
  • 网络Media design;communication design
  1. 强调展示传媒设计其实就是一个信息传达系统设计,具有多层次、全方位的特点。

    It emphasis that actually the media design is a multi-level and omni-directional information transmission system .

  2. 视觉传达设计是现代设计的重要组成部分,它是现代社会信息传播的主要表现形式,其构成关系、媒体形态和设计表现语言是现代传媒设计不断探索和完善的新领域。

    The design by vision transmission is a major component of modern design , whose constituting relations , media form and expressional language are the new fields discovered and perfected by modern media design continuously .

  3. 综上所述,为文化传媒企业设计建立符合自身特点的高效财务预警机制十分重要。

    To sum up , for cultural media designed enterprise establishment conforms to the characteristics of the efficient financial alert mechanism is very important .

  4. 陈和XPD传媒的员工设计社交游戏,一些能和朋友一起在网上(比如说脸谱和聚友网)对打的游戏。

    Chan and his staff at XPD Media design social games , games you play with friends on networking sites like Facebook and MySpace .

  5. 传媒在其设计过程中就是以一定的政治理性体现出来的,统治阶级的利益和价值在此之前就被设定为一个目标。

    During its designing process , mass media embodies political reason , and the benefits and values of the ruling class are previously set as its goal .

  6. 雕刻机作为一种典型的数控产品,在传媒制造、模具设计、建材雕刻等行业中有着广阔的市场前景。

    As a typical product , CNC Engraving machine has broad market prospects in the media manufacturing , mold design , sculpture and other industrial areas .

  7. 信息传媒时代的平面设计更强调其视觉符号,它要求用图形的视觉符号来阐述其深刻的设计内涵,而且要求能够打破传统的设计定势,用悖异的逆向思维方式激发欣赏者的视觉兴趣。

    In this information and media time , graphic design emphasize its visual symbol and want to use the visual symbol to explain its deep design intention ; to break traditionally design pattern to arouse viewer 's visual interest by contrary thinking manners .

  8. 接着通过将影视传媒类、美术设计类、综合本科类与高职动漫人才培养方案进行对比,探究了高职动漫人才培养方案的特色。

    Then , by comparing talent training program of animation specialty with that of Film , TV and Media specialty , artistic design specialty and comprehensive undergraduates , the thesis explores the characteristics of talent training program of animation specialty in higher vocational schools .