
  • 网络Biological structure;biogenetic texture;biogenic structures
  1. 任何生物结构(包括DNA、蛋白质和生物膜)都是建筑在软物质的基础上。

    Any biological structure ( including DNA , proteins and biomembrane ) are built on the basis of soft matter .

  2. HGA模拟了自然界的生物结构和进化机制,具有很强的结构表示能力和全局寻优能力。

    The HGA simulated the biological structure and evolution mechanism in nature , it has strong ability of structure presentation and global optimization .

  3. 膜系统,也称P系统,是一类分布式并行计算模型。该类计算模型主要是受细胞、组织、器官或其它生物结构处理化学物质的方式启发而建立起来的。

    Membrane systems , currently also called P systems , are a class of distributed parallel computing models , which are abstracted from the way living cells , tissue , organs , or other structures process chemical compounds .

  4. 120例老年性白内障患者眼生物结构测量参数分析

    Analysis of Ocular Biological Structure Parameter of 120 Patients with Senile Cataract

  5. 珠江口及邻近海域环境动态与基础生物结构初探

    Basic organisms composition and environment status of the Zhujiang estuary and adjacent waters

  6. 由于支原体生物结构上的特殊性,导致大部分的抗生素类药物对其无效。

    Due to characteristics of mycoplasma , It is not effective by antibiotics therapy .

  7. 飞秒激光能够对生物结构进行精细的纳米操控,已被应用于多个研究领域。

    Femtosecond laser has been employed for nano-manipulation in biological structures in various fields .

  8. 原子力显微镜对纳米生物结构的观察和操纵

    Observation and manipulation of biological structures with AFM

  9. 模仿复杂的生物结构的自组装生物材料设计与制备体现了当代生物材料的挑战。从材料科学和工程观点,将组织视同细胞复合材料。

    The design and preparation of self-assembling biomaterials that mimic complex biologic structures represents a considerable challenge .

  10. 金属矿物的生物结构

    Biological structure of ore minerals

  11. 模拟生物结构和功能的仿生机器人是未来机器人技术发展的一个充满生机的领域。

    Robots which simulate the structures and functions of creatures are developing field of robot technologies in the future .

  12. 鱼鳔的生物结构为葡萄糖氧化酶提供了很好的微生物环境,非常有利于酶的固定化。

    The tissue of swim bladder membrane provided a perfect micro-environment for glucose oxidase , and adapted to immobilized enzyme .

  13. 目的:了解大理地区老年性白内障患者眼生物结构参数的正常值范围。

    Objective : To investigate the normal range of ocular biological structure parameter of patients with senile cataract in Dali .

  14. 原发性闭角型青光眼眼部生物结构与术后浅前房的临床研究

    And she hurried into the front room . Biologic structures of primary angle closure glaucoma and shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy

  15. 生物学另一种美妙之处,在于它能给你有著良好接合性且相当精密的生物结构。

    And so the other thing that 's beautiful about biology is that biology gives you really exquisite structures with nice link scales .

  16. 其中,人眼因为拥有其独特且稳定的生物结构,而备受信息专家们的追捧。

    Meanwhile the human eye has its unique and stable biological structures , so it has been especially concerned by those experts of informatics .

  17. 我认为非常迷人的是,如果你能给予非生物结构生命,像是电池和太阳能电池?

    So something I think is very fascinating is what if you could give life to non-living structures , like batteries and like solar cells ?

  18. 基于生物结构的神经网络被推向研究的前沿,生物学家实验发现,人的大脑里存在混沌现象。

    After that , the neural network based on biological structure is put forward and it is proved that there is a chaotic phenomenon in human brain by biologists .

  19. 他在战前读了生物学家狄尔西·汤姆普森发表于1917年的经典著作《生长与形状》,其中包括对生物结构的数学讨论。

    Before the war he had read the classic work Growth and Form by the biologist D'Arcy Thompson , published in 1917 but still the only mathematical discussion of biological structure .

