
  • 网络clastic sedimentary rock
  1. MATLAB在碎屑沉积岩矿物含量计算中的应用

    The Application of MATLAB in Calculation of Mineral Contents in Clastic Sedimentary Rocks

  2. Pb同位素组成表明碎屑沉积岩和粗粒黑云母花岗岩和粗粒似斑状二长花岗岩属于同源产物,细粒碱长花岗岩则不同于前两者。

    The Pb isotope composition suggests that the clastic sedimentary rocks and coarse-grained granite are cognate products , but the fine-grained granite is different from either of them .

  3. 青海共和&花石峡三叠纪碎屑沉积岩的地球化学特征与锆石U-Pb年龄及地质意义沉积岩为碎屑质,大部分属于杂质砂岩相。

    Zircon U-Pb dating and geochemistry of clastic sedimentary rocks in the Gonghe-Huashixia Area , Qinghai Province and their geological implications The sediments are detrital and largely of greywacke facies .

  4. 利用裂变径迹法测定了济阳坳陷第三系馆陶组至孔店组碎屑沉积岩的年龄,并将所测年龄与古地磁极性年龄、K-Ar法同位素年龄相对比,三者基本一致。

    The age of clastic sedimentary rock of the Tertiary Guantao formation to Kongdian for - mation in the Jiyang sag was determined by using the method of fission track and compared with those ages determined by palaeo-geomagnetic polarity and K-Ar isotope , the results were almost the same .

  5. 碎屑沉积岩沉积作用的高精度定年&自生磷钇矿离子探针UPb年龄测定钱家店砂岩型铀矿床UPb等时线年龄为53±3Ma和7±0Ma。

    HIGH PRECISION DATING OF DEPOSITION OF CLASTIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS & U-Pb SHRIMP DATING ON AUTHIGENIC XENOTIME The U-Pb isochron ages of uranium ore-formation have been obtained as 53 ± 3 Ma and 7 ± 0 Ma .

  6. 关于杂基在陆源碎屑沉积岩中的命名问题

    On the nomenclature of matrix in the terrigenous clastic sedimentary rock

  7. 扬子克拉通后太古宙碎屑沉积岩地球化学及其构造意义

    Geochemical Evolution of Post-Archean Pelites from Yangtze Craton and Its Tectonic Significance

  8. 分析了华北克拉通新太古代&三叠纪16个碎屑沉积岩组合样品。

    Clastic sedimentary rock composites from the North China craton were analyzed .

  9. 火山碎屑沉积岩储层泥质与凝灰含量计算方法研究

    Computation Method for Shale and Tuff Content in Reservoir with Pyroclastic Sedimentary Rock

  10. 扬子克拉通北缘碎屑沉积岩地球化学特征及意义

    Geochemistry and Implications of Clastic Sedimentary Rocks from the Northern Margin of Yangtze Craton

  11. 浙江中生界火山碎屑沉积岩中的孢子花粉

    Mesozoic spores and pollen grains from the volcanic clastic sedimentary rocks in zhejiang , with Their Stratigraphic Significance

  12. 华北克拉通后太古宙碎屑沉积岩地球化学研究&三叠纪的成分变化及其意义

    Geochemical study of post_archaean clastic sedimentary rocks of North China Craton compositional change in Triassic sediments and Its Implications

  13. 青海共和&花石峡碎屑沉积岩地球化学与锆石年代学及其地质意义

    Zircon Dating and Geochemistry of Clastic Sedimentary Rocks in the Gonghe-Huashixia Area , Qinghai Province and Their Geological Implications

  14. 变形带由下石炭统干墩组组成,为一套糜棱岩化火山岩、火山碎屑沉积岩。

    The deformation belts are formed by Late Carboniferous rocks , mainly mylonitization volcanic rocks and volcanic clastic sedimentary rocks .

  15. 论述下石炭统火山岩及火山碎屑沉积岩、区域性大断裂及次级构造对成矿的控制作用。

    The gold mineralization is controlled by lower carboniferous volcanic and pyroclastic sedimentary rocks , regional faults and secondary structure .

  16. 博兴县地热资源为低温地热资源,温热水型,地下热水主要赋存在新、古近系碎屑沉积岩中,属层状孔隙-裂隙热储。

    Geothermal resource in Boxing county belongs to low-temperature type which mainly occurs in fragemental sedimentary rocks in Neogene and Paleogene System .

  17. 根据野外观察,结合岩相学和地球化学的分析结果,指出这些浅变质岩的原岩均为陆源碎屑沉积岩。

    The combination of petrographic and geochemical analysis results show that these low metamorphic rocks ' protolith are terrigenous clastic sedimentary rocks .

