
  • 网络carrying capacity;Urban Carrying Capacity;ucc
  1. 论文从水资源、土地、交通、环境四个硬件要素中选取影响城市承载力的12个单项指标,收集大连市从2000年到2009年这最近十年的统计数据进行分析评价。

    This paper selected 12 indexes from the four hardware factors : water , land , traffic and environmental which influenced the urban carrying capacity of Dalian and collected the statistical data from 2000 to 2009 years .

  2. 城市承载力作为衡量城市可持续发展的重要指标,已经被许多专家、学者所关注。

    As an important index to measure urban sustainable development , urban carrying capacity has been concerned by more and more experts .

  3. 因此,当原有的城市承载力达到极限时,拓展城市发展空间,寻求新的城市生长点是理所当然的。

    So expanding urban development space , seek new urban growth for granted because of original cities capacity reached its ' limit .

  4. 本文对大连城市承载力的研究主要采用描述统计方法,考虑到数据的量化问题及资料的可获得性,本文只从硬件要素方面对大连城市承载力进行研究分析。

    Considering the statistical data of quantitative and the availability of information , this paper only from the aspect of hardware carrying capacity .

  5. 首先,运用层次分析法进行指标赋权,进而建立城市承载力综合评价模型求得大连城市承载力的得分并描述其变化趋势,找出制约大连城市可持续健康发展的短板因素。

    Firstly , using analytic hierarchy process to weight the indexes and build a comprehensive evaluation model for urban carrying capacity of Dalian to score and describe the trend .

  6. 大连城市承载力得分总体呈先降后升的发展态势,预期未来大连的城市发展空间较大。

    The score of Dalian urban carrying capacity trend was reduced firstly and rised then , so we could forcast that there are a large development space in the future .

  7. 在影响大连城市承载力的四个单要素承载力中,环境承载力的得分最低,成为大连综合承载力的短板因素,是制约大连城市发展的瓶颈。

    Environmental carrying capacity scored very low and in crisis condition . In the four influenced factors of Dalian urban carrying capacity , the environmental bearing capacity becomes the lowest score board .

  8. 接着在已有研究的基础上,借鉴相关评价标准进行大连城市承载力的预警分析,并就大连市目前的城市承载现状进行适当的未来发展情景描述分析。

    Then , on the basis of the existing research and the related evaluation criteria of warning analysis to analyse Dalian urban carrying capacity . At the same times , on the current situation of Dalian city carrying to forcast the future development situation properly .

  9. 煤炭城市环境承载力评估的探讨

    Inquiry on environmental carrying capacity assessment in coal mining cities

  10. 矿业城市生态承载力分析及预测&以陕西省铜川市耀州区为例

    A case study on Yaozhou district : ecological loading capacity of mining cities

  11. 银川市城市生态承载力分析

    Analysis of ecological carrying capacity in Yinchuan

  12. 基于可能-满意度法的城市人口承载力研究&以乌海市为例

    Research on Carrying Capacity in Urban Area by P-S Model & A Case Study of Wuhai City

  13. 其次,提出了城市复合承载力的概念,阐述其内涵、特征以及其主要影响因素。

    Secondly , the concept of urban environmental complex carrying capacity is and its meaning , properties and main factor is put forward .

  14. 土地环境容载力包括土地环境区划、土地环境人口容量和土地环境城市建设承载力。

    Environmental bearing capacity of land consists of land environment partition , population capacity and carrying capacity of city construction of land environment .

  15. 城市综合承载力是可持续发展理论在城市系统的具体体现和应用,是经济社会可持续发展的重要指标之一。

    UCCC is the concrete embodiment and application of the sustainable development theory , and UCCC is an important indicator of sustainable development .

  16. 同时,政府工具选择的优劣与城市环境承载力的提升密切相关,正确的政府工具选择将有助于城市环境承载力的提升,低劣的政府工具选择将为城市环境承载力提升带来较大隐患。

    At the same time , the prons or cons of the government tool selection is closely related to the urban environment carrying capacity promotion .

  17. 以城市环境承载力为约束条件预测城市内可容纳的最大乘用车保有量。

    A model which is a bi-level optimal problem and can forecast the maximum car ownership in urban with constraint of urban environmental capacity was developed .

  18. 针对一些照明工程中忽视用电能耗和城市经济承载力,设计手法雷同造成城市特色危机,而绿色照明工程又缺乏对城市整体照明关注的现状,提出了城市照明规划的绿色观。

    But now , in some lighting projects the energy consumption and economy power capability were ignored ; some design tactics are identical and in the green lighting projects the whole lighting of the city was not considered , which cause the crisis of losing the city characteristic .

  19. GIS支持下的资源型城市生态环境承载力研究

    GIS-based Research of Carrying Capacity of Eco-environment of Resource-based City

  20. 基于SD模型的干旱区城市水资源承载力模拟与预测&以包头市为例

    Simulation and Predication of Arid Area Urban Water Resources Bearing Capacity Based on SD Model : a Case Study of Baotou City

  21. 城市水资源承载力分析方法研究及应用

    On Research and Application of Bearing Capacity of Urban Water Resources

  22. 本文旨在研究沿海城市旅游环境承载力问题。

    The paper studied on urban tourism carrying capacity ( TCC ) .

  23. 城市旅游环境承载力及其旅游资源空间管理

    Urban Tourist Environment Carrying Capacity and Spatial Management to Its Tourism Resources

  24. 辽中地区矿业城市水环境承载力研究

    Water Environment Carrying Capacity Assessment about Mining Cities in Central Liaoning Province

  25. 副省级城市相对资源承载力及其社会经济发展研究

    Vice province level city relative resource capacity and its social economy development research

  26. 城市水资源承载力研究现状及其趋势

    Present Situation and Development Trend of the Research on Urban Water Resources Carring Capacity

  27. 城市水环境承载力的实例研究

    Case Study on Bearing Capacity municipal Water Environment

  28. 城市生态系统承载力理论与评价方法

    Theory and evaluation of urban ecosystem carrying capacity

  29. 城市环境复合承载力研究

    Study of Urban Complex Environmental Carrying Capacity

  30. 城市水环境承载力与可持续发展策略研究

    Study on the bearing capacity of urban water environment and the strategy for sustainable development