
  • 网络Warehousing Resources
  1. 整合仓储资源参与现代物流

    Integrate the Reserve Warehousing Resources and Take an Active Part in Modern Logistics

  2. 分析了湖北省物资储备系统现状以及优势与劣势,结合系统实际,提出了整合系统内仓储资源,运用现代物流技术,实现从传统仓储业向现代物流业跨越的措施与对策。

    The paper analyzes the current situation , advantages and disadvantages of Hubei materials reserving system , puts forward how to integrate the warehousing resources and use modern logistics technology to fulfill the transformation from traditional warehousing industry to modern logistics industry .

  3. 原有的MIS系统已经难以满足立体仓库新的需求,为了合理配置仓储资源、降低仓储成本、控制仓库业务流程,需要对立体仓库空间对象及其相互之间复杂的时空关系进行研究。

    The existed MIS systems have difficult to meet new needs of stereoscopic warehouse . In order to allocating storage resources rationally , reducing storage costs and controlling the warehouse business process , it is necessary to analyze and model the objects of stereoscopic warehouse and their relations .

  4. 其研究成果已经运用某军械仓库,极大的提高的仓库的工作效率和仓储资源利用率。

    This study result has been applied in some armory which improved warehouse working efficiency and material utilization dramatically .

  5. 这虽然可以独自完成回收逆向物流任务,但这种只关注企业内部回收逆向物流资源应用的做法,会造成大量外部社会资源没有得到充分利用,如运输资源、仓储资源、分拣资源等。

    They can complete the recovery reverse logistics tasks by themselves . But it will make lots of external social resources , such as transportation resources , storage resources , sorting source and so on , not to be used fully .

  6. 但是,这些掌握着宝贵的仓储运输资源的企业,在建设现代物流体系中仍具有一定的潜在优势。

    But in fact , those enterprises have a lot of valuable resources , which can be superiority in establishing modern logistic system .

  7. 具有丰富的国际搬家、包装与仓储的资源和专业经验的员工,以及严格的质量控制经验和技术。

    With a wealth of international moving , packing and storage of resources and professional experienced staff , as well as strict quality control experience and technology .

  8. 对高校读者的OpenAccess基本认知、机构仓储基本认知、资源开放共享意愿和机构仓储联盟的认知与需求进行问卷调查。

    The author carries out the investigation on internal college readers'cognition of open access , institutional repository , resources opening and sharing , institutional repositories federation .

  9. 基于元数据仓储的图书馆信息资源管理研究

    A Study on the Library Information Resources Management with Metadata Warehouse

  10. 多年来,针对仓储优化的问题产生了大量相关研究成果,其中仓储静态设计、资源配置、优化调度逐渐成为近年来的研究热点。

    For many years , according to storage optimization generated a massive research achievements . Especially the research projects about storage designing 、 resources allocation and optimization scheduling have been research hotspots gradually .

  11. 只有不断开发应用军事仓储高新技术,才能提高仓储作业效率,改善仓储作业条件,提高仓储资源利用率。

    The only way to improve the storage efficiency , operation condition and resource utilization is to continuously develop advanced technology of martial storage .