
  • 网络rabbit;Oryctolagus cuniculus;Ory Ctolayus Cuni Culus
  1. 现代家兔起源于野生穴兔,它与山兔属的野生兔是同科而不同属的动物,学术界对家兔的起源地有外来论和原产论两种不同的观点。

    The Chinese rabbits , which originated from Oryctolagus , belong to the homologous Family but not belong to the same genus as the common hares of Lepus .

  2. 弱激光照射足三里穴对兔胃内压的影响及机制的研究

    Effect and its neuro mechanism of weak laser irradiation of Zusanli on IGP of Rabbit

  3. 针刺足阳明经穴对兔胃粘膜损伤前后胃运动功能的影响

    Effect of Acupuncture at Acupoints of the Foot-Yangming Meridian on Gastric Motor Function in the Rabbit of Gastric Mucosa Injury

  4. 电针不同组穴对兔腰椎脊髓损伤后瘫痪肢体皮下血流量的影响

    Influence of Electroacupuncture at Different Groups of Points on Subcutaneous Blood Flow in the Paralyzed Limb of Rabbits with Lumbar Spinal Cord Injury

  5. 目的:通过针刺足阳明经穴对兔胃粘膜损伤前后胃运动的观察,进一步探讨足阳明经与胃的相关规律。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between meridian of Foot-Yangming and stomach by observing the influence of acupuncture of Foot-Yangming meridian points on the gastric movement before and after gastric mucosa damage in the rabbits .

  6. [目的]观察提插法、捻转法针刺足三里穴对新西兰兔胃电、血浆胃泌素、环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)、环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)的影响。

    [ Objective ] To observe the effects of puncturing Zusanli ( ST36 ) by lifting and thrusting and rotating techniques on electrogastrogram and plasma levels of gastrin , cyclic adenosine monophosphate ( cAMP ) and cyclic guanine monophosphate ( cGMP ) in New Zealand rabbits .

  7. 手十二井穴放血抗兔实验性脑缺血机理的研究

    Study on Mechanisms of Pricking Blood at " Twelve-well Points of the Hand " in Resisting Experimental Cerebral Ischemia in the Rabbit