
  • 网络urban hinterland
  1. 广州城市腹地划分及变化研究

    The Hinterland of Guangzhou City : Definition and its Change

  2. 借助新疆二类口岸对外开放水平的提高带动新疆口岸城市腹地模式的发展。

    With the second class in xinjiang port raise level of opening up drive xinjiang " port-city-hinterland " model of development .

  3. 城市腹地经济是区域国民经济的重要组成部分,是城市发展的基础和依托。

    The economy of city hinterland is an important component of regional national economy , and also the basis and support of city development .

  4. 然后用同样方法计算广州1985、1994年的断裂点,比较改革开放近20年来广州城市腹地的变化,分析了变化的原因;

    Then the paper defined the hinterland boundary of Guangzhou city in 1985 and 1994 , respectively , compared the changes of hinterland of Guangzhou city in recent 20 years and analyzed the force of the changes .

  5. 以深圳市红树林自然保护区为例,介绍湿地的概念及其对环境保护的重要性,从人与自然和谐的角度出发,探讨如何保护位于城市腹地中的敏感生态系统。

    By the case of mangrove wildlife conservation area in ShenZhen , this paper introduces the concept of wetland and itis importance to the environment . It also discusses how to protect the sensitive ecosystem within the city in order to maintain concordance between human beings and nature .

  6. 基于GIS技术的贵州省城市影响腹地划分

    A GIS-based Approach for Urban Hinterland Research in Guizhou

  7. 沪宁杭地区城市影响腹地的划分及其动态变化研究

    Hinterland and its Dynamic Changes in Hu-Ning-Hang Region

  8. 仍以福州市为例讨论了城市与腹地的经济联系、产业合作、产业相互影响、产业专业化程度等方面。

    The economic contact , industrial cooperation , industrial interaction and extent of specialization between Fuzhou and its hinterland are investigated .

  9. 在文章的最后提出了港口与城市、腹地协调发展的建议性对策。

    At the end of the article , several measures are put forward to make port , city and hinterland developing in harmony .

  10. 位于武汉城市圈腹地的梁子湖位列全国十大淡水湖,是湖北省第二大淡水湖,贮水量位居全省湖泊之首。

    Located in the central region of Wuhan City Circle , Liangzi Lake is the second largest freshwater lake in Hubei province and national top ten in China .

  11. 江南水乡地处长三角城市群腹地,经济发达。

    Watery towns in the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River , is located in the hinterland of cities in the Yangtze River Delta , and also located within the district with developed economy .

  12. 本文从近代乡村的维生体系、产业结构和生活结构分析了一些近代经济发达城市与其腹地的关系,可以看出城乡之间的经济联系日益紧密。

    This thesis has analysed the relation between some modem economically developed city and its hinterland from modern rural supporting one 's family system , industrial structure and life structure , we can find out the economic links between town and country are close day by day .

  13. 第四部分分析了城市地域经济腹地的基本特征及功能;

    The fourth section analyses the basic features and functions of urban area economic hinterland .

  14. 中国大陆口岸城市外向型腹地研究

    The Foreign-oriented Hinterland of Chinese Port-cities

  15. 分析了2004&2007年城市之间对腹地范围、人力资源的竞争,并以福州市为例展开深入探讨。

    The study analyzes the competition of area and human resources of urban hinterland from 2004 to 2007 . Meanwhile , Fuzhou is set as a case for intensive research .

  16. 第四部分揭示了城镇与区域发展的互动关系,重庆作为本区的对外窗口带动了区域内各方面的发展,区域作为城市发展的腹地又在很大程度上促进了城市的发展。

    The fourth part reveals the town and regional development of interaction . Chongqing as this spurs the area of foreign window all aspects of development . As the heart of the city development area in greatly improves the development of the city .

  17. 流域空间结构演化主要受航道等级、城市居中性以及腹地大小的影响。

    Basin spatial structure evolution is affected by factors of rank of riverway , geometric centrality of cities , and size of hinterland .

  18. 文章通过对三大港口城市进行港口&腹地关系的对比分析,揭示了青岛物流产业发展所面临的国际和国内竞争;

    By contrast of the harbor_hinterland relations between every two harbors mentioned above , the paper reveals the domestic and international competitions confronted by the development of Qingdao logistics .

  19. 当前学术界关于口岸与腹地关系的研究,主要着眼于口岸城市的兴起带动腹地经济的发展;

    The current academic studies of the economic relations between the ports and their hinterlands in modern times mainly focus on the promoting effect of the modern seaports to the hinterlands .

  20. 并提出了口岸城市西安与经济腹地协调发展的建议:合理分布及优化区域空间功能区;注重空间整合;分清不同区域的发展阶段,合理进行区域经济规划,促进经济的可持续发展。

    And made recommendations for the coordinated development between Xi ' an and the economic hinterland : rational distribution and optimization of regional space functional areas ; focus on spatial integration ; distinguish different regions stage of development and do reasonable regional economic planning to promote the sustainable economic development .

  21. 认为长江三角洲都市连绵区由中心城市、城市发展轴线和次级城市群及其腹地构成,已形成5个层次的城市等级体系;

    The megalopolis is composed of central cities , cities axles and sub city groups . An urban system with 5 hierarchies has formed .

  22. 作为城市社会经济发展的基础性设施,港口首先是为城市经济或腹地区域经济服务的。

    As the infrastructure for social and economic development of the city , port expands a service for urban economy or hinterland economy first .

  23. 制造业聚集对于城市竞争优势的培育具有至关重要的作用,研究城市的制造业聚集无疑对发展城市及其腹地经济都具有非同一般的意义。

    Due to the essential function to foster urban advantage mentioned above , research on agglomeration of urban manufacturing is unusual meaningful to urban cities and their economic hinterland .

  24. 区域中心城市仅靠自身的资源已经很难满足城市化进程对城市发展的要求,最大限度地争夺城市腹地空间已经成为中心城市向更高层次发展必须面临的问题。

    It is difficult to meet the requirements of urbanization to urban development just on their own resources for regional central cities . If the central cities are hoped to develop into a higher level , the urban space must be competed maximizing .