  18. 其原岩岩石类型有火山岩,陆缘碎屑沉积岩,火山、岛弧拉斑系列或钙碱系列火山岩、蛇绿岩等。

    Their original rocks are volcanic rocks , epicontinental clastic sedimentary rocks , and ophiolite of volcanic and island arc tholeiitic series or calcium alkali series .

  19. 沈积凝灰岩主要为中远源的火山灰与碳酸盐灰泥混合而成,含石英团块,显斑点构造。火山碎屑沉积岩储层泥质与凝灰含量计算方法研究

    Tuffite is formed by the combination of volcanic ashes and carbonate mud . Computation Method for Shale and Tuff Content in Reservoir with Pyroclastic Sedimentary Rock

  20. 因此,有根据认为,金牙金矿床的硫砷金等成矿物质主要来自下伏晚二叠世基性岩和基性火山碎屑沉积岩。

    It is though that ore-forming materials such as sulfur , arsenic and gold in Jinya gold mining must come from underlying basic rock and basic volcaniclastic rock Late Permian in age .

  21. 通过对白垩系泉头组碎屑沉积岩岩石样品的岩石化学分析表明:主元素化学分类结果主要为长石砂岩、页岩,少量岩屑砂岩和硬砂岩;

    The petrological-chemical analysis of clastic sedimentary rocks from Quantou Formation , Cretaceous indicates that their lithology mainly consists of arkose , shale and minor rock debris sandstone and greywacke by chemical classification of bulk elements .

  22. 分布在大别造山带南部的浅变质岩层,主要岩石类型为粉砂质千枚岩、变层纹状硅质板岩、变火山角砾岩及浅粒岩,原岩是火山&碎屑沉积岩系。

    Epimetamorphic rock series distributed in the south of the Dabie Orogenic Belt are a sequence of volcanic clastic rock series , mainly composed of silty phyllite , laminated siliceous slate , meta volcanic breccia and leptite .

  23. 区内的陆源粗碎屑沉积岩为铀的富集创造了有利条件,扇三角洲和冲积扇的主河道和分流河道是最有利于铀聚集的部位。

    The terrigenous coarse-grained clastic deposits in the study area provide favorable condition for the concentration of uranium and especially the main channels and distributary channels on the fan delta and alluvial fan are the most favorable sites for uranium concentration .

  24. 主矿体赋存碎屑沉积岩所夹碳酸盐层的底部,次矿体赋存碎屑沉积岩所夹碳酸盐层的顶部,生物灰岩或纯灰岩(泥灰岩)属于矿化层。

    Main ore occurrence carbonate clastic sedimentary layer at the bottom of the folder , sub folder ore occurrence clastic sedimentary rocks of the carbonate layer at the top , biological limestone or pure limestone ( marl ) are mineralized layer .

  25. 其岩性主要为熔岩类玄武岩,火山碎屑岩和火山沉积岩;

    The lithology is mainly composed of lava basalt , pyroclastic rock and volcanic sedimentary rock .

  26. 新疆阿舍勒、冲乎尔地区泥盆纪地层以火山岩为主,伴有陆源碎屑岩和内源沉积岩。

    The volcanic rocks associated with the terrigenous elastic rocks and intrabasinal sedimentary rocks predominate in the Devonian strata in the Ashele and Chonghur regions , Xinjiang .

  27. 辽宁北票地区义县组是一套中生代陆相火山沉积岩系,主要由中-基性火山熔岩、火山碎屑岩及陆相沉积岩构成。

    The Yixian Formation in the Beipiao area , Liaoning Province , consists of a series of volcanic-sedimentary rocks , including basic and intermediate-basic volcanic lava , pyroclasts and terrestrial sedimentary rocks .

  28. 海西运动晚期,大量的火山碎屑随同陆源碎屑沉积成岩,使其形成的这套富含火山物质的碎屑岩具有特殊的物化性质;

    In late Hercynian , a series of volcanics-rich clastic rocks were formed by sedimentation of volcanic clasts and continental clasts .

  29. 区域性深大断裂是沟通天水和地热流体的主要通道,次级断裂是矿体的储矿构造,脆性粗碎屑岩和火山碎屑岩(沉积火山岩)构成的断裂构造岩是主要的容矿岩石。

    Regional deep-fault is the main pathway for meteoric water and geothermal fluids , subsidiary fracture is ore depositing structures , and fault tectonite are the main host rocks .

  30. 安溪铅山铅锌矿区复成分角砾岩为一套火山碎屑岩-沉火山碎屑岩-火山碎屑沉积岩。

    The polymictic breccia in the Qianshan lead-zinc ore district of Anxi County is a suit of volcaniclastic rock , sedimentary pyroclastic rock and pyroclastic sedimentary rock .