
  • 网络EGYPTIAN COBRA;Naja haje
  1. 编辑:另外,埃及眼镜蛇的毒虽然很痛苦,但能让人迅速死亡。

    Edit : Also , the Egyptian Cobra , while very painful , is not a slow death .

  2. 她需要了解埃及眼镜蛇需要多长时间来毒死克利奥帕特拉。

    She needs to know how long the venom from an Egyptian cobra would take to kill Cleopatra .

  3. 一名48年的老约旦人偷偷这条埃及眼镜蛇放到周一从开罗到科威特的有90名乘客的航班上。

    A 48-year old Jordanian man snuck the Egyptian cobra onto the 90-passenger flight from Cairo to Kuwait on Monday .