
shēnɡ mìnɡ shǐ
  • life history
  1. 钙在自然界和生命史中是重要的地球化学元素之一。

    Calcium is one of the most important chemical elements in nature and life history .

  2. 登陆是热带气旋生命史的一个重要转折点。

    Land-falling is an important turning point in the life history of a tropical cyclone .

  3. 螺旋藻是一种已有35亿年生命史的最古老的原核光合生物,已被联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)誉为21世纪最佳保健食品。

    Spirulina is a kind of the most ancient pronucleus photosynthetic living things .

  4. 主要后生动物门类化石在寒武纪初期的突然出现记录了生命史中一个从未有过的快速演化时期,这一事件被称为“寒武纪爆发(Cambrianexplosion)”。

    The sudden appearance of the major animal phyla of metazoa in the fossil record apparently records a phase of rapid evolution at the base of the Cambrian period and this has become known as the " Cambrian explosion " .

  5. 它随时空的变化对气象预报特别是水平尺度100km左右、生命史只有几个小时的中小尺度灾害性天气的监测和预报具有特别重要的指示意义。

    With the change of time and space it is very important to weather forecasting especially to the monitoring and prediction of meso-scale and micro-scale disastrous weather .

  6. 结果表明:在逐月的地形变场上,一般有4~5个地凸区和地凹区,其平均水平尺度约400km,单体生命史大约3.5季;

    The results show that there are usually 4 ~ 5 convex and concave areas respectively on monthly or seasonal deformation field with an average horizontal scale of 400 km or so and a life span of 3.5 seasons approximately .

  7. 谱牒是一个家族的生命史。

    Genealogial table is the life story of a family .

  8. 一例长生命史雷暴云分裂过程的回波特征

    Echo Structure for Splitting Process of A Long Life Cycle Thunder Cloud

  9. 已知疟原虫的生命史依赖于温度。

    The life cycle of Plasmodium parasites is known to depend on temperature .

  10. 据悉,这是人类生命史上十分罕见的现象。

    It is reported that this is a rare case in the history of mankind .

  11. 从我书中描绘的个人生命史来看

    that based on my life 's history as I 've portrayed in the books ,

  12. 研究者追踪调查了1591位女性的生命史和婚史,研究了她们的婚姻模式。

    The researchers studied marriage patterns to trace the survival and marriage histories of 1591 women .

  13. 理想环境场条件下模拟出分裂风暴的整个生命史。

    The simulations of severe storm in ideal environment give the whole life circle of splitting severe storms .

  14. 胡明认为,通过古今演变与历史贯通的研究方法,可使研究对象吐露其隐蔽的、内在的和深层的信息,提供其生命史各个发展阶段生理、心理衍化成熟的关键秘密。

    Hu Ming thinks that some inner information can be uncovered by way of ancient and present evolvement and historical run-through .

  15. 冰雪微生物的超微结构、生理学、生理生态学、生态学、生命史、生物化学的研究得到了较快发展;

    Study of ultra-structure , physiology , eco-physiology , ecology , life history , biochemistry of snow microbe was developed rapidly ;

  16. 不考虑潜热反馈的台风暖心加强,眼壁收缩,衰减缓慢,生命史延长。

    Without consideration of latent heat will result in warm core intensification , eyewall compaction , slower decay and longer lifetime .

  17. 暴雨强度和出现地点与中-β尺度扰动密切相关,整个暴雨过程有3次生命史不完全相同的雨团活动期,对应着三次雨强峰值;

    There are three rain-mass active periods corresponding to three different peak values of rainfall intensity in the time series of the event .

  18. 以往关于同性恋成因的研究大多是以男同性恋者作为研究的样本,很少涉及女同性恋者性身份的形成问题,研究方法上也很少以个人生命史作为研究的对象。

    Most of the homosexual researches before take gays as cases , which seldom refer to lesbians and take life narrating as research method .

  19. 任何恒星的生命史,就是一场引力和气体压力之间的严重斗争。

    The life history of any star truly represents a titanic struggle between the force of gravity , and the force of gas pressure .

  20. 本研究采「生命史」研究法,以立意选样,选取五位成年女性进行深度访谈。

    A life-history design was used , and in-depth interviews were conducted to collect data from five Taiwanese participants , recruited by purposive sampling .

  21. 本文提出了冰雹云单体生命史中“酝酿”期的概念、现象和事实。

    The concept , phenomenon and fact of " brewing " term during a cell life time of hail-cloud have been raised in this paper .

  22. 女性文化、角色心理与生命史&湖北三峡地区土家族哭嫁歌研究

    The Women 's Culture , Role Mentality and Life History & A Survey of the Wedding Lament of the Tujia Nationality in the Three Gorges Region

  23. 在某种病毒的生命史中,病毒先是附着于细胞的表面,然后穿透细胞并蜕下其病毒外壳。暴露的病毒核酸利用细胞物质产生新的病毒。

    In one kind of viral life cycle , the virus first binds to the cell 's surface , then penetrates the cell and sheds its capsid .

  24. 在原谅你祖先生命史中、你个人生命史中所有的缺点时,你就将创造出必要的改变来实现你所展望的一切。

    In the forgiveness of your shortcomings in your ancestral lives and in this life time you will create the change necessary for what you have envisioned .

  25. 生命史研究并不是一种新发展出的研究方法,然而,当我与之在1995年相遇时,对它的理论与方法运用的理解是由零闭始的。

    Life history research is not a new research method , however ; I was a novice about this theory and method when I met it in1995 .

  26. 寒潮影响期间主要为生命史较短的大尺度涡旋,脉动风速谱在惯性副区服从各向同性,且满足-5/3的斜率。

    It shows short lifecycle and large space scale vortex and the turbulent spectrum shows isotropy and the slope is - 5 / 3 in inertial area .

  27. 分别从总阻塞、孤立子阻塞和偶极子阻塞发生次数和天数的纬度主要分布区和峰值区的地理位置进行比较,分析得出极地高压绝大多数是偶极子型,且生命史较长;

    The main conclusions are : 1 . Geographical position : Most of blocking events in higher latitudes correspond to dipole blocking , and the lifetime is longer ;

  28. 通过雷达、闪电等观测资料的分析,给出这个雹暴的超单体结构,在雹暴移动方向右前方不断产生代谢传播以及雹暴单体生命史特征。

    According to analyses of the data from radar and lightning counter , the supercell structure , the supersession propagation on the right flank and life characteristics of this hailstorm are presented .

  29. 结果表明:孟湾风暴在孟加拉湾海域生成后,生命史一般为2~3天,风暴云团云顶亮温低于-65℃;

    The results show that the life of the storm over the Bay of Bengal is 2 or 3 days and the cloud-top temperature of the storm is always below – 65 ℃ .

  30. 过去几年的研究显示,3Clpro在非典病毒的生命史中扮演着重要作用,这使得它成为抗非典药物理想的药靶。

    Over the past few years , it has emerged that3CLpro plays a crucial role in the virus 's life cycle , making it one of the most promising targets for anti-SARS drugs .