
  1. NET的嵌入式考勤系统。GIS可达性分析在城市商业网点中的应用

    The application research of GIS attainability analysis in city commerce net site

  2. 宏观上GIS如何运用于城市商业网点体系规划,以张家港为例。

    Another is applying in city commerce planning .

  3. 近几年来,关于城市商业网点布局的研究正逐步定量化、科学化,特别是GIS的应用使商业网点布局分析的研究更具有可操作性和普及性。

    In recent years , the research on city commercial network has become more quantitative and scientific . In particular , the application of GIS has made the analysis in arranging the commercial networks universal and easier to manipulate .

  4. 我国城市商业网点规划法制建设问题研究

    Problems and Countermeasures of the Legal System on Commercial Outlets Planning in China

  5. 我国大中城市商业网点规划影响因素研究

    Research on Affect Factors in Commercial Network Planning of Chinese Big & Medium Cities

  6. 城市商业网点的科学化布局

    Scientific layout of urban commercial sites

  7. 现代旅游城市商业网点规划的探讨&张家界市区商业网点规划

    A discussion about commerce networks planning in modern tourism destination cities Commerce networks planning in Zhangjiajie city

  8. 希望受到表彰的城市商业网点规划工作先进单位珍惜荣誉,再接再厉,做好商业网点规划的实施。

    All advanced units are expected to value the honor and make persistent efforts to put commerce nets programming in practice .

  9. 因此本研究可以作为在高校社区商业与城市商业网点的规划建设中重要的理论补充。

    Thus this study can be important theoretical added in the urban planning of college community business and urban commercial replenish .

  10. 利用罗伦兹曲线对城市商业网点布局的分析&以天津市为例

    Analysing the Distribution of Commercial Nets of the Cities by Using the Lorenz Curve & Taking (?) anj (?) City for Example

  11. 城市商业网点规划是城市规划的一个重要组成部分,本文结合张家界市探讨当前城市商业网点的规划面临的主要问题以及规划如何应对。

    Small cities and towns as the main part of the future urbanization , there are many problems existing in small cities and towns'urban commercial network construction .

  12. 从我国外资企业的商业网点发展状况、发达国家商业网点规划的经验、我国当前商业网点建设的现状以及我国经济增长的迫切需要等方面深入分析了我国城市商业网点规划的必要性。

    This paper analyzes the current situation of foreign investment enterprise in China , the experience of developed countries and also the urgent requirements of economy increase .

  13. 搞好城市商业网点规划不仅能更好地满足人民生活的需要,而且能提高商业整体的运行效率。要搞好这项工作,就要突出重点,把握城市商业网点规划的主要内容;

    Carefully designed layout of the urban commercial network can not only satisfy people 's daily needs , but also improve the running efficiency of the whole network .

  14. 目前我国县级商业网点规划编制工作全面展开,规范县级城市商业网点规划内容对于今后各地县级商业网点规划具有重要的现实意义。

    At present our country county commercial network planning work in full swing , the city commerce networks planning for content for the coming across County commercial network planning has important practical significance .

  15. 本文对市场经济条件下,制定城市商业网点发展规划的意义、新时期商业网点规划职能以及发展规划的目标和基本内容做了详细的阐述。

    This thesis elaborates on the significance of city commercial network programming under the market economy , the function of commercial network programming in the new era , the target and the fundamental contents of the development programming .

  16. 城市商业网点信息对于城市商业和经济发展至关重要,在政府商业政策制定、商业网点规划、商圈划分等决策,商业经营者的投资决策,人民大众的日常消费中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Information of urban commercial net sites , which is very important to the development of commerce and economic of a city , has an impact on the decisions of government and business organization , even on the behavior of public .

  17. 商业领域即将对外资完全开放,借鉴发达国家经验,加快我国城市商业网点规划不仅是经济发展的需要,更是政府宏观管理城市商业发展的重要措施。

    The commerce sector will be completely open to foreign capital , draws the experiences of developed countries to advance the city commerce networks planning in China is not only the requirements of economy development , but also the important measures to manage the commerce development for governments .

  18. 城市大型零售商业网点布局模型与反问题求解

    The Location Model of Urban Commercial Net and the Settlement of the Reverse Problems

  19. 国内外经济发达的城市,对商业网点的建设一直进行调控,以确保有序、健康发展。

    In some modem cities both home and abroad , the construction of commercial network has always been regulated so that it can be developed healthily .

  20. 对城市人口分布与商业网点布局相关性的探讨

    An approach to the relation between urban population distribution and commercial network layout