  29. 有些交换机生成一个路由表,其中包含了主机的IP地址和IP地址所在配置器的MAC地址。

    Some switches generate a route table that includes the IP address of the host and the MAC address of the adapter that owns the IP address .

  30. 拓扑生成:通过处理BGP路由表信息生成包含AS间商业关系的AS级Internet拓扑。

    Generation of the topology : to generate the AS-level Internet topology including the relationship between ASes by processing data of the BGP routing table .