
  • 网络Proterozoic;proterozoic eon
  1. 秦岭造山带内高压榴辉岩变质带与元古宙碰撞作用

    High pressure eclogite metamorphic zones and Proterozoic collision in the Qinling orogen

  2. 从元古宙到第四纪沉积成矿系列对比的6大时代段;

    Six time intervals from the Proterozoic to Quarternary for correlation of sedimento-minerogenetic series ;

  3. 元古宙与大陆边缘裂解有关的小侵入体矿床,如金川、沃依塞湾(VoiseyBay);

    ( 2 ) Post - Proterozoic small intrusive type deposits associated with continental marginal rifting like Jinchuan and Voisey 's Bay deposits ;

  4. 元古宙末期(800~900Ma)联合古陆的形成;

    ) formation of united paleo - continent at the end of Proterozoic ( 80 0 ~ 90 0 Ma ) ;

  5. 中朝板块元古宙板内地震带与盆地格局

    Intraplate seismic belt and basin framework of Sino-Korean plate in Proterozoic

  6. 在元古宙岩石记录中的蓝片岩明显记录了与现代俯冲作用相关的低热流梯度。

    They record the low thermal gradients associated with modern subduction .

  7. 祁连山东段的元古宙陇山群

    On the Proterozoic Longshan Group in the Eastern Qilian Orogen

  8. 研究元古宙地质和成矿作用不仅具有重要的理论意义,还具有巨大的经济意义。

    To study Proterozoic geology and metallogenesis , it have important theoretical and economic significant .

  9. 北半球副热带无风带华北板块北缘活动带元古宙构造岩片

    Calm zone of cancer Proterozoic tectonic slices along the northern margin of North China plate

  10. 关于开展元古宙重大生命演化事件研究的建议

    The suggestion to start the research on the significant evolutional events of the Proterozoic life

  11. 韧性剪切带、金矿、裂谷作用&华南元古宙会议的三个热门话题

    Ductile shear belt , gold and rifting

  12. 北京及附近元古宙裂谷槽中球斑花岗岩套的地球化学

    Geochemistry of a rapakivi granite suite in a Proterozoic rift in Beijing and its vicinity

  13. 滇中元古宙铜矿带地质背景与地球化学急变带

    Geological setting of the Proterozoic Copper Metallogenic Belt and Geochemistry Steep Zone in Central Yunnan Province

  14. 中祁连地块东段元古宙基底地层格架讨论

    A discussion on the Proterozoic stratigraphy framework in the basement of eastern section of the Mid Qilian Massif

  15. 环斑花岗岩是一种特殊结构的花岗岩类,并且多数产在元古宙克拉通中。

    Rapakivi granite , a special kind of granite with rapakivi texture , mostly occurs in Proterozoic cratons .

  16. 中朝板块元古宙目前可识别出两个板内地震带(图5)。

    Presently , two intraplate seismic belts of Proterozoic can be identified in Sino Korean Plate ( Fig.5 ) .

  17. 元古宙寒武纪疑源类的辐射演化、绝灭作用与海洋地球化学演变兼论扬子区元古宙奥陶纪疑源类的演化

    Study on the relationship between radiation and extinction of Proterozoic and Cambrian phytoplanktons ( acritarchs ) and marine geochemical evolution

  18. 江南造山带雪峰隆起区元古宙浊积岩沉积构造背景的地球化学制约

    Geochemical constraints on the tectonic setting of the Proterozoic turbidites in the Xuefeng Uplift region of the Jiangnan orogenic belt

  19. 小盖州剖面元古宙火山岩具有安山岩岩石成分,由熔结角砾岩、熔岩角砾岩及熔岩组成。

    The Proterozoic volcanic rocks in Xiaogaizhou section is composed of rhyakkumulate , la-va breccia and lava with andesitic composition ;

  20. 蓟县剖面元古宙沉积物(1.8~0.85Ga)中的生物标志化合物特征

    A biomarkers study of paleo-to Neo-Proterozoic ( 1.8 ~ 0.85 ga ) sediments from the Jixian strata section , north China

  21. 从元古宙到显生宙,铜矿床由地幔型向幔壳型→壳幔型→壳源型演化;

    Copper deposits were evolved from mantle type → mantle crust type → crust mantle type → to crust source type .

  22. 关于华北元古宙富钾、富稀土沉积岩是白云鄂博大型稀土矿床矿源层的讨论

    Discussion on Proterozoic K - and REE-rich sedimentary rocks in North China as ore source of Bayan Obo rare earth deposits

  23. 中国北方元古宙沉积岩中自生稀土矿物特征及其意义&以北京、大连地区为例

    Characteristics of REE Minerals from Proterozoic Sedimentary Rocks of Northern China and Their Significance & Case Studies of Beijing and Dalian Areas

  24. 元古宙时期,辽东裂谷收缩阶段,产生了火山喷流作用,形成了金银多金属矿源层;

    In Proterozoic , during contraction of Liaodong rift , volcanic spouting led to the forming of Au Ag polymetallic source beds ;

  25. 中国北方元古宙铅锌矿主要分布在华北地台北缘的元古宙地层中。

    Proterozoic Pb-Zn deposit of Northern China are distributed mainly over Proterozoic stratum of the northern margin of the northern China platform .

  26. 元古宙的气候仍是温暖而潮湿的,但较太古宙温度有所降低。

    The Proterozoic climate was still warm and wet , but compared with that of the Archaeozoic Eon , the temperature fell a little .

  27. 华北板块北缘活动带元古宙构造岩片深部纬向构造带与北东向构造呈反接复合关系。

    PROTEROZOIC TECTONIC SLICES ALONG THE NORTHERN MARGIN OF NORTH CHINA PLATE The deep latitudinal structural belt shows the transposition relation to the NE trend structures .

  28. 上述两套岩层性质的确定.证明了元古宙上、下两套绿岩是组成华南基底的主要生长层。

    The determination of above two rock layers proved that main growth layer of South China basement is composed of Proterozoic upper and lower greenstone suites .

  29. 铁白云石微斜长石岩作为一种特殊岩石类型,在辽东元古宙裂谷块状硫化物矿床中与成矿关系密切。

    Ankerite microclinite , a special type of rock , is closely related to the ore-forming process of massive sulfide deposits in the East Liaoning Proterozoic rift .

  30. 前两种属于元古宙绿岩型金矿,后三种属于太古宙绿岩型金矿,目前,该区已发现70余处金矿床(点)。

    The former two types belong to the Proterozoic greenstone type gold deposit , and the latter three types belong to the Archeozoic greenstone type gold deposit .