
  • 网络saving gap
  1. 外汇缺口与储蓄缺口

    Foreign exchange gap and savings gap

  2. 国际资本流动有助于缓解发展中国家的外汇缺口和储蓄缺口,同时对资本输出国来说也有利于提高投资报酬。

    The international capital flows helps to alleviate foreign exchange gap and savings gap of developing countries , while capital-exporting countries also benefit from the improvement of the return on investment .

  3. 首先通过储蓄缺口和居民、企业部门的债权及债务结构,对我国储蓄&投资转化的现状作了具体分析,发现其转化效率极其低下;

    Firstly , it analyzes the situation of the transforming mechanism in detail in terms of " saving gap ", the credit and debt structures between residents and enterprises sectors .

  4. 西方发展经济学中的储蓄缺口、外汇缺口和双缺口理论提出了开放经济条件下,通过利用外资促进经济增长,从而增加就业的可能性。

    The Theory of Two Gap ( Saving Gap and Foreign Exchange Gap ) put forward a possibility of raising job opportunities by using foreign investment to bring about the economic growth .

  5. 传统的两缺口分析把引进外资与储蓄缺口或外汇缺口相联系,认为储蓄过剩与引进外资是不可能并存的,这与我国的实际情况不同。

    The conventional two-gap model analysis associates introduction of foreign capital with shortage of savings and foreign currency . Thus , coexistence of excess savings and introduction of foreign capital is considered impossible .

  6. 钱纳里等人提出的双缺口模型为发展中国家引进外资提供了理论基础,目前东北老工业基地引进外资不应单纯局限于弥补储蓄缺口和外汇缺口的层次上,而应转向以弥补其他缺口为主。

    Double gaps model has offered the theoretical foundation for importing foreign capital in developing countries . Now attracting foreign capital in the old industrial base of the Northeast should not simply confine to remedying saving gap , but rather change the direction and rely mainly on remedying other gaps .

  7. 这可能也是近来储蓄与投资缺口大幅扩大的原因之一。

    That too likely contributed to the large recent increase in the savings and investment gap .

  8. 从理论和实证的角度,分析了我国的储蓄&投资缺口。

    The gap between savings and investment in China is analyzed in both theoretic and positive views .

  9. 对导致这一现象的理论解释主要分成四派,他们分别是:人民币汇率低估论、基于要素禀赋的国际分工定位论、储蓄&投资缺口论、和全球经济失衡引致论。

    The leading theory to explain this phenomenon is divided into four main faction They are : theory of RMB exchange underevaluation , theory of orientation of international division of labor , two-gap theory and global imbalance theory .

  10. 国际资本的流入补充了转轨国家储蓄和投资的缺口,提供了必要的资金,满足了消费和投资需求。在转轨国家经济增长和金融深化的同时,也出现了各种金融隐患。

    International capital inflows supplement the gap between savings and investment , providing necessary funds to meet the demands of consumption and investment . Nevertheless , in transition economies , there arise more and more financial risks .

  11. 然而自从进入20世纪90年代以来,中国已经基本不存在储蓄和外汇的双缺口,所以FDI流入中国远不止填平储蓄和外汇缺口那么简单。

    It is believed that the entry of FDI could fill the gaps of saving and foreign exchange for developing countries . However , since the 1990s , there was no gap of saving or foreign exchange in China .

  12. 在结合高储蓄和高投资分析的基础上,本文进一步分析储蓄投资缺口的状况及其产生的原因。

    Then on the base of the former analysis , this article analysises the situation of saving surplus and the causes that leads to it .

  13. 而前苏联则似乎通过“强迫储蓄”解决了这个问题,还有一些人认为,第三世界可以通过外援填补“储蓄缺口”。

    The Soviet Union , it appeared , had solved this problem through " forced saving "; the Third World , some argued , could fill the " saving gap " with foreign aid .