
  • 网络urban governance;city governance
  1. 国内外城市治理模式与我国实践性选择

    Domestic and International Urban Governance Mode and China 's Practicality Choice

  2. 社区自治是城市治理的基础

    On Community Self-governance Is the Base of the Urban Governance

  3. 纳瓦拉大学(UniversityofNavarra)IESE商学院上个月也公布说,根据对包括城市治理、科技、公共管理和城市规划等50个指标的研究,东京是全球最“聪明”的城市,排在其后的是伦敦和纽约。

    IESE Business School at the University of Navarra last month also revealed that Tokyo is the ' smartest ' city in the world followed by London and New York , according to a study of 50 indicators including governance , technology , public management and urban planning .

  4. 参与城市治理:中国城市管理变革的新路径

    Participatory urban governance : the new way of Chinese urban management transform

  5. 城乡一体化背景下的中国城市治理结构的理论分析

    The Theoretical Analysis of China 's Urban Administrative Structure Under Urban-Rural Integration

  6. 城市治理理论在我国的适用

    The Application of the Theory of Urban Governance in China

  7. 城市治理视野中的城市政府管理模式转型

    Transformations of urban governments management model from urban governance aspect

  8. 多中心视角下的城市治理模式研究

    Studies on Urban Governance : From the Perspective of Polycentric Governance Theory

  9. 公私合作伙伴:城市治理的新模式

    Public-private partnership : the new pattern of urban governance

  10. 城市治理中地方政府行为偏差的机制分析

    A mechanism analysis on the distortion of government 's behaviors in urban management

  11. 运用现代公司治理理论,建设城市治理结构,这是市政经济有效率发展的社会运行机制保证。

    This is the social operation mechanism guarantee of municipal economy development efficiency .

  12. 只有进一步完善城市治理中的公民参与,才能更好的建设和发展城市。

    Only further improvement of civil participation in urban governance can make city develop .

  13. 宏观调控政策三箭齐发论城市治理&兼论构建上海城市治理新体系

    Macroeconomic Regulation and Control Policy On city regulation

  14. 政府创新与我国城市治理模式的选择

    Government Innovation and Mode Choice of Urban Governance

  15. 城市治理分析

    A study on urban governance in China

  16. 第二章从界定城市治理利益相关主体入手简述了城市治理主体的类型,着重分析了它们之间合作博弈与改善城市治理之间的关系;

    The second chapter determines the participants of city governance and analyzes emphatically their relationship .

  17. 城市治理:基于合作博弈的分析

    A Cooperative Game Analysis of City Governance

  18. 城市治理方法&加拿大城市能力建设方法在巴勒斯坦地区的应用

    A Canadian Approach to Urban Governance : Lessons Learned from Municipal Capacity-Building in the Palestinian Territories

  19. 本文采用治理理论和多种研究方法对我国目前城市治理中的公民参与进行了研究。

    This article uses the theory of administration and many methods to make research of civil participation .

  20. 确立和调整城市治理的空间策略是现代国家的重要任务。

    Deciding and adjusting the space strategy of urban administration is an important task of modern countries .

  21. 在这样的一个时代背景下,公众参与城市治理的新模式应运而生。

    In such a background , public participation in urban governance in the new model came into being .

  22. 在此基础上,本文提出多元参与是我国城市治理的必然选择。

    On this basis , this paper , multi-participation in our country are an inevitable choice for urban governance .

  23. 社区是整个社会运行的基础,因此,社区自治是城市治理的基础。

    Because community is the base of the society , community self-governance is the base of the urban governance .

  24. 公众参与是城市治理的内在要求,是城市治理过程中的特定阶段和形式:公众参与体现了新公共管理的理念,适应了现代城市发展的需要。

    Citizen participation is the principle of new public administration , adapted the demand of the modern city development .

  25. 社区是城市治理的最基本的单位,是与城市居民生活联系最紧密的区域。

    Community is the basic unit of urban governance , which is the region closely linked to people ` s livelihood .

  26. 如何推进城市治理中的公民参与问题,建立和完善公民参与机制,是城市发展中的一个问题。

    How to promote civil participation in urban governance , establish and improve mechanisms for civil participation is a problem in urban development .

  27. 而在同一个国家内部,特别是在我国这样的转型经济国家,也不一定有着统一的城市治理模式。

    Meanwhile , inside the same country , especially the transition economic country such as China might not have unified urban governance mode either .

  28. 其次,本文对城市治理的各相关理论(如治理理论、多中心理论)及其在城市管理中的应用进行了归纳阐述。

    Secondly , this paper , the relevant urban governance theory ( such as control theory , multi-center theory ) and in urban management summarized elaborate .

  29. 传统的城市治理主要都是政府的职责,政府包揽了城市治理的一切职能和义务,这是与当时城市主体单一、城市职能单一相适应的。

    Traditionally , the governance of the cities is all the government 's duties mainly . The government has taken on all functions and obligations of city .

  30. 在市政管理历程中,以市政府为中心的传统治理模式由于其内在缺陷严重影响了政府治理、城市治理能力而日渐衰微。

    After reviewing the development process of e-government worldwide , suggestions are given to improve the construction and development of e-government for the Beijing Municipal Administration Committee .