  20. 通过分析这些数据可以获得对人类有益的有关生物结构和功能的信息,对基因数据的分析研究已成为生命科学、数学科学与计算机科学等学科非常活跃的交叉课题之一。

    We can gain some information about biology structure and function by analyzing these data . Now analyzing and researching gene data have become very active cross problem of life sciences mathematics and computer science .

  21. 方法:使用德国蔡司公司眼科专用A/B超超声诊断系统对120例(162只眼)老年性白内障的眼生物结构参数进行测量。

    Methods : The ocular biological structure parameter of 120 cases ( 162 eyes ) of senile cataract were measured by A / B ultrasonic diagnostic system made in Deiss Company in Germany specially for eyes .

  22. 因为这些化石特征与生物结构对应关系理解存在分歧,故其特征直接与生物体对比常常引起争议。

    Because there is a different understanding between fossil characteristics and the biological structure correspondence of the fossil , the understanding of these characteristics is at odds with the identification of fossils , which usually causes controversy .

  23. 自然界的生物结构通过亿万年的进化及优胜劣汰的自然法则,已经形成了高度精细的分级多孔结构与复杂功能的完美统一体,为遗态转化工艺准备了大量结构模板。

    The organisms in nature are the perfect unities of highly delicate structures and effectively complex functions through millions of years of evolution and natural survival law , which prepare plentiful structural templates for morph-genetic hierarchical porous materials .

  24. 自组装作为生命体中各种复杂生物结构形成的基础,在过去的数十年中,已经得到了材料科学、生命科学、信息科学、纳米科学等领域科学家的广泛关注。

    Self-assembly as a basis for constructing a variety of complex biological structures in life , has gained extensive attention of many scientists in the field of material science , life science , information science , and nano science in the past decades .

  25. 现代测试技术和测试仪器的出现使得对生物结构、生物功能和生命过程的认识得到了惊人的进展,这为其它学科的研究及发展注入了新的活力,提供了全新的科学原理和技术方法。

    Developments of modern testing techniques and analyzing instruments have made surprising progress in understanding constitutions and functions of living beings and the biological phenomena as well , which creates new important contents and provides new scientific theorems and technical methods for researching and developing in other branches of science .

  26. 大气CO2浓度增加对不同层次生物组织结构与功能的可能影响

    The Likely Impacts of Rising Atmospheric CO_2 Concentration on Plants and Ecosystems Examined at Different Levels of Space and Time

  27. 在生物组织结构再现的研究中,对于目前常用的生物组织切削照相、Xray、超声这些方法,OCT作为一种无损高分辨率的3D光学显微技术是一种很好的补充。

    OCT as a tool for 3D optical microscopy will be an important alternative approach of biological tissues imaging studies such as X-ray , ultrasound .

  28. 大气CO2浓度增加对生物组织结构与功能的可能影响Ⅰ模拟CO2实验技术以及细胞、叶片和个体生长对CO2的响应

    Likely impacts of rising atmospheric co_2 concentration on plants and ecosystems I. co_ 2 experimental techniques and responses of cells , leaves and individual plants to co_2 enrichment

  29. 用该算法求解短期汽油调合优化调度问题,仿真结果表明,该算法能获得更大的调合利润。(4)受生物膜结构的启发,提出了一种基于膜结构的分层RNA遗传算法。

    The solution of the short-time gasoline blending scheduling problem shows that the proposed algorithm gain a higher profit . ( 4 ) The membrane structure based hierarchical RNA genetic algorithm is proposed .

  30. 其显著特征是,岩石具残余生物碎屑结构,见大量腕足类、海百合茎、珊瑚等钙质生物假象,主要为mm级完整个体,密集堆积。

    The prominent characteristic of the siliceous rock is the residual bioclastic structure , with plenty of silicified calcareous organisms , such as brachiopoda , encrinite caudex and coral , which are several millimeters in size .