
  • 网络biologic death;biological death
  1. 但不好处是,过量的CO2会加强海水酸化,能导致海洋生物死亡。

    The downside is that an excess of CO2 in ocean waters increases acidification and can kill marine organisms .

  2. 在适宜的条件下,一些藻类能够急剧增加或聚集,海水中藻细胞密度锐增,使水体颜色改变,并有可能造成海洋生物死亡,这就是所谓的赤潮(RedTide)现象。

    In appropriate conditions , some algae can dramatically increase or aggregation , then cell density sharply increases in seawater , and the water color changes and may cause death of marine organisms , which is so-called red tide phenomenon .

  3. 1999~2005年浙江省海水养殖生物死亡原因分析

    Death of Mariculture Organisms in Zhejiang Province from 1999 to 2005

  4. 这些塑料残骸每年都会导致数百万的海洋生物死亡。

    That debris kills millions of sea creatures every year .

  5. 我们的图表列出2010年造成最多野生生物死亡的事件。

    Our chart shows the incidents that caused the most wildlife fatalities in2010 .

  6. 主要表现为水体的溶解氧下降、透明度降低、水质恶化、鱼类及其它大量生物死亡。

    Lake eutrophication 's main character is the decrease of deliquescent oxygen and diaphaneity , the deteriorate of water quality .

  7. 地球工程的发起人曾警告过世人这可能会带来意想不到的副作用:失控的浮游植物会导致大量海洋生物死亡;

    Even geoengineering promoters warn of unintended side effects . Out-of-control algae blooms could create massive dead zones in the ocean ;

  8. 大量的蓝藻会从水中吸收氧气,造成鱼类和其他水生生物死亡,然后腐烂,释放出毒素。

    An excess of blue-green algae removes oxygen from the water , killing fish and other aquatic life , which then decay and release toxin .

  9. 而强烈的火山作用使得大批生物死亡,形成了现今丰富的化石组合。

    In this environment , the living beings quickly increased and flourished , while the intense volcanism led to the death of many living things and the formation of abundant fossil assemblages .

  10. 张利民是太湖水污染防治办公室的副主任。近期在接受《新华日报》采访时,他表示,太湖水质呈现稳中向好态势,但污染物排放总量仍然超过环境容量,为不会造成大多数水生物死亡的水平的三倍多。

    In a recent interview with Xinhua Daily , Zhang Limin , deputy director of the Lake Tai Water Pollution Prevention Office , said the flood of contaminants had begun to level off , although it is still more than three times as much as the lake can absorb without killing most aquatic life .

  11. 缺氧事件期间,由于生物大批死亡和快速埋藏,其分解消耗海水中大量的溶解氧,引起大洋水体缺氧,富含12C的有机质从而得以大量保存;

    During the oceanic anoxic events , a great number of organisms were rapidly buried , which caused a kind of anoxic conditions by their decomposition consuming dissolved oxygen .

  12. 海洋生物的死亡是水污染造成的不可避免的结果。

    Dead sea life is an inevitable result of water pollution .

  13. 许多海洋生物生病死亡。

    Many sea animals have been sick and have died .

  14. 大气中是否藏有神秘生物离奇死亡

    Whether or not the Death of Mysterious Organisms Exist in the Atmosphere

  15. 被污染的水源会引起鱼类以及其他海洋生物的死亡,被污染的土壤会减少种植农作物的面积。

    Polluted water kills fish and other marine life .

  16. 地球上的所有生物将会死亡。

    B.All living things on Earth would die .

  17. 而酸雨,众所周知,引起水生物的死亡并破坏生态平衡。

    And it is known that acid rains cause death of aquatic life and destroy the balance of the ecosystem .

  18. 而且当这些藻类腐烂时,溶解氧迅速被消耗,使得鱼类及其他水生生物的死亡。

    The rapid depletion of dissolved oxygen level makes the fish and other aquatic life dead when the algae decay .

  19. 有毒植物是能引起人类或其它生物中毒死亡或有机体长期或暂时性伤害的植物。但是,有毒植物也有积极有益的一面,在人类生活、生产中起着很大作用。

    Poisonous plant can cause human and animal poison or dead , but it is useful to mankind and daily life .

  20. 清洁剂中含有磷酸盐,它进入河流湖泊中,会破坏生态系统,导致鱼类和其他生物的死亡。

    Detergents contain phosphates which , when released into our lakes and rivers , damage the ecosystem and can kill fish and other organisms .

  21. 但与此同时也会导致大量鱼类、蟹类、海龟等生物的死亡,因为深层的海水含氧量太低不足以供它们呼吸。

    At the same time , it would lead to huge die-offs of fish , crabs , sea turtles , and animals unable to cope with the influx of low-oxygen water from the depths .

  22. 水是基本要素,因为没有水,所有生物都要死亡。

    Water is essential in that without it all living things would die .

  23. 如果没有空气和水,所有的生物都要死亡。

    If there were no water and air , all living things would die .

  24. 若非空气,所有的生物都会死亡。要是没有空气,地球上不可能有生物。

    Without air , all living things would die . If there were no air , life on the earth would be impossible .

  25. 浮游植物的过度繁殖,使得水中氧分耗尽,水中其它生物因此大量死亡。

    The excessive breeding of phytoplankton exhausted the oxygen in the water and therefore resulted in death of a large number of other aquatic life .

  26. 神仙永远活着,但人是凡胎俗骨的生物,必会死亡。

    Gods live forever , but humans are mortal beings and must die .

  27. 水中生物的减少和死亡造成的生态链条断裂才是产生环境污染问题的原因。

    The decrease and decease of aquatic lives broken the biological chain and caused the environmental pollution .

  28. 在此之前发现,科学家们不能确定这种生物灭绝事件中死亡一出在一个名为的寒武纪早期。

    Prior to this find , scientists were unsure whether such creatures died out in an extinction event during an earlier period known as the Cambrian .

  29. 重金属具有亲脂性、难降解性和高富集性,容易在海洋生物体内积累,通过食物链进行放大,海水中微量浓度的重金属即可引起生物机体的氧化应激和氧化损伤甚至导致生物死亡。

    Heavy metals are highly lipophilic , hard to degrade , bioaccumulative . Amplifying through the food chain , trace metals can cause oxidative stress and oxidative damage in organisms , even result in death .

  30. 衰老和死亡是生物的一种普遍现象。衰老可被定义为一种依赖于时间的、渐进的、对生物的生理功能和结构有害的变化,其最终导致生物死亡。

    Aging can be defined as a time-dependent , gradual and detrimental change in the structure and physiological function of an organism , ultimately leading to death .