
  • 网络urban industry district
  1. 城市工业区环境综合整治的GIS应用研究&以上海市吴淞工业区大气环境管理为例

    Study on Application of GIS in Urban Industry Area Environmental Integrated Renovation & An Example of Ambient Environment Management in Shanghai Wusong Industry Area

  2. 某城市工业区浅层地下水CAHs污染特征地中海沉积物中的的氯化烃浓度

    Characteristics of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons transported to shallow groundwater in the industrial area of a city

  3. 城市工业区内科学规划小城镇&以小曹娥镇总体规划为例

    The Scientific Planning of Small Urban Towns within Urban Industrial Region

  4. 城市工业区毒气泄漏及应急疏散的研究

    Study on Poison Gas Leakage and Emergency Evacuation in Urban Industry Disaster Areas

  5. 城市工业区大气污染物浓度场确定方法的研究

    Research on a Method for Determining Atmosphere Pollutant Concentration Field in Urban Industrial Area

  6. 城市工业区的抗震决策

    Antiseismic policy decision of urban industrial district

  7. 本文对城市工业区建筑物采用了以损失度分析为基础的抗震决策方法。

    An anti-seismic policy decision method is presented based on the analysis of earthquake loss degree in this paper .

  8. 城市工业区公共交通发展策略研究&以常州市高新分区为例

    Research on Development Strategies of Public Traffic in High-tech Industrial Development Area & Taking Changzhou High-tech Industrial Area as an Example

  9. 最后,概括性总结中国城市工业区演变的特殊规律及城市工业区变化与工业化进程关系。

    Finally , it is concluded synoptically that the special rules for the evolvement of the industry area in the cities of China and the relationship between the alteration of industry region in the city and the course of the industrialization .

  10. 而城市旧工业区的更新可一定程度上解决这个问题。

    But old industrial district renew can in certain degree solve this problem .

  11. 资源型城市老工业区改造思想及技术策略

    Research on idea and technology of industrial district transforming in resource based cities

  12. 作者认为工业景观则是城市码头工业区再开发的价值所在。

    It is industrial landscapes that the values of redevelopment of these areas lie in .

  13. 还没有专门针对城市老工业区开展生态恢复的研究。

    However , there is no research on the ecological restoration in the old industrial park .

  14. 这条河成了这座城市重工业区和轻工业区的分界线。

    The river forms the division between the heavy industrial and light industrial areas of the city .

  15. 城市典型工业区土壤重金属污染状况研究

    Pollution of heavy metals in urban soils of typical industrial and surrounding residential area in Nanjing City

  16. 沈阳铁西区是在计划经济体制下形成的国内外著名的城市老工业区。

    Shenyang Tiexi District is a well-known old industrial zone which is formed under the planned economic system .

  17. 特别是在城市大型工业区,其环境质量的改善更是依赖于绿地生态服务功能。

    Especially in large-scale industrial districts , the ecological services provided by vegetation are beneficial to protecting local environments .

  18. 城市和工业区大气环境评估与流动实验&风环境模拟研究之二

    The assessment of atmospheric environment and experimental fluid dynamics in cities and industrial areas & simulation studies of wind environment ⅱ

  19. 城市旧工业区的形成和发展是工业化初级阶段的主要承担者,又是城市化初期的根本动力。

    The formation and development of old industrial area is the main undertaker of primary industrialization , also is power of early urbanization .

  20. 本文关于企业区位战略理论的理论探索和实证分析,为处于中心城市老工业区内的企业实施区位调整战略提供了一个可以借鉴的思路和方法。

    This thesis provides a way for reference for those enterprises located in old industrial bases in inner cities to exercise the adjustment of regional strategy .

  21. 这段路大约开行3个小时,算是比较顺畅和轻松,而且,离开“长三角”的城市和工业区越远、越接近莫干山,道路两边也就越有看头。

    It is a relatively easy and relaxing three-hour drive , and the trip grows more interesting as you approach Moganshan and get away from the urban and industrial sprawl of the Yangtze River delta .

  22. 探索城市旧工业区改造的和谐之路&西安纺织城改造规划研究统筹城乡规划建设促进城乡和谐发展

    HOLISTIC APPROACHES TO REGENERATE TRADITIONAL INDUSTRIAL AREAS : A CASE STUDY OF REGENERATION PLANNING OF " TEXTILE CITY " IN XI ' AN On planning urban and rural construction and enhancing harmonious development between urban and rural

  23. 城市绿地作为工业区生态系统中主要的自然成分和初级生产者,在改善环境质量、调节生态平衡、维持生态安全上具有不可替代的作用。

    As the dominant natural component and primary producer , greenbelt system play key role on improving environmental quality , regulating ecological balance , and maintaining ecological security .

  24. 塞纳河畔埃皮奈:法国中北部城市,巴黎的工业区。人口50314。

    A city of north-central France , an industrial suburb of Paris . Population , 50,314 .

  25. 日本本州岛中东部城市,东京近郊工业区和近郊居民区。人口321182。

    A city of east-central Honshu , Japan , an industrial and residential suburb of Tokyo . Population , 321,182 .

  26. 方法采用多级分层抽样方法,在湖南省境内的城市、农村和工业区各抽取一个样本,共计9451户家庭,32720人。

    Methods Using a multi-stage sampling strategy , 9451 households involving 32 720 persons in urban , rural and industrial areas in Hunan , China were studied .

  27. 作为回应,北韩驱逐了负责管理这个位于北韩城市开城的工业区的大部分韩国官员。

    In response , North Korea expelled most of the South Korean officials in charge of managing the zone , located in the North Korean city of Kaesong .

  28. 在基础研究部分主要对城市经营和旧工业区进行了相关的分析,对两者之间的关系进行梳理。

    It has carried on the related analysis in the basic research part about city management and old industrial district , and it has combed the relation between them .

  29. 在这些研究的基础上构建了基于城市经营理念的城市旧工业区更新框架。

    Then on foundation of the research , it has constructed renewal frame based on the city management idea city old industrial district .