
  1. 在储存期间,必须保护lwl以免受高湿度的影响。

    The LWL must be protected from high humidity during storage .

  2. 本文研究了商品等级草莓在储存期间的变化规律。

    The change of commercial strawberry quality during storage period was studied .

  3. 瓦楞纸箱储存期间力学性能的变化

    Changes of Mechanical Properties of Corrugated Box during Storage

  4. 但如果用铝包覆铍,则可避免加工过程中及储存期间的中毒问题。

    Toxicity problem in manufacturing and storage might be alleviated by coating beryllium with aluminum .

  5. 制定程序规定防止产品在储存期间损坏或变质的方法。

    Develop procedures which specify how your products will be protected from damage or deterioration during storage .

  6. 酸乳低温储存期间乳蛋白和游离氨基酸变化及质构关系

    Study on variations of yoghurt milk proteins and free amino acids , and relationship between texture during low-temperature storage

  7. 根据导弹在储存期间的实际数据和维修性模型对其进行了统计分析。

    The statistical analysis is given for maintenance of missiles in storage based on some actual data and maintenance model .

  8. 对导弹在储存期间的维修性的情况给予了分析,并建立了可用性模型。

    In this paper , the maintenance of missiles in storage is analysed and an availability model for analysis is built .

  9. 讨论了经该抗菌薄膜包装的鲜牛肉储存期间各项理化指标及感观品质的变化,并研究了该抗菌薄膜的抗菌效果和物理指标。

    The physical and biochemical changes of beef with this antimicrobial packaging were studied and the antimicrobial effect also was discussed .

  10. 为防止在成品中发生这种情况,可以在储存期间对啤酒进行各种冷却一检验处理。

    To prevent this form occurring in the finished product , various chill-proofing treatments may be given to the beer during the storage period .

  11. 常见食源性感染源包括在制备或储存期间受到污染的生的或未煮熟的海鲜、生的水果蔬菜及其它食物。

    Common sources of foodborne infection include raw or poorly cooked seafood , raw fruit and vegetables , and other foods contaminated during preparation or storage .

  12. 研究表明,对硫磷在苹果上消解半衰期为15.2017.45d;储存期间,残留于苹果上的对硫磷的消解半衰期为12.5313.32d。

    The present research results showed that the half-life values of parathion in the apple and in the stored apple were in ranges of from 15.20 to 17.45 and 12.53 to 13.32 days , respectively .

  13. 仓储企业在储存金属期间能够收费,即便相关金属由于排队而未能发运。

    Warehouse companies earn a fee while they hold metal , even if it has not left because of queues .

  14. 研究发现密度和燃速随储存时间几乎没有变化;而不同温度下的抗拉强度、伸长率数据随着推进剂在储存期间粘合剂的逐渐老化而有不同的变化趋势。

    The rules were found that the density and burning rate of HTPB propellants almost keep the same at different storage period , While the strain , stress value of HTPB propellants at different test temperatures have different change trends with the aging of polymer adhesive in storage .