
  • 网络reversed transmission of the pressure for easing monetary condition
  1. 社会的快速发展已经形成对高职教育的倒逼机制,职业技术教育引起了温州市委、市政府高度重视。

    The rapid development of society has formed a forced mechanism on vocational education .

  2. 更重要的是通过电力零售市场的价格竞争机制,迫使发电企业根据反馈的价格信息进行生产经营,最终在发电侧形成降低成本的倒逼机制,从而真正实现电力市场化改革的目的。

    As a result , the purpose of power marketization will be accomplished through reducing costs by generating plants .

  3. 调控方式是航标,决定形成机制的方向;避免形成倒逼机制、欲罢不能。

    The method of regulation and control is the navigation mark , determining the direction of the formative mechanism ;

  4. 中国经济面临由高速增长转入中速增长,经济转型的倒逼机制正在形成,转变经济发展方式,推动创新驱动,加快经济增长方式转型是摆在我们面前的一大课题。

    The Chinese economy is facing transferred by the rapid growth of medium-speed growth , Forced mechanism of economic transformation is taking shape , the transformation of economic development , promoting innovation-driven , and accelerate the economic growth mode transformation is a major issue before us .

  5. 本文在分析这种定价机制的现状及缺陷的基础上,构建了一种成品油倒逼定价机制。

    A backward pricing mechanism of refined oil is constructed based on the analysis of actuality and shortages of the new refined oil pricing mechanism .

  6. 因此,从一定意义上讲,不妨借助外力,充分利用“倒逼”机制,来推动我国玩具产业的转型升级。

    Therefore , a certain sense , outside help may wish to make full use of " Forced " mechanism to promote transformation and upgrading of China 's toy industry .