
  • 网络the Shard;Shard building
  1. “碎片大厦”(Shard)和“对讲机”(WalkieTalkie)现在正成为这座城市最令人惊奇的景观。

    The Shard and the Walkie Talkie now poke their way into the city 's most surprising views .

  2. 该赛事也向业余选手开放,业余组冠军将获得北京至伦敦的往返机票以及下榻位于伦敦碎片大厦(Shard)高层即将开业的香格里拉酒店的奖励。碎片大厦如今是西欧的最高建筑。

    The race is also open to amateurs , with the winner earning round-trip tickets from Beijing to London and three nights stay at Shangri-La 's soon-to open hotel atop the Shard in London , now the tallest building in Western Europe .

  3. 卡塔尔国家机关还投资了哈罗德百货公司、伦敦碎片大厦、塞恩斯伯里超市、巴克莱银行和英国证券交易所,而这位酋长国皇室成员则单独买下了海德公园一号的三座公寓。

    The state agency invested in Harrod 's , the London Shard , Sainsbury 's , Barclays and the Stock Exchange , while the Anglophile royal bought three apartments in the One Hyde Park development .