
  1. 影响中国外汇储备需求诸因素的实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis of Demand for International Reserve of China

  2. 中国国际储备需求的理论与实证分析

    The Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of China 's Requirement for International Reserve

  3. 国际储备需求研究文献综述

    Documentary Survey on Demand for International Reserves

  4. 本文首先简单回顾了外汇储备需求函数的研究文献;

    At first , this paper reviews the literatures on the international reserve demand function .

  5. 一些行业高管认为,在北美石油产量持续增长的情况下,储备需求也会日益增加。

    Some executives see growing demand for storage as North American oil output continues to increase .

  6. 除了中国(或日本)的储备需求降低以外,这也意味着通胀率将会提高。

    Quite apart from lower demand from Chinese ( or Japanese ) reserve building , it means higher inflation .

  7. 美国人的时间观从短期看,中国的国际储备需求还受到货币政策的影响。

    In the a short time , the demand for international reserves in China is still affected by monetary policy .

  8. 在此基础上利用动态调整模型确定我国的外汇储备需求方程,并依此来判断我国所持有的外汇储备是否充足,或是超量。

    By utilizing model of dynamic adjustment , we construct foreign reserve equation to judge whether foreign reserves is adequate or surplus .

  9. 而黄金的需求则受工业需求、避险需求、保值需求、储备需求、投资需求等多个方面的影响。

    The demand for gold is affected by the industrial demand , hedging demand , the demand for reserves , and investment demand .

  10. 这是研究国际储备需求的基本前提,是本文必须首先阐明的问题。

    This is basic premise of researching international reserve demand , and also is the first question which this article must first expound .

  11. 在本文中,建立了以国际储备需求量为因变量,各种影响国际储备需求因素为自变量的线性模型。

    In the paper , the linear models are set up , which include dependent variable of the demand for international reserves and the independent variables .

  12. 三是对传统的国际储备需求决定因素和最优规模理论进行回顾和归纳。

    Thirdly , the demand determining factor and most optimal level of the traditional international reserve theory has carried on the review and induction in the chapter .

  13. 二是对国际储备需求的均衡规模和最优规模进行了深入的分析和比较。

    The article , secondly , has carried on the thorough analysis and comparison to the balanced level and the most optimal level of the international reserve demand .

  14. 若预测未来对土地储备需求较强,可以多储备土地,适当提高土地储备周期,允许由此造成适当资金积淀。

    If the demand for land reserve is strong in the future , we can reserve more land and increasing land reserve cycle , allow appropriate capital accumulation .

  15. 因此,对于外汇储备需求数量的研究就自然而然的成为当前学术界和政府部门关注的焦点。

    Therefore , the research regarding the foreign exchange reserve demand quantity becomes naturally the focal point which the current academic circles and the government department pay attention to .

  16. 外汇储备需求存在规模适度的问题,同理外汇储备供给也应当有一个适度的规模。

    Foreign exchange reserves , modest scale of the problem there is demand , supply of foreign exchange reserves should be the same token there is a modest scale .

  17. 进一步通过实证研究,测定出我国外商直接投资的适度规模,进而得到供给的适度规模。然后,本文采用多因素分析法和回归分析法测算了外汇储备需求的适度规模。

    By further empirical research , we determine the appropriate of the scale of foreign direct investment , and further achieve the appropriate scale of the supply of foreign exchange . Then , we measured the moderate size of the demand by multi-factor analysis and regression analysis .

  18. 从长期看,中国的国际储备需求主要由国民收入、进口倾向、储备的机会成本、债务风险和国际收支平衡等因素决定;

    In a long run , the demand for international reserves in China is mainly decided by such factors as the national income , the average propensity to import , the opportunity cost , the foreign default risk , and the variability in the balance of payments , etc.

  19. 这就要求我们重视和加强对国际储备需求理论尤其是最新前沿理论的研究,以便为研究外汇储备规模提供帮助和指导,为制定外汇储备政策提供依据和坐标。

    In order to provide the help and instruction for the research about foreign exchange reserve scale , and provide the basis and coordinates for the formulation foreign exchange reserve policy ; we must regard and strengthen to research the international reserve demand theory , especially the newest front theory .

  20. 它还将在一定程度上取代各国累积外汇储备的需求。

    It would partially replace countries ' need to accumulate reserves .

  21. 大规模的特别提款权分配可以帮助满足这些国家对外汇储备的需求。

    A large SDR allocation can help meet this demand for reserves .

  22. 1952~2003年中国国际储备长期需求模型

    Long-term Demand for International Reserves From Year of 1952 to 2003 in China

  23. 美元资产不足以满足国际储备的需求。

    There are not enough dollar assets to accommodate the demand for international reserves .

  24. 中国天然气战略储备的需求和对策

    The demand of strategic storage of natural gas in China and Its Countermeasures Analysis

  25. 我国国际储备规模需求的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on International Reserve Demand

  26. 本文探索了在满足土地储备业务需求的基础上,进行有效的土地储备管理。

    This thesis explores the effective land banking management on the basis of the land banking business needs .

  27. 但实际上,建立储备的需求造成了货币发行国的经常账户赤字。

    But , in practice , the demand for reserves has generated current account deficits in the issuing country .

  28. 得出了1952年至1982年,1982年至2003年两期间各自的国际储备长期需求模型与短期误差修正模型。

    The Long-term Demand for International Reserves Model and the Error Correction Model of 1952-1982 and 1982-2003 are concluded .

  29. 现代货币理论中个人持有货币余额的需求动机理论可以引入到政府持有外汇储备的需求动机的分析中,这种需求动机可以分为交易性、预防性和盈利性三大类。

    Modern motive theory of individual money demand can be introduced to the theory of government demand motive of foreign exchange reserves .

  30. 根据我国实际情况,以外汇储备合理需求为理论依据,借鉴有关模型,构建了一个新的外汇储备适度规模模型。

    Then , referring to relevant model , a new moderate determination model is constituted according to the reasonable demand of the foreign exchange reserve and other factors .