
  • 网络urbanization level
  1. 基于AHP的城镇化水平测度及实证分析

    The Estimation and Truth Analysis about the Urbanization Level Based on AHP

  2. 另一方面许昌市城镇化水平相对较低。

    However , the urbanization level of Xuchang is relatively low .

  3. 但在第三个阶段,两县经济发展的差异在GDP、人均GDP及其增长率、人民生活水平、基础设施建设及城镇化水平等方面表现出来,并不断扩大。

    While in the third period , the difference between two towns is more and more expanding , which shows on GDP , per capita GDP and the growth rate , the standard of living , infrastructure project and the level of urbanization , etc.

  4. 灰色系统理论在农村城镇化水平评价中的应用

    Applications of Gray System Theory in Calculating the Level of Rural Urbanization

  5. 聚集经济问题与我国农村城镇化水平的提高

    The Agglomeration Economy and Urbanization of Rural Areas in China

  6. 城镇化水平综合测评与城镇用地分析

    Index System of Urbanization Composite Evaluation and Urban Land Use

  7. 基于科学发展观的河南区域城镇化水平研究

    Research on regional urbanization level of Henan Province based on Scientific Develop Concept

  8. 加快提高城镇化水平,带动全省国民经济整体素质的提高;

    To raise the urbanization level and improve the of the entire province ;

  9. 重庆城镇化水平与西部开发

    Urbanization in Chongqing and the great development in West China : an investigation

  10. 调整城乡结构提高城镇化水平

    Adjusting the Urban and Rural Structure and Improving the Nation 's Urbanization Standard

  11. 论城镇化水平的不同测算方法

    Different Methods in Measuring the Levels of Urbanization

  12. 城镇化水平是衡量社会现代化水平的重要标志之一。

    Urbanization is one of the important marks of Measuring modernization of a region .

  13. 城镇化水平的五种测算方法分析

    Discuss on Different Measurement Methods of Urbanization Level

  14. 摘要城镇化水平是衡量一个国家经济发展水平的重要指标。

    The level of urbanization is an important index of a country 's economic development .

  15. 广东省经济发达地区和落后地区城镇化水平比较分析

    Contrastive Analysis of Urbanization between the Economic Developed Area and Backward Area of Guangdong Province

  16. 马鞍山市城镇化水平研究

    Researches on the Standard of City Ma'anshan

  17. 农民收入水平与城镇化水平

    Urbanization and the Income of Rural Inhabitants

  18. 基于改进的主成分分析的城镇化水平测度

    Based on the principal component extraction to improve the level of urbanization of the measure

  19. 一般来说,城镇化水平越高,经济发展和居民生活水平越高。

    In general , the higher the level of urbanization , the higher the economic development .

  20. 这些深层次的问题得不到解决,西部的城镇化水平和区域经济难以得到快速发展。

    The western urbanization and regional economy would not develop quickly until such deep problems were solved .

  21. 三是提高城镇化水平;

    To improve the urbanization ;

  22. 随着经济的发展、城镇化水平的迅速提高,人们对土地的需求将会越来越大。

    Along with the quickly improve of urbanization level , the need to land will increase definitely .

  23. 我国省(区)人口城镇化水平与速度的类型特征及影响因素

    On the Types of China 's Provincial Urbanization Level and Speed and its Influencing Factors since 1990

  24. 城镇化水平发展较快。

    Fast development of urbanization .

  25. 城镇化水平越高,土地、基础设施的利用效率就越高。

    The high level urbanization caused the use of the land and the establishment as full as possible .

  26. 难能可贵的是,广大民族地区创造性地设计和实践了许多有效提高城镇化水平的方法和措施。

    Noble , the minority regions creatively design practice and many effective level of urbanization means and measures .

  27. 城镇化水平逐步提高,是世界各国工业化进程中的一个普遍趋势。

    The urbanization level increases gradually , which is a widespread trend in industrialization process of all countries .

  28. 随着中国城镇化水平的不断提高,越来越多的农民工从农村来到城市生活。

    With the urbanization of China , more and more rural migrant workers leave the countryside to the cities .

  29. 从1978年到2004年,我国城镇化水平由不足18%提高到41.8%。

    From 1978 to 2004 , Chinese urbanization level had grown from lower than 18 % to 41.8 % .

  30. 由于资源禀赋的差异,世界各地区的城镇化水平各不相同。

    Due to the differences in resource endowments , the level of urbanization in various regions of the world varies .