
chǔ xù cún kuǎn
  • savings deposit
  1. 我国从1999年11月1日起,开始对我国居民以20%的税率征收储蓄存款利息个人所得税。

    From November 1 . 1999 . our country starts to levy inhabitant the savings deposit interest personal income tax by 20 % tax rate .

  2. 分析我国经济发展过程中储蓄存款增长率与实际利率之间的关系,并说明该关系发生变化的原因。

    It analysed the relation between the increasing rate of savings deposit and the real rate of interest in the economic development of our country , and illustrated are the change causes of their relation .

  3. 平衡PC上的所有开支和储蓄存款户头。

    Balance all your checking and savings accounts on your PC.

  4. savingsaccount储蓄存款帐户我要把钱从储蓄存款帐户转到支票存款帐户

    I need to transfer money from my savings account to my checking account .

  5. 浅析GDP、储蓄存款与上证综指运行关系关于证的思考

    Brief Analysis of the Correlation between GDP , Deposit and Shanghai Stock Exchange Index Reasoning about Syndrome in TCM

  6. 银行卡对应的活期储蓄存款应归入M1中

    To put the resident 's current deposit into Ml which the bank card corresponds to

  7. 通过实证分析阐明我国股市是国民经济的晴雨表,GDP持续增长决定上证综指向上运行趋势,储蓄存款余额增减变动决定上证综指波动。

    The steady increase of GDP determines on the up-going tendency of the index , which fluctuates thanks to the increase or decrease of its deposit balance .

  8. 其中,有利因素包括国家相关政策、巨量储蓄存款产生的融资潜力、海外丰富的REITs运作经验、我国所具备的REITs运作的市场基础等。

    The favorable factors include relevant national policies , huge saving deposits , foreign REITs operational experience , the market conditions of our country .

  9. GFCEconomics驻伦敦的格雷厄姆•特纳指出,两年期存款4月份同比减少8%,储蓄存款3月份同比减少16%。

    Two-year deposits tumbled 8 % from a year ago in April and savings deposits plunged at a 16 % year-over-year clip in March , notes Graham Turner of GFC economics in London .

  10. “融资难”导致英国专门贷款公司凯特斯(Cattles)的股价大幅震荡。该公司正在加紧申请银行业务牌照,以便筹集储蓄存款。

    Funding concerns have roiled the share price of Cattles , another British lender : it is seeking a banking licence so that it can gather deposits .

  11. 通过岭回归和面板数据回归分析,发现教育投入受到GDP、财政收入、财政支出、居民储蓄存款余额影响较大,教育投入总额增长更受益于财政支出的增长。

    Through Ridge regression and panel data regression , it is found that educational investment is influenced remarkably by GDP , financial income , financial expenditure , and surplus of residents deposits , and that the increase of total educational investment benefits from the increase of financial expenditure .

  12. 为小孩读大学存钱的家长中只有三分之一的使用纳税优惠的储蓄存款帐户,比如529计划或Coverdell教育储蓄帐户。

    Only a third of the college savers used a tax-advantaged savings account like a529 plan or Coverdell account .

  13. 股票需求主要受资金供给的影响,与经济增长的关联度不高,对实际利率和和名义利率不敏感,M0和居民储蓄存款分别对股票需求有显著的正效用和负效用。

    Demand of stocks is mainly affected by money supply , but has not high correlation with economic growth and is not sensitive with the real or nominal interest rates . M0 has significant positive effects , and savings deposits have negative effects on the stock demand .

  14. 我需要储蓄存款帐户及支票存款帐户吗?

    Do I need a savings account and a checking account ?

  15. 居民储蓄存款的迅速增长及其对国民经济发展的影响

    The Rapid Growth of Savings Deposits by Residents and Its Influences

  16. 卡蒂将于12月12日取回她圣诞储蓄存款总额。

    Katie will get her Christmas club money on December 12 .

  17. 你要开活期存款户头还是储蓄存款户头?

    Do you want a checking account or a savings account ?

  18. 玛丽每星期存20美元作为圣诞储蓄存款。

    Mary deposits $ 20 each week in the Christmas club .

  19. 储蓄存款的利率是4%。

    The interest rate for the savings account is 4 % .

  20. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。

    Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars .

  21. 我国居民储蓄存款误差修正模型与分析

    A Study on Chinese Resident Savings Deposits Using Error Correction Model

  22. 请问怎么开个储蓄存款账户?

    Would you tell me how to open a savings account ?

  23. 而且存在存款利率降低而储蓄存款仍高速增长的悖论,无法有效发挥货币政策的作用。

    And the monetary policy cannot play its role efficiently .

  24. 我要在我的储蓄存款户头上存入100元。

    I 'd like to deposit $ 100 into my savings account .

  25. 储蓄存款的利率是多少?

    What 's the interest rate for the savings account ?

  26. 对十万亿元储蓄存款的理性分析

    A Rational Analysis on One Thousand Billion Yuan Savings Deposit

  27. 浙江省城乡居民储蓄存款实证分析

    Demonstration Analysis on Zhejiang Province Urban and Rural Residents Savings

  28. 对储蓄存款利息所得征收个人所得税之检讨

    Thoughts on Imposing Personal Income Tax on Interest of Saving

  29. 储蓄存款的最低存款额是多少?

    What is the minimun deposit for a savings account ?

  30. 我们储蓄存款的非常低存款额是100美圆。

    Our minimum deposit for a savings account is100 dollars .