
  • 网络reserve replacement ratio;RESERVE REPLACEMENT RATE
  1. 该公司报告去年的储量替代率(增加的储量相对于开采量)达到202%,不过根据花旗(citi)的分析,其有机储量替代率为110%。

    The company reported a reserve replacement ratio ( the amount added to its reserves relative to the amount extracted ) of 202 per cent last year , although the organic reserve replacement is 110 per cent , according to analysis from Citi .

  2. 当前,储量替代率已经成为衡量跨国石油公司发展潜力的重要标志之一。

    Reserve Replacement Ratio ( RRR ) has become one of the vital marks to scale the potential development of global petroleum companies now .

  3. 储量替代率(RRR)似乎好过绝大多数其它国家的石油企业:中石油在今后几年里应当能够超过110%。

    Reserve replacement ratios tend to be better than almost anybody else : PetroChina 's should exceed 110 per cent in coming years .