
  • 网络Unit deposit;Deposits of Units
  1. 非法查询、冻结、扣划个人储蓄存款或者单位存款的;

    The bank illegally inquires about , freezes or deducts deposits of individuals or units ;

  2. 办理机关、团体、学校、企事业单位存款。事业机构或宗教团体的基金资财。

    Handle deposits for organizations , communities , schools , enterprises and institutions . the treasury of a public institution or religious order .

  3. 收益率高于传统单位银行存款的理财产品(WMP)和其他非标信贷工具,是由房地产开发商、煤炭矿商或其他第三方发行的。

    Wealth management products ( WMPs ) and other non-standard credit instruments , which offer higher yields than traditional corporate bank deposits , are issued by property developers , coal miners or other third parties .

  4. 行政单位暂存款科目使用中的问题及建议

    Problems and Suggestions in the Use of Temporary Deposit in Administrative Units

  5. 本文从行政事业单位中的暂存款的概念入手,分析了暂存款科目使用中存在的问题,并提出了建议。

    The paper analyses the problems existing in the use of temporary deposit from its conception in administrative units and puts forward some suggestions on it .