
shēnɡ zhí xiàn
  • gonad
  1. 半定量RT-PCR分析表明,该基因在中肠组织中表达量最高,在脂肪体和生殖腺中表达量较低,在头部则不表达。

    Semi-quantitative RT-PCR showed that this gene was highly expressed in midgut , low-expressed in fat body and gonad , and not expressed in head .

  2. 生殖腺表层部分细胞也呈IL-2R强阳性;

    Part of cells in the surface layer of gonad presented IL-2R strong positivity too ;

  3. 目的建立以恒河猴为实验对象的快速检测DNA疫苗在生殖腺和血液中的残留量的方法。

    Objective To develop a method to quickly test the residual of DNA of DNA vaccine in genital gland and blood .

  4. 荧光定量PCR技术检测DNA疫苗在生殖腺和血液中的残留

    Detection of Residual of DNA of the DNA Vaccine in Genital Gland and Blood Using Fluorescent Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction

  5. Kit无义突变致W~(-3Bao)小鼠生殖腺异常及纯合子贫血死亡

    Gonadial Abnormality and Homozygous Decease from the Nonsense Mutation of Kit in W ~ ( - 3Bao ) Mouse

  6. 结果mRNA水平:生殖腺内各部位的雄激素受体mRNA表达三组间均无差异;

    Results On the mRNA level : in all reproductive glands , there is no difference in mRNA expression of androgen receptor among the three groups ;

  7. 将ES细胞分离与克隆技术和分子生物学技术相结合就可将新的遗传物质导入家畜的生殖腺细胞。

    The new genetic material can introduce into germ cell in farm animal by the combination of embryonic stem culture with molecular biological techniques .

  8. 可能是由于在妊娠胎儿期,循环雄激素过高刺激下,对胎儿生殖腺等产生影响,导致成年后PCOS的发生。

    May be in the fetal period , the cycle of excessive androgen stimulation has an impact on fetus , leading to the formation of adult PCOS .

  9. 一部分与同胚龄睾丸或卵巢联合培养,观察生殖腺分泌的苗勒管抑制素(MIS)对两类细胞致死率的差异;

    In order to observe the difference of cell death rate induced by Mullerian inhibiting substance ( MIS ) secreted from gonad , some cells were co-cultured with fetal testis or ovary in the same embryonic age .

  10. ang-1和ang-2及其受体在发育第3~12周人胚胎卵黄囊血岛、主动脉-生殖腺-中肾区的时空表达。

    Blank expression of ang-1 and ang-2 and their receptors in the blood island of yolk sac and AGM region at embryonic 3 to 12 weeks .

  11. F1雄性个体的生殖腺出现三种不同的状况,一是完全能育型,只占总数的4.67%,可以完成由精原细胞到精子形成的全部发育过程;

    2 ) . The gonad of F_1 male individuals appeared in three states : the first is completely fertile ( 4.67 % of the total ), and the entire course of development ( from spermatogonia to spermatozoa ) can be completed endogenously under pond enviroment .

  12. 结果显示:孵化第22~28期(第3.5~5天),原始生殖腺内的原始生殖细胞(PGCs)胞质内的糖原颗粒开始分解;

    The results showed that : At the stage 22 ~ 28 ( 3.5 ~ 5 ~ ( th ) hatching day ), the glycogen in the PGCs cytoplasm reduced gradually .

  13. 松弛素样因子(RLF)是胰岛素胰岛素样生长因子松弛素(insulinIGFrelaxin)家族中的新成员,主要在雄性和雌性的生殖腺中产生。

    The relaxin-like factor ( RLF ), which is the product of the reproductive gland of male and female , is a new member of the insulin-IGF-relaxin family .

  14. 3例发生手术并发症,其中1例为生殖腺静脉损伤,出血约1000ml转开放手术;1例用直线切割器切右肾静脉时,误将腔静脉切割封闭了一半,但未出血;

    Complications occurred in 3 cases , of whom only 1 required conversion to open surgery due to injury of genital gland vein , with blood loss of 1000 ml.

  15. 结果:ASOR仅分布在肝脏且与肝细胞结合,不与体内其他重要脏器如心、脑、肺、脾、肾、骨及生殖腺等组织细胞结合。

    Results ASOR could only combine with hepatocyte and distribute in the liver . It did not combine with other important organ cells , such as the heart , brain , lung , spleen , kidney , bone and germen .

  16. 黄鳝一种新的生殖腺发育状况报道

    A report about the new development of gonad in Monopterus albus

  17. 波纹巴非蛤雄性生殖腺的组织学观察

    Histological Studies on Male Gonad in Paphia ( Paratapes ) undulata

  18. 第六周人胚肾和生殖腺发育的形态学观察

    Morphological observation on 6th-week development of human kidneys and gonads

  19. 长期摄食鲜海藻类的海胆生殖腺味道甜美,口感上佳;

    The urchins feeding on fresh sea algae produce germens tasting delicious .

  20. 乐平花猪出生后生殖腺的发育

    The postnatal development of reproductive glands of Leping native pigs

  21. 中国石龙子雄性生殖腺的年周期变化

    Annual variation in gonads of male Chinese skinks Eumeces chinensis

  22. 海洋贝类生殖腺提取物成份分析与安全毒理学研究

    The analysis and toxicology study of the genital gland extract from sea shell

  23. 筏式养殖中间球海胆生殖腺发育周年变化

    Annual Reproductive Cycle of Sea Urchin , Strongylocentrotus intermedius , in Raft Cultivation

  24. 吸血对印鼠客蚤生殖腺发育的影响

    The effect of blood feeding on the development of gonads of Xenopsylla cheopis

  25. 昆虫雄性生殖腺分泌物的功能

    The Function of Male Accessory Gland Secretions of Insects

  26. 这位医生对治疗生殖腺疾病非常有经验。

    This doctor is experienced in treating gonad diseases .

  27. 昆明胚鼠生殖腺发育的形态学观察

    Morphological studies on embryonic gonad development in Kunming mice

  28. 生殖腺外卵黄囊瘤14例临床病理研究

    Primary yolk sac tumor of the extragonadal origin a clinicopathologic study of 14 cases

  29. 三倍体僧帽牡蛎生殖腺发育观察

    Observation on gonadal development in triploid Ostrea cucullata

  30. 7种经济贝类生殖腺脂肪酸含量的研究

    Fatty Acid Levels in 7 Economic Shellfishes