
  • 网络reserve fund
  1. 加强库存材料管理降低储备资金占用

    Enhance Stock Material Management and Reduce Reserve Fund Occupancy

  2. 据统计作为储备资金,世界黄金储藏已有36000吨。

    According to the statistics takes the reserve fund , the world gold preserve had 36000 tons .

  3. 商业银行和企业可以考虑利用此方法来度量这对组合的风险,然后根据计算的VaR值来储备资金或者采取措施规避风险。

    That is to say , commercial banks and enterprises can adopt this method to measure the exchange rate risk of this portfolio . They can also reserve funds to deal with the risk or take steps to avoid risk according to these VaR values .

  4. 创立于1970年的美国证券投资者保护协会(sipc)拥有一笔储备资金,可为股票投资者提供至多50万美元的保障。

    The Securities Investor Protection Corporation , created in 1970 , has a reserve that covers securities customers for up to $ 5 00000 .

  5. 美林亚太金融机构研究部主管史思达(alistairscarff)表示:“未知因素在于,我们是否会看到资产质量下降。进一步储备资金需要到哪种程度?”

    Alistair Scarff , Merrill Lynch head of Asia Pacific financial institutions research , said : " the wild card is whether we will see asset quality decline . And how deep will further provisioning need to be ? "

  6. 探索国企核定储备资金的方法

    Probing Method of State Enterprise Check and Ratify Reserving Fund

  7. 它有哈特福德的保险公司的庞大的储备资金。

    It harbors huge reserves of capital in the insurance companies of Hartford .

  8. 注入注册资本,保持合理的土地储备资金资本结构。

    Add registered capital to maintain a reasonable capital structure of land reserve funds .

  9. 中国拥有大量外汇储备资金,而且很难对它们进行配置。

    China has a war chest of foreign exchange reserves that it finds difficult dispense .

  10. 实践证明,该模型有效地提高了航材管理的水平和航材储备资金的利用率。

    In practice , this model is helpful to improve management level and efficiency of fund .

  11. 基于在险值分析的土地储备资金回收风险预测&以杭州市为例

    Land Reservation Funds Retrieval Risk Prediction Based on VaR Method : A Case Study of Hangzhou

  12. 提高土地收购储备资金利用效率的途径探讨

    A study of approaches to increase in the efficiency of capital for land reserve and purchase

  13. 他们的主要做法是:改善物资管理,加速储备资金的周转;

    Their main measures are : improve material manage-ment to speed up the turnover of reserve capital ;

  14. 但随着实施过程的深入,目前也遇到了一些制约因素,其中最主要的就是土地储备资金问题。

    But with the implementation development , there are some restriction factors mainly including land reserving fund .

  15. 如果你的收费太低,你就不能为支持自由软件发展储备资金。

    If you charge too low a fee , you won 't have anything to spare to support development .

  16. 这需要借助于资本理论,并且还要将储备资金,投资于金融资产。

    That requires a theory of capital and they 're going to have to invest the reserves in financial assets .

  17. 美国联邦住房管理局为太多可疑的抵押贷款提供了担保,其储备资金已低于法律要求的水平。

    The Federal Housing Agency has insured so many dubious mortgages that it 's already fallen below its legally-mandated reserves .

  18. 有关资料表明,企业的储备资金平均占用约为流动资产总额的40%。

    Relevant data shows that the average enterprise reserve funds for the occupation of the total current assets of nearly 40 % .

  19. 示威活动者此行目的在于向议会抱怨不合理法案,因为这一法案会造成土著居民群体专项储备资金缩减的威胁。

    Indigenous activists were there to complain about legislation before congress that threatens to shrink the size of some reserves for indigenous groups .

  20. 不论结果如何,中国最终可能需要动用更多的储备资金去解决其国内问题,或安抚国内利益集团。

    In any case , China may end up using more of its reserve funds to address domestic problems or placate domestic interest groups .

  21. 政府储备资金应以国家投资为主,并广开融资渠道,利用政策性贷款、发行债券等多种方式予以解决。

    Official funding used for petroleum reserve should come manly from state investment and other various channels , such as policy loans or bond issuance .

  22. 阿里影业有一笔数目可观投资储备资金,而且未来还会增加,公司近期就为此筹到了16亿美元。

    Alibaba Pictures has a sizeable war chest for investment , which will swell further as the company recently sought to raise $ 1.6 billion .

  23. 国有企业的物资储备资金,既是保证企业生产经营正常进行的前提,又是加速流动资金周转的必要条件。

    Substance reserving fund of state Enterprise is promises that enterprise manufacture manage can normal ongoing , it is prerequisite requirment speeding flowing fund turnover as well .

  24. 即时招标采购法是安钢在实践中探索出的邀请招标的一种新的形式。此方法具有供应及时、降低采购成本、减少储备资金占用等特点。

    The inviting bid whenever necessary is a new way investigated by Angang , It features timely supply , low purchasing cost , decrease of occupied funds reserve etc.

  25. 合理预测土地储备资金需求,根据预测结果制定融资方案,控制土地储备贷款规模。

    Forecast requirements of land reserve funds reasonably ; and according to the forecasting results , to write financing proposals and to control the scale of land reserve loans .

  26. 银行和其他金融机构就会储备资金,因而可能不愿相互拆借,从而造成回购市场崩溃。

    Banks and other financial institutions would be hesitant to lend to one another as they hoard capital , causing the repurchase ( or repo ) market to collapse .

  27. 第七章在第六章提出问题的基础上着重于解决问题,并在解决问题的基础上提出了完善土地储备资金运作体系的基本设想。

    Chapter 7 focuses on problem solution on the basis of chapter 6 , put forward the basic idea of improving the fund operating operating system of land reserve .

  28. 提出从土地收购储备资金良性循环体系和土地收益分配体系两方面构建土地收购储备资金财政保障体系。

    The paper point out advices that establishing system of finance guarantee about land reserve and purchase capital based on positive cycle of land capital and distributing system of land proceeds .

  29. 一场真正的信贷危机隐约来临,欧洲银行正在抛售信誉度最低的债券和其他资产,试图储备资金,提高现金流量。

    European banks are dumping the bonds of the least creditworthy , and other assets , in an attempt to conserve capital and improve cashflow as a full-blown funding crisis looms .

  30. 土地储备资金的财务活动主要有土地储备资金的筹集、土地储备成本的管理、土地出让收入的分配。

    Financial activities of the land reserve funds included the raising of the land reserve funds , the management of the land reserve cost , and the distribution of the land revenue .