
  • 网络Urban Communication;urban propagation
  1. 到20世纪90年代,伴随着DVD设备的普及和流行,美剧在沿海的开放城市传播开来,这一时期的美剧开始引起部分受众的喜爱,掀起了一阵热潮。

    In the 1990s , along with the popularity of DVD devices , American TV series have spreaded in the open coastal cities . American TV series began to attract some audience in this period and it is setting off a burst of enthusiasm .

  2. 体育赛事是一种优质的城市传播载体。

    Sports event is a quality urban communication carrier .

  3. 城市形象传播误区与辩证理念的创新

    The Misleading of City Image Dissemination and Dialectical Identity Innovations

  4. 大众传媒在城市文化传播中的误区探析

    Analysis on the Faults of the Mass Media in City Cultures Communications

  5. 论城市形象传播理念创新的路径与策略

    The Paths and Strategies of Communication Ideas Innovation on the City 's Image

  6. 针对武汉市目前的现状,进行武汉城市形象传播力策划,构建武汉城市形象传播力。

    For the status of Wuhan , Carry on the construction of city image propaganda ability .

  7. 并通过适时的、科学的城市形象传播打开更为广阔的形象市场。

    And through timely , scientific image dissemination to open a broader market of the city image .

  8. 然后理论运用于实践,以武汉市为例,构建其城市形象传播力。

    Then theory into practice , Wuhan , for example , to build its city image propagation ability .

  9. 最后文章就构建城市形象传播力需要注意的问题进行了探讨并提出了相应的对策。

    Finally , discuss the problems needing attention of constructing city image propaganda ability and put forward corresponding countermeasures .

  10. 研究提出,西安城市形象传播策略主要有:(1)人际传播策略。

    The study suggested Xi ' an city image communication strategies are : ( 1 ) interpersonal communication strategies .

  11. 城市形象传播力不是与生俱来的而是策划出来的,通过相关工作人员对整个过程的全盘策划,使有效传播的能力得到最大的发挥。

    By relevant staff about the process of comprehensive planning , making effective propaganda ability to obtain the biggest play .

  12. 研究人员猜测这种疾病在城市的传播路径和人们手机的移动路径是一致的。

    The researchers hypothesized that the disease traveled around the city along the same routes as people 's phones did .

  13. 三峡建坝后对湖北枝城市血吸虫病传播的影响

    Influence of build Sanxia great dam in the Yangtze River to the spread of schistosomiasis in Zhicheng city , Hubei Province

  14. 第三部分通过《大武汉》个案剖析城市杂志传播的现状,发现城市杂志传播中遇到的问题,并提出解决方案。

    The third part analyzes the current situation of city magazine , find the problems encountered in the dissemination of city magazine , and propose solutions .

  15. 尤其在新时代,网络媒体以其强大的普及面和影响力,和城市形象传播产生了千丝万缕的联系。

    Particularly in the modern era , network medium has a thousand and one links with the city image dissemination with its strong universal noodles and influence .

  16. 大众传播既是城市文化传播的载体,也塑造着城市文化,又在城市文化的框架下进行。

    Mass communication is not only the vehicle of the urban culture , but also shape the urban culture , while in the framework of the urban culture .

  17. 认识到城市形象传播的意义和价值,在全球化的背景之下,中国城市不仅满足于在国内传播城市形象,开始了在世界舞台上传播城市形象的探索。

    Recognizing the significance and the value of city reputation , the Chinese cities not only spread city reputation at home , and began to spread on the world stage .

  18. 但在长期的二元结构社会的制约下,我国乡村和城市的传播活动相对封闭,城乡之间的文化传播活动效果并不理想。

    However , long-term constraints of the dual structure of society , the rural and urban areas in a relatively closed environment , the spread between urban and rural cultural activities is not ideal .

  19. 由于政府在城市品牌传播过程中扮演着重要角色,本章还分析了城市政府在传播过程中应扮演的角色,从关系营销的视角提出了城市品牌传播的关系模式。

    Because government plays an important role in city communication , the role that government should play has been analyzed . Relationship model of city brand communication has been proposed from the perspective of relationship marketing .

  20. 城市移动传播信道是一种典型的随机色散的变参信道,在对城市微蜂窝移动通信网进行规划设计时应充分了解这种信道的传播特性,并建立相应的信号传播模型。

    Urban mobile propagation channel is a typical random dispersive parametric variation channel , so it is necessary to study the propagation property of the channel and build the signal propagation model in the process of planing and designing urban microcellular mobile communication networks .

  21. 用实测场强数据对城市电波传播预测模型进行了检验,并将Okumura-Hate模型推广应用到城市居民电磁环境污染预测评价,给出了城市人口电磁环境暴露值预测评估方法。

    The predictive models of EM wave propagation in urban areas are tested using the measured field data . That the generalized Okumura Hate model is applied to the evaluation of population exposure to radiation in cities . The predictive method for Population exposure is conducted .

  22. 作为城市大众传播强势媒介的城市电视台也在城市化进程中发展和变化着;它受城市文化的制约,同时反过来参与城市文化的建构。

    The city TV station , which is the cities ' central media , is also changed and developed during the process of urbanization ; city TV station is influenced by the culture of cities , while it also adversely take part in developing the culture of cities .

  23. 城市电视电波传播特性探讨

    Research on the propagation characteristic of city TV radio wave

  24. 城市社区科学传播系统的功能主要体现在其系统功能和社会功能。其系统功能是在社区中传播科学信息,提高公众的素养。

    The system function is to spread scientific information in the community , enhance public literacy .

  25. 研究发现,本地媒体的议题选择和报道倾向,较大程度影响城市形象的传播。

    Therefore , the subject choice and report inclination of local medium could influence the city image dissemination .

  26. 城市化广泛传播了城市生活方式和罗马文化,促进了帝国社会和文化转型。

    Widespread urban way of life and culture of Rome promoted the change of the society and culture of Empire .

  27. 特大型工商业城市在鼠疫传播中的地位相当重要,这与欧洲有很大的不同。

    Big cities played a leading role in spreading the plague , which was different from the situation in Europe in the Middle Ages .

  28. 城乡经济联系加强与互动,城市向乡村传播新技术,促使乡村经济结构调整。

    Strengthen linkages and interaction between urban and rural economies , new technologies were disseminated to rural from urban , promoting rural economic were restructured .

  29. 接着,通过对长沙城市品牌及其传播现状的调查研究,梳理并整合长沙城市品牌的主要要素,对长沙城市品牌作了自己的定位。

    Secondly , studying the city brand and spread situation in Changsha to clean up and integrate the main resources of the city brand in Changsha .

  30. 九江旅游形象的传播主体即九江政府及城建的领导者、策划者以及九江区域的全体城市居民,传播受众是旅游者和潜在旅游者。

    The main body for communication of tourist image of Jiujiang is the government and the urban leaders , designers as well as the entire city dwellers .