
  • 网络city gas;town gas;C.G
  1. 介绍了用于合成气、城市煤气及CO2等净化过程的脱硫剂及脱硫技术。

    A description is given to the desulfurizer and desulfurization technology used in the purification process of synthesis gas , town gas and CO_2 etc.

  2. 稀土氧化物上SO2和NO的催化还原V.以城市煤气作还原剂同步脱硫脱氮

    Catalytic Reduction of SO_2 and NO by CO over Rare Earth Oxides V.Simultaneous Reduction by Using Town Gas as Reducing Agent

  3. 基于GIS技术的城市煤气管网信息系统探讨

    Discussion on city gas pipeline network information system based on GIS

  4. 用城市煤气制备N2-CO-H2氮基气氛

    Preparation of the N 2 CO H 2 Nitrogen Based Atmosphere with City Gas

  5. 从设备、工艺、检验三方面论述用城市煤气制备N2-CO-H2氮基气氛的实用技术。

    In this work , the practical technology of preparating N 2 CO H 2 nitrogen based atmosphere with city gas are reviewed in terms of the equipment , process and examine .

  6. 介绍了QDB-04耐硫变换催化剂在哈尔滨气化厂城市煤气装置上的首次运行情况。

    The first commercial application of QDB-04 sulfur-tolerant CO shift catalyst in Harbin Gas Works was reported .

  7. 通过分析天然气和城市煤气的燃烧计算结果,并用AGA法判断了它们的互换性,发现它们不能互换。

    Through analysis of calculation results of combustion of natural gas and city gas and AGA methods , it is found that these two gases can not be exchanged .

  8. 在分析了设计院面临的社会、经济等宏观环境、行业结构与企业内部环境的基础上,采用SWOT法,探讨了成都市城市煤气规划设计院的发展战略。

    Based on the study of social and economic macro environment , the structure of the industry and the internal factors of the enterprise , the paper uses SWOT as a basis of developing a strategic for Chengdu City Gas Engineering Planning & Designing Institute .

  9. 分别设计了过渡气1和过渡气2两种过渡气源,并采用国际流行的AGA法从理论上对过渡气源与现有城市煤气的互换性进行了计算。

    Two kinds of intermediate gas that are gas 1 and 2 were designed , and then the interchangeability between these two gas and vested town gas was evaluated by popular AGA indices on theory .

  10. 通过小试,中试及工业化试生产的实验结果,证实了PDS应用在城市煤气脱硫上具有成本低、不堵塔、抗HCN中毒、无需处理废液和可脱除部分有机硫等优点。

    The result of bench scale , pilot-plant and industrial tests show that PDS process has advantages of low cost , less tower plugging , anti-poisoning of HCN , unrequirement of waste absorbent liquid treatment and partly removal of organic sulphur compounds .

  11. XX城市煤气股份有限公司的主要产品是焦炉煤气和焦炭,其中焦炉煤气经净化后作为城市管道燃气气源,焦炭通过市场销售给钢铁企业用于生铁冶炼。

    Coke oven gas and coke are the main products of the Gas Business Co. , Ltd. in XX city . Coke oven gas becomes the gas source for urban pipelines after purification . And the coke can be distributed to the steel corporations for pig-iron smelting .

  12. 为了达到在单段反应器内用大同煤制造城市煤气的可能性,利用这种煤及其煤焦在压力0.14.0MPa和反应温度700900℃下通过Na2CO3作催化剂进行了蒸汽催化气化研究。

    Attempting to get possibility for making town gas in the single-stage reactor from De-Tong coal , it and its coke have been undergone steam catalytic gasification under the pressure of 0.1 4.0 MPa and the temperature of 700 900 ℃, in which Na_2CO_3 was used as a catalyst .

  13. 焦化气化工艺生产化肥焦和城市煤气的优越性

    Advantages of Coking-Gasification Technology for Producing Fertilizer Coke and Town Gas

  14. 城市煤气甲烷化工艺的化学能损失

    Loss of chemical energy in process of methanation of city gas

  15. 城市煤气甲烷化工艺研究开发进展

    Progress on the Process for Methanation of City Coal - gas

  16. 轻油水蒸气转化制城市煤气催化剂研究

    Review of catalysts for steam reforming of naphtha to city gas

  17. 降低城市煤气中总硫含量的技术措施

    Technical measure for reducing total sulfur content in town gas

  18. 城市煤气调压站过滤器性能与结构分析

    Property and Structure of Filter of Gas Pressure Regulating Station

  19. 中小城镇发展城市煤气的有效途径

    Effective Gas Development Way in Small and Medium Scale Cities

  20. 城市煤气工程抗震防灾规划

    Precautions against calamities & anti-seismic planning for urban gas engineering

  21. 城市煤气在烤窑中的应用

    The Application of City Gas in Warming up the Glass Tank Furnace

  22. 城市煤气管理信息系统总体分析与设计

    General Analysis and Design for City Gas Management Information System

  23. 城市煤气用于马蹄焰玻璃池窑

    Using City Gas for End - port Glass Tank Furnace

  24. 城市煤气厂造气系统的机电一体化改造

    Remodeling of Electromechanical Integration of Gas Making System in City Gas Plant

  25. 水煤气掺混液化石油气供城市煤气的优化配比

    Optimum Ratio on Water Gas Mixed with LPG to Supply City Gas

  26. 涡街流量计在城市煤气中的应用

    Application of Vortex street flowmeter in city coal gas

  27. 50万立方米城市煤气增量项目介绍

    Introduce of half-million cubic meters city gas increase project

  28. 城市煤气脱硫方法的比较

    Compare the way with removal sulfur of city gas

  29. 发生炉型两段炉生产城市煤气的可行性

    On the Feasibility of Adopting Two Stage Gasifier for Producing Qualified Town Gas

  30. 城市煤气化综合效益实例分析

    Example analysis of comprehensive benefit for urban gas supply