
  • 网络urban entrepreneurship
  1. 根据智库考夫曼基金会(KauffmanFoundation)的研究,以人均小企业数计算,如今城市创业的最大温床是纽约而不是西海岸。

    The biggest hotbed of urban entrepreneurship , as measured by the number of small companies per head , is now New York , not the West Coast , according to research by the Kauffman Foundation , a think-tank .

  2. 城市创业环境评价方法研究及实证

    The Assessment of Entrepreneurial Environment s of Cities in China

  3. 中国城市创业制度环境条件研究

    A Study on Entrepreneurial Institutional Environment of China Cities

  4. 不仅如此,纽约还设立了除硅谷外首家2200万美元的城市创业基金。

    It also established a $ 22m municipal entrepreneurial fund , the first of its kind outside Silicon Valley .

  5. 要使新的创业活动或使新企业给经济增长带来持续的活力,就需要不断改善创业环境,对创业环境条件的认识构成了评价城市创业环境的基础。

    To make sure that the new entrepreneurial activities or new enterprises bring about sustained economic growth , need to continuously improve the entrepreneurial environment , the awareness of entrepreneurial environmental conditions make up of the basis of evaluation urban entrepreneurial environment .

  6. 在全球化的时代,资本和人才流动性很高,世界各地的竞争日益加剧。许多城市采用创业型的政策来加强城市竞争力。

    In a highly competitive global world where capital and professionals are footloose , cities adopt entrepreneurial policies to increase their competitiveness .

  7. 孟加拉国“贫民银行”的经验,同样可以运用于我国城市的创业性再就业工作。城市商业银行应当开创个人贷款这一新的业务领域。

    Bangladeshi experience of " Bank for the Poor " can equally be used in the reemployment program which has pioneering characters in the cities of our country .

  8. 这位健谈的院长表示,这么做对那些投身公司界的人、以及对那些在苏格兰大城市自行创业的人来说,都是同等必要的。

    This is as much a necessity for those entrepreneurs setting up their own businesses in Scotland 's largest city as is it for those who join the corporate world , says the garrulous dean .

  9. 近年来,长株潭城市群在创业教育、创业环境等方面做了很多工作,创业人才数量增长较快,人才创业成效显著。

    In recent years , the Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration in entrepreneurship education , entrepreneurial environment , a lot of work to do , the number of entrepreneurial talent growth , marked the effectiveness of entrepreneurial talent .

  10. 元代岭南少数民族的人口迁移政府在少数民族的城市迁移就业和创业中的作用

    The Removing of the Minorities in the Ling-Nan ( the South of China ) during the Yuan Dynasty Function of Government in Employment and Undertaking of City Migration of Ethnic Minorities

  11. “绿色城市”建设是城市可持续发展的一个动力,也是优化城市创业环境的重要工作。

    The Green City construction is a motive force that is sustainable development of the city , and also an important work to optimize city environment that start an undertaking too .