
  • 网络urban development strategy;strategy for urban developent;strategy for urban development;CDS
  1. 城市发展战略空间定位与提升路径研究

    Research on Location and Upgrade Path of Urban Development Strategy Space

  2. 城市发展战略是城市管理的重大课题。

    The urban development strategy is a major subject of city management .

  3. 加入WTO与上海国际经济中心城市发展战略

    The Development Strategies of Shanghai After China Enters WTO

  4. 襄樊市城市发展战略的背景分析

    An analysis of urban development strategy background of Xiangfan City

  5. 维也纳城市发展战略规划对我国的启迪

    Strategy Plan for Vienna and Its Elicitation to China 's Urban Planning

  6. 福州城市发展战略规划的探讨

    Discussion On The Strategic Planning Of Urban Development In Fuzhou

  7. 城市发展战略对于一个城市的发展起着举足轻重的作用,我国城市发展战略的研究已经初见成效,然而,其中还存在着许多不足之处。

    To a city , the development strategy has a prominent function .

  8. 面向21世纪的中国沿海港口城市发展战略

    Development strategy of Chinese coastal port cities in 21st century

  9. 重庆市开县区域性中心城市发展战略规划研究

    Research on the Development Strategy Plan of Territorial Central City of Chongqing Kaixian

  10. 知识经济、全球化与城市发展战略

    Knowledge-based Economy , Globalization and Strategy of Urban Development

  11. 生态旅游及生态城市发展战略探讨

    Development Strategy of Eco-tourism and City Ecosystem in China

  12. 小城市发展战略研究

    On the Developing Strategy of a Small City

  13. 为此,必须制定科学合理的城市发展战略目标;

    Therefore fere , we should have scientific , reasonable city development strategic objectives ;

  14. 概念规划与广州城市发展战略

    Concept planning and the development strategy of Guangzhou

  15. 重庆城市发展战略与区域整合

    Strategy of Chongqing Urban Development and Regional Integration

  16. 丹麦的创新潜力:文化在丹麦城市发展战略中的作用

    DENMARK 'S CREATIVE POTENTIAL : The role of culture within Danish urban development strategies

  17. 四川城市发展战略刍议

    Discussion on Urban Development Strategy of Sichuan Province

  18. 论可持续发展与城市发展战略

    On Sustainable Development and City Developing Strategy

  19. 新疆城市发展战略的思考

    Thinking on Development Strategy of Xinjiang Cities

  20. 论城市发展战略的深化研究

    On the Research of City Development Strategy

  21. 绿色城市发展战略体系研究

    Strategic System Research on Green City Development

  22. 部署系统性的城市发展战略。

    Systematically layout urban development strategy .

  23. 浅谈城市发展战略规划

    Comments on the urban development strategy

  24. 本文是关于城市发展战略规划的研究。

    This article is a research on the Planning of Urban Developmental Strategy ( UDS ) .

  25. 第五章分析了城市发展战略与城市更新各相关因子的互动关系;

    Chapter 5 concentrates on the interactions between the urban strategies and the interrelated urban factors ;

  26. 城市发展战略的技术路线初探&以四川绵阳为例

    A Study on Urban Strategy

  27. 洁净煤技术是长株潭可持续城市发展战略的现实选择

    The actuality Selection Clean Coal Technology for Sustainable City Development Strategy in Changsha , zhuzhou and xiangtan

  28. 城市发展战略与政府作用分析&以广州市为例

    Analysis on Urban Development Strategy and the Role of Government : With Case Study of Guangzhou City

  29. 上海城市发展战略与长三角一体化关系研究长三角经济一体化长三角的扩容与一体化

    A Study on the Relation between Urban Development Strategy of Shanghai and Regional Integration in the Yangtze Delta

  30. 2001年以来,青岛做出了建设区域性航运中心,发展港口物流的城市发展战略。

    Since 2001 , Qingdao port makes out stratagem about building area shipping center and developing port logistics .