
suì xiè yán
  • clastic rock;clasolite;detrital rock;aggregated rock
碎屑岩[suì xiè yán]
  1. 因此,含磷碎屑岩的化石保存潜力也应受到足够的重视。

    So fossil preserving potential of phosphatic clasolite should be paid more attention .

  2. 碎屑岩骨架颗粒溶解的热力学模型及地质意义

    Thermodynamics Model for Dissolution of Petrogenetic Minerals of Clasolite and Its Geological Significances

  3. 地震波衰减机制和测量方法研究表明,在孔隙和渗透性碎屑岩中,流体运动是衰减的主要机制

    Direct measurement of seismic ascertains that fluid motion is a primary mechanism in porous , permeable elastics .

  4. 柴达木盆地跃进地区E3~1、N1、N2~1碎屑岩储层特征

    A Research on E_3 ~ 1 、 N_1 、 N_2 ~ 1 Clastic Rock Reservoir in Yuejin Area , Qaidam Basin , Northwest China

  5. 化学蚀变指数(CIA)及其在新元古代碎屑岩中的应用

    CIA ( chemical index of alteration ) and its applications in the Neoproterozoic clastic rocks

  6. 碳酸盐岩(O)和碎屑岩(C、T)储集层分2大类4个亚类圈闭组合,形成了10种类型的凝析气(田)藏。

    The carbonate rock ( O ) and detrital rock ( C , T ) could be classified into trapping assemblages of 2 types or 4 subtypes , which allow to form 10 kinds of condensate gas pools .

  7. 新生界松散岩类孔隙含水层系统和石炭系-侏罗系碎屑岩类裂隙含水层系统的交替循环深度较小(一般小于300m)。

    The Cenozoic groundwater system and the clastic fissure groundwater system in Carboniferous and Jurassic have shallow circulation depth ( less than 300m ) .

  8. 在碎屑岩中寻找天然气,AVO理论是简单明了的,碎屑岩孔隙内含天然气,会明显降低岩石的纵波(P波)速度和密度,而横波(S波)速度相对保持不变。

    We usually look for natural gas in clastic rocks . The AVO theory is concise and explicit : the gas hiding in the pore of clastic ricks can cause the decrease of P-wave velocity and density , while S-wave velocity remains invariant .

  9. 对准噶尔盆地董2井碎屑岩地层的偶极横波成像(DSI)测井资料进行了处理分析,并利用处理结果对该井的地层各向异性和地层最大水平地应力进行了评价。

    Based on analysis of the DSI logging data of clastic sequence in well D-2 in the Junggar Basin , the stratigraphic anisotropy and maximum horizontal crustal stress in the well was evaluated .

  10. 新场气田JP3气藏是一个开发程度很低的低孔渗致密碎屑岩浅层气藏,水力加砂压裂是提高其单井产能的有效途径。

    JP3 gas reservoir in Xinchang gas field is a shallow gas one of tight clastic rock with low porosity and permeability which is poorly developed .

  11. 上二叠统乌丽群,其下部为含煤碎屑岩组,上部为灰岩夹碎屑岩组,总厚达2000m。

    The Upper Permian Wuli Group is composed of the coal-bearing clastic rock formation in the lower part and the formation of limestone with clastic rocks in the upper part , having a total thickness up to 2000 m.

  12. 3)持续发育&消亡阶段(J1-2),形成陆内前陆盆地,发育陆相含煤碎屑岩沉积。

    3 ) continued and extinction stage ( J1-2 ), during which the intracontinental foreland is formed , characterized by coal-bearing clastic rock sediments of continental facies .

  13. 该区含油气的火山岩主要为中石炭世巴山组(C2b),包括熔岩(安山岩和玄武岩)和火山碎屑岩。

    Oil - and gas-bearing volcanic rocks in this area belong to the Bashan group ( C_2b ) . The rocks are mainly lava ( including andesites and basalts ) and pyroclastic ones .

  14. 指出:其矿床赋存于上泥盆统星红铺组下岩段一套半深海浊积岩相细碎屑岩中,成矿主要受脆-韧性剪切活动控制;

    The brittle - ductile shearing mainly controls the mineralizing process .

  15. 喀什凹陷白垩纪碎屑岩中流体包裹体研究

    Study on fluid inclusion of Cretaceous clastic rocks in Kashi Depression

  16. 岩石类型包括碎屑岩和火山岩两大类。

    The types of rocks includes clastic rocks and volcanic rocks .

  17. 碎屑岩储层结构非均质性及其对油藏开发的影响

    Heterogeneity of Clastic Reservoir Structure and Its Effect on Reservoir Development

  18. 陆源碎屑岩地球化学在盆地分析中的应用

    Application of sedimentary geochemistry of terrigenous clastic rock to basin analysis

  19. 碎屑岩储集层孔隙结构的分类探讨

    Research on the classification of pore structure of clastic rock reservoirs

  20. 碎屑岩层序地层与成岩作用时空关系研究新进展

    Time-space relation study of diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy for Clastic Rock

  21. 与熔岩呈过渡的火山碎屑岩主要为角砾熔岩和集块熔岩。

    The second rock is mainly breccia lava and conglomerate lava .

  22. 应用激光粒度分析仪测定油田碎屑岩粒度分布的探讨

    Discussion on Measuring the Clastic Rock Granularity with Laser Granularity Analyzer

  23. 其应属于与流纹熔岩及其火山碎屑岩密切相关的浅成热液型金矿床。

    It is an epithermal gold deposit relating to volcanic rock .

  24. 碎屑岩储层随机建模的基本理论与实践

    A Basic Theory of Clastic Reservoir Stochastic Modeling and Its Practice

  25. 矿床类型为变质碎屑岩型金矿床。

    The mine bed type is metamorphic scraping gold mine bed .

  26. 碳酸盐岩储集层与碎屑岩相比更加复杂,因而进行储集层评价难度很大。

    Compared with clastic reservoir , carbonate reservoir is more complex .

  27. 变质细碎屑岩型金矿床的三阶段成矿模式

    Three-stage metallogenic model for gold deposits of metamorphosed fine-clastic rock type

  28. 塔河地区西南部古生界碎屑岩综合储层预测

    Integrated Reservior Prediction of Paleozoic Clastic Rock in Southwest Tahe Area

  29. 侵入岩、火山碎屑岩和砂岩,坚硬致密,风化裂隙不发育,是很好的建筑基岩。

    The granite , epimetamorphism tuff and sandstone are hard basement rocks .

  30. 华南泥盆纪陆源碎屑岩的沉积类型

    Sedimentary type of Devonian terrigenous clastic rocks of South China