
cāng kù
  • warehouse;store;storehouse;godown;stockroom;depository;public store
仓库 [cāng kù]
  • [warehouse;storehouse] 指贮存保管大宗物品的建筑物或场所

  • 仓库管理员

  • 绳索仓库

仓库[cāng kù]
  1. 仓库的税前利润为310万。

    Storehouse made pre-tax profits of 3.1m .

  2. 仓库由老王看管。

    The storehouse is under the care of Old Wang .

  3. 仓库失火使得事态更为严重。

    Matters were made worse by a fire in the warehouse .

  4. 数千台这样的机器都尘封在仓库里。

    Thousands of these machines are gathering dust in stockrooms .

  5. 这所房子目前用作仓库。

    The building is currently being used as a warehouse .

  6. 侦探正在追踪昨天盗窃仓库的窃贼。

    Detectives are hunting for thieves who broke into a warehouse yesterday .

  7. 货车在仓库等着装载货物。

    The trucks waited at the warehouse to pick up their loads .

  8. 仓库失火损坏严重。

    The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire .

  9. 这家公司正加紧推动设置新仓库的计划。

    The company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse .

  10. 仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。

    The stores were overrun with rats and mice .

  11. 他买这个仓库是为了将它改成一个旅馆。

    He bought the warehouse with an eye to converting it into a hotel .

  12. 他们有2,500吨纸存放在仓库里。

    They have 2,500 tons of paper stored in their depository .

  13. 该保险公司将接受仓库库存货物或长期国库券作为担保。

    The insurance company will take warehouse stocks or treasury bonds as surety

  14. 我可以一整天都呆在仓库里而不受打扰。

    I can spend the whole day undisturbed at the warehouse

  15. 明天他一定会在河边的旧仓库里。

    Tomorrow without fail he would be at the old riverside warehouse .

  16. 救济物资正从比萨的一个仓库空运过来。

    The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa .

  17. 工作场地是个空荡荡的大仓库。

    The work space is a bare and cavernous warehouse .

  18. 他决定去仓库查看一下。

    He decided to check on things at the warehouse .

  19. 那间仓库将用9万多个货盘装3,000万只复活节彩蛋。

    The warehouse will hold more than 90,000 pallets storing 30 million Easter eggs .

  20. 他们刚占领港口时,把那里的仓库简直抢了个精光。

    When they first captured the port , they virtually cleaned out its warehouses .

  21. 他住在一个改造过的仓库里。

    He is living in a converted barn .

  22. 怀特骗到了一份工作,在荷兰皇家航空公司做仓库管理员。

    White conned his way into a job as a ware-houseman with Dutch airline , KLM

  23. 在距离她家不到一英里的一座废弃仓库里发现了她遭弃的尸体。

    Her body was found dumped in a derelict warehouse less than a mile from her home .

  24. 有些村舍里仍住着老人;有些已经改作粮仓和仓库。

    Some of the cottages were still lived in by old folk ; others had been turned into barns and storehouses .

  25. 他已从仓库调到会计室工作。

    He has transferred from the warehouse to the accounts office .

  26. 江岸新建的仓库鳞次栉比。

    Row upon row of newly built warehouses line the waterfront .

  27. 这些蔬菜贮藏在20摄氏度以下的仓库里。

    These vegetables store in a wharehouse at temperatures below 20 ℃ .

  28. 游击队放火烧了敌人的仓库。

    The guerrillas burned down the enemy 's depot .

  29. 仓库里潮气太大,粮食就容易发霉。

    The grain is liable to mildew when the humidity in the barn is too high .

  30. 可以利用那栋空建筑物作城市的仓库。

    The empty building can be utilized for city storage .