
  1. 但你知不知道有时他们会把自己的Baby坐死。

    But did you know they sit on their own babies and kill them sometimes ?

  2. 你用最好的牛仔裤坐死蜘蛛,这就好玩吗?

    You think it was funny when you sat on it in your best jeans ?

  3. 你是熊猫你想怎么着胖胖一屁股坐死我?

    You 're a panda . What are you gonna do , big guy ? Sit on me ?

  4. “那坐在死荫之地的人发现有光照着他们”。

    The people dwelling in darkness have seen a great light .

  5. 我只想坐这等死。

    I just want to sit hereand die .

  6. 光坐办公室死看片子,缺乏交流,做一大堆没有必要的免疫组化,得到的诊断很可能还是错误的。

    Staying in your own office and just look at slides without communication and do a lot of unnecessary immunostains to get a diagnosis is not a good practice .

  7. 那我该怎么办?坐看莱恩死吗?

    What am I supposed to do , just sit here and watch Ryan die ?

  8. 就只能坐着等死了。

    There 's just waiting to die .

  9. 警察破门而入,发现老人坐在椅子上死了。

    The policemen broke in and found the old man dead in his chair .

  10. 如果他要是坐在那等死就拿不到那十字勋章。

    He didn 't get that Navy Cross sitting on his bucket .

  11. 他们坐在黑暗与死影里,尽为痛苦与铁鍊所缚系。

    They lived in the darkness of death like prisoners suffering in chains .

  12. 难道坐在这里等死吗?

    Are we supposed to wait and die here ?

  13. 一位邻居破门而入,发现老太太坐在椅子里死了。

    One of the neighbours broke into the house and found the old lady dead in her chair .

  14. 她原以为要坐在课桌前死盯着黑板,后来却惊喜地发现,教室竟然被装饰成一个临时茶室,布满了精致茶具。

    To her surprise , she found herself in a classroom that had been turned into a makeshift teahouse-complete with fancy tea sets .

  15. 要照亮坐在黑暗中死荫里的人,把我们的脚引到平安的路上。

    To shine upon those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death , to guide our feet into the way of peace .