
  1. Web应用服务器是Web计算环境下产生的新一代中间件,为创建、部署、运行、集成和管理事务性Web应用提供一个跨平台运行环境,是我国企业信息化的基础软件设施。

    Web application servers ( WASs ), which are considered to be second generation of middle wares for Web computing and the software infrastructure for enterprise information systems , provide Web middleware platforms that support for the deployment , integration , and execution of transactional Web applications .

  2. “中国许多城市拥有建设大楼和硬件设施的政治意愿与行政能力,但建设软件设施花费的时间要长得多,”瑞信(creditsuisse)驻香港的亚洲区首席经济师陶冬表示。

    " Many cities in China have the political will and administrative ability to build buildings and hardware , but it will take them much longer to build the software , " said Dong Tao , regional chief economist for Credit Suisse , who is based in Hong Kong .

  3. 在硬件不支持自动的保护检查时,编程语言的实现能够提供强制保护的软件设施。

    Language implementation can provide software for protection enforcement when automatic hardware-supported checking is unavailable .

  4. 但与之相对应的是,农村基础教育的软件设施建设却面临重大的难题。

    But correspondingly , the software facilities for basic education in rural areas are facing significant problems .

  5. 实施条件则对教师、学生及计算机硬件、软件设施提出了必要的要求。

    The complement condition also required the qualification of teachers , students and equipment of computer hardware and software .

  6. 本文从硬件设施和软件设施两个方面对大城市交通方式间的相互转换进行了初步的分析和论述。

    This paper makes a preliminary analysis on the transfer issue of urban transport modes in respect of hardware and software facilities .

  7. 今年夏天,新交易系统所需的硬件设施已经装配到乌兰巴托股票市场,而新交易系统的软件设施目前还在安装阶段。

    This summer , hardware for a new trading system was shipped into Ulan Bator and new trading software is currently being installed .

  8. 同时,港口类服务企业的发展以港口为依托,但又不仅依赖于港口的发展,港口的类型、政策支持、软件设施和腹地经济等都是决定该类企业营销策略的重要因素。

    Meanwhile , the development of port service companies are based on the port , but not dependent on the development of ports .

  9. 经济因素包括社区老年教育硬件设施不全;社区老年教育软件设施缺乏;社区老年教育经费不足。

    Economic factors including community geriatric education hardware establishment is not whole ; community geriatric education software establishment is not whole ; community education .

  10. 结论:通过对廊坊市暑期少儿游泳短期培训现状的调查分析,结论如下:1.廊坊市游泳场馆的数量与日益增长的游泳爱好者不成正比,场馆硬件和软件设施参差不齐。

    Langfang City swimming venues and the growing number of swimming enthusiasts are not proportional to the venues of varying hardware and software facilities . 2 .

  11. 竞争需要学校为社会输送高质量的人才,高校本身需要强有力的教师队伍,需要配备良好的硬件和软件设施,这一切都需要以资金为基础。

    The competition needs high-quality talent from school , which also want well-qualified teaching staff , good hardware and software facilities . The basis of those is capital .

  12. 相信在实验性循环中不断完善教学硬、软件设施,轮滑课程教学定会在江西省普通高校体育教学中成功普及推广。

    Believe in experimental cycle continuously improve the teaching of hard , software infrastructure , roller skating teaching will be in the Jiangxi Province ordinary university sports teaching in the successful popularization .

  13. 从场馆的硬件设施到场馆的软件设施(人力资源配备、授课方式、制度保障),影响大众游泳培训教学的安全因素呈现出集中性和分散性的特点。

    From the stadium facilities venues software facilities ( human resources arrangement , teaching mode , system guarantee ), effects of mass swimming training teaching safety factors show concentration and dispersion characteristics of .

  14. 学校师资力量的单薄,硬件设施在国家大力扶持下更新换代迅速,而软件设施相对滞后,校内难以形成强身健体提高身体素质的氛围。

    School teacher is thin , Hardware facilities in the country vigorously support the rapid upgrading , and software facilities lag , The school is difficult to form physical fitness to improve the physical quality of the atmosphere .

  15. 与此同时,由于经济和政治等多方面的影响,该国汉语类教材缺乏,教学中所需要的最基本的硬件和软件设施等也不能满足基本的日常教学需求。

    At the same time , because the economic and political aspects of the influence , the Chinese class teaching in the teaching of lack , the most basic hardware and software facilities can not meet the basic needs of daily teaching .

  16. 许多SOA项目在很大程度都依赖于将一个或多个ESB作为其核心的软件基础设施。

    Most SOA efforts rely heavily on one or more ESBs as their core software infrastructure .

  17. EDA和ApacheGeronimo为功能强大的有效软件基础设施提供了基础。

    SOA , EDA , and Apache Geronimo provide the foundation for a powerful and effective software infrastructure .

  18. 流程工业生产执行系统的软件基础设施

    Software infrastructure of manufacturing execution system for process industries

  19. 请提供有关当前存在的硬件和软件基础设施的详细信息。

    Provide details of the hardware and software infrastructure that are currently in place .

  20. 云计算软件基础设施和环境

    Cloud Software Infrastructure and Environment

  21. 我们是否看到了未来软件基础设施的第一层已开始显现?

    Are we seeing signs that the first layers of the future software infrastructure are beginning to come about ?

  22. 所谓口岸物流,是指中心口岸城市利用原有口岸优势,以先进的软件硬件设施为依托发展起来的综合物流体系。

    The so-called Port Logistics develops in the port area with the harbor hardware strengths and the advanced information system .

  23. 如何建设好软件基础设施,更灵活、便捷地为人们提供更优、更多的信息服务,成为新的挑战。

    How to construct software infrastructure , providing more and excellent information service neatly and handily , becomes a new challenge .

  24. 下面我们检查软件基础设施将如何支持任务关键的核心应用程序的部署。

    Let 's take a look at the software infrastructure and how it is intended to support the deployment of core , mission-critical applications .

  25. 网格是在网络之上运行的以实现资源共享和协作为目标的软件基础设施,它提供了一种集成的资源和服务的环境。

    Grid is a software infrastructure for resource share and cooperation running on network , and provides the environment for the integration of resources and services .

  26. 开放环境下,环境的变化可能超出开发阶段的预期,这就要求软件基础设施必须与具体场景解耦,且软件的自适应能力能够按需进行灵活在线调整。

    As a result , the software infrastructure should be decoupled from concrete environments , and software adaptability should be able to be flexibly adjusted at runtime .

  27. 基于云计算技术的开发,无需购买各种硬件设备和软件基础设施,甚至是投资专门的IT团队来实现需求环境,既节省了资金,又降低了人力成本。

    The development based on cloud computing , without having to purchase a variety of hardware and software and set up IT team to achieve that purpose , not only saves money but also reduces labor costs .

  28. 就校园环境支持度指标而言:一是加强学校硬软件基础设施,全面支持学生的发展:二是构建和谐的校园环境,鼓励学生参与校园活动。

    In terms of Supportive Campus Environment ( SCE ), one is to strengthen hardware and software infrastructure on campus that fully supports the development of students , another is to build a harmonious campus environment that encourages students to participate in campus activities .

  29. 许多公司在SOA软件,基础设施与咨询上花费了数百万的美元,一点也不知道如何验证这些投入。

    Many companies have spent millions of dollars on SOA software , infrastructure and consulting dollars with no idea how to justify the costs .

  30. 最后,用Informix软件优化基础设施可以节省大量成本

    Finally , optimizing your infrastructure with Informix software can save you a considerable amount of money