
  1. 物流系统的基本功能有:运输、储存保管、包装、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送、物流信息等。

    And the essential function is as following : transportation storage package loading and unloading processing ~ dispatching and the information of logistics .

  2. 仓储活动除以商品入库验收,储存保管和出库供应为主外,还包括包装、流通加工、分拣、配送和运输等。

    Except checking and accepting , storing and keeping , taking and supplying merchandise , the process of storage includes packing , processing in circulation , selecting and transportation .

  3. 作为一项系统工程,物流系统对环境的扰动主要体现在包装、运输、储存保管、装卸搬运、流通加工、配送以及物流信息等方面。

    As a system engineering , the disturbance of system of products circulation to environment mainly reflects in such aspects : package , transporting , storing , loading and unloading , disposing , circulation and improving , products circulation information .

  4. 菌毒种的验收、储存、保管、使用、销毁应执行国家有关医学微生物菌种保管的规定。

    The acceptance , storage , keeping , usage and destroying of bacterial and viral strains shall comply with the national regulations on storage and keeping of medical microorganism strains .

  5. STP将会尽一切合理的努力,确保其于本网站持有的个人资料均被储存于妥善保管及安全的地方。

    STP will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that any personal information held by it on this site is stored in a secure and safe place .

  6. 在储存方式和保管技术上进行大胆的尝试,取得了较为理想的效果。

    The storage technology were attempted and good effect was obtained .

  7. 实物商品都要通过物流的运输、储存、装卸、保管、配送等环节,最后递送到消费者手中。

    Physical goods must go through the logistics sections of transportation , store , loading & unloading , distribution and so on , then finally reach to customers .

  8. 物料搬运是在生产,配送,消费和回收过程中,原材料,货物和产品的搬运,储存,控制和保管。

    Material Handling-Material Handling is the movement , storage , control and protection of materials , goods and products throughout the process of manufacturing , distribution , consumption and disposal .