
  • 网络Saving rate;GSR;savings
  1. 此外,随着房屋净值贷款(homeequityloans)的枯竭以及人们逐渐意识到他们的房产财富没有预期的那么大,房地产价格的下降开始推升个人储蓄率。

    Moreover , the decline in housing prices is starting to increase the personal saving rate , as home equity loans are drying up and people are recognising that their housing wealth is not as large as they had expected .

  2. 然而,LouisKuijs&世界银行的一位经济学家声称,中国家庭的储蓄率为16%,并不是一个过高的数据;

    However , Louis Kuijs , an economist at the World Bank , says that China 's household saving rate , at16 % of GDP , is not abnormally high ;

  3. 日本的私人储蓄率为gdp的26%。

    Japan 's private sector savings were 26 per cent of GDP .

  4. 以中国为主的亚洲发展中国家,总储蓄率为GDP的35%。

    Asian developing countries , dominated by China , had overall savings rates of 35 per cent of GDP .

  5. 在危机前,印度总储蓄率达到GDP的36%(见图表)。

    Before the crisis the country 's gross savings rate had hit 36 per cent of GDP ( see chart ) .

  6. 储蓄率通常会一直上升,直到该国人均国内生产总值(gdp)达到3000至1万美元之间。

    Savings rates usually rise until countries reach a range of $ 3000 - $ 10000 of gross domestic product per capita .

  7. 人们较少关注的是储蓄率更为迅速的增长&目前中国的储蓄与GDP的比率超过了50%。

    Less attention has been paid to the even faster rise in the savings rate , which exceeds 50 per cent of GDP .

  8. 美国和英国的国内储蓄率仍将很低,而政府债务占gdp比率逼近100%。

    The US and the UK will still have very low domestic savings rates with government debt heading towards 100 per cent of GDP .

  9. 尽管自大衰退(GreatRecession)开始以来,美国家庭储蓄率已有所上升,但仍不足以吸收每年上万亿美元的美国国债净发行。

    Although the US household savings rate has risen since the Great Recession began , it has not risen enough to absorb a trillion dollars of net Treasury issuance a year .

  10. 投资率将必须升至GDP的40%,而储蓄率从35%升至37%-38%。

    The investment rate would have to rise to 40 per cent of GDP , and the savings rate rise from 35 per cent to 37-38 per cent .

  11. 一旦进入这个区间,储蓄率就开始下降,随着社会开始提供社会保障网络,消费占gdp增长的比例扩大。

    Once in that range , savings rates begin to decline and consumption becomes a larger part of GDP growth as society starts to provide a social safety net .

  12. 发展中经济体需要大量的新基础设施,但中国的投资已经上升到gdp的40%左右即使对于亚洲的高储蓄率经济体而言,这一比率之高也是空前的。

    Developing economies need lots of new infrastructure but investment in China has risen to about 40 per cent of GDP a ratio that is historically elevated even for Asian high-savings economies .

  13. 较高的储蓄率(几乎相当于全球gdp的24%)增大了资本池,大大高于本世纪最初几年的水平。

    The pool of capital is being augmented by a reasonably high level of saving ( nearly 24 per cent of world gross domestic product ) , up significantly from earlier this decade .

  14. 欧洲政策研究中心(centreforeuropeanpolicystudies)的丹尼尔格罗斯(danielgros)上周撰文表示,由于拥有更高的国民储蓄率,西班牙的状态要比希腊好。

    Daniel Gros of the centre for European Policy Studies argued on these pages last week that Spain is in a better position than Greece because of its higher rate of gross national savings .

  15. 由此,当谈到中国债务对GDP比例过高的危险时,若把高储蓄率等具体因素考虑进去的话,危险程度就要相应降低了。

    Hence , when talking about the danger of the high debt-to-GDP ratio in China , the danger must be discounted accordingly by taking into consideration its high savings rate and other specific factors .

  16. 这位美联储(Fed)主席警告说,全球经济失衡推动引发了此次危机,需要加以纠正。经济失衡是指国民储蓄率、消费率和投资率之间存在的巨大落差,体现为巨额贸易赤字或盈余。

    The Federal Reserve chairman warned that global imbalances the big gaps between national saving , consumption and investment rates reflected in large trade deficits and surpluses had helped cause the crisis and needed to be corrected .

  17. 尽管中国的出口下降了,但进口下降的速度更快,因此中国的GDP继续以快于消费的速度增长,同时中国的储蓄率(消费的对立面)继续攀升。

    Although Chinese exports have dropped , imports have declined even faster , so that China 's GDP continues to grow faster than its consumption , and China 's savings level , which is the inverse of consumption , continues to rise .

  18. IMF估计,要弥补美国需求减弱的局面,2009年中国的消费必须增长17%,国内储蓄率下滑约10%。

    The IMF calculates that Chinese consumption would have to have risen by 17 per cent in 2009 to make up for the shortfall in US demand , with the national savings rate falling by about 10 percentage points .

  19. 相比之下,多数新兴经济体的特点是国内储蓄率高企、预算状况稳健(受到收入增长的支持)、官方储备较高、实际gdp增幅处于高趋势水平(尽管最近景气指标有所下降)。

    In contrast , most emerging economies are characterised by high domestic savings , strong budget positions supported by revenue growth , high levels of official reserves and , despite a recent moderation in sentiment indicators , high trend levels of real GDP growth .

  20. 不同于英美等国家,我国一直维持着非常高的居民储蓄率,而且,储蓄率一直在上升(ModiglianiandCao,2004)。

    Different from Britain and other countries , China has maintained a very high household savings rate . Moreover , the savings rate has been rising ( Modigliani and Cao , 2004 ) .

  21. 尽管2008年后美国明显有必要提高国民储蓄率,但巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)总统却试图延续消费狂潮&他向荷包业已干瘪的消费者大力推销住房和汽车,同时不顾预算赤字不可持续实施减税举措。

    In spite of the evident need for a rise in national saving after 2008 , President Barack Obama tried to prolong the consumption binge by aggressively promoting home and car sales to already exhausted consumers , and by cutting taxes despite an unsustainable budget deficit .

  22. 真实储蓄率和生态足迹理论对生态城市建设的启示

    Revelations of Genuine Saving Rate and Eco-footprint Theory to Eco-city Construction

  23. 因此,储蓄率必须比现在高出很多。

    Saving rates , therefore , have to rise much higher .

  24. 过去10年,政府储蓄率也大幅增长。

    Government savings have also increased significantly over the past decade .

  25. 拉美与东亚储蓄率差异的原因探析

    Why saving rates in Latin America and East Asia are different

  26. 另一方面,家庭储蓄率正趋于上升。

    Equally , household savings rates are on the up .

  27. 中国的储蓄率也受到了极大影响。

    The impact on Chinese savings rates , too , is significant .

  28. 如果会,那将会导致储蓄率进一步提升。

    That would cause the saving rate to rise further .

  29. 居民储蓄率下行的背后

    Background for the fall of residents , saving up rate

  30. 让政府和企业储蓄率降下来是关键

    Decline of Savings of Government and Enterprise Is the Key