
  • 网络Warehouse equipment;Warehouse Facilities;storehouse accommodation
  1. 要对自动化立体仓库设备进行监控,必须解决PC机和PLC系统之间的数据通信。

    To monitor automated warehouse equipment , we must address the problem of PC and PLC data communication .

  2. 实现了一套基于Profibus-DP的网络数控系统,满足激光雕刻机、机械臂和立体仓库设备需要的多任务控制和相互协作。

    A network numerical control system based on the Profibus-DP is developed to control the laser engraving machine , robot arm and warehouse equipment , which needs mutual mission control and cooperation control .

  3. 由于IBM长期追随者可能对Netezza的数据仓库设备仍然不太熟悉,下面有一个Netezza产品指南,其中包含TwinFin。

    Because longtime IBM followers may still be somewhat unfamiliar with Netezza 's data warehouse appliances , the following is a guide to Netezza 's offerings , which include TwinFin .

  4. 要求会开铲车,并使用相关仓库打包设备。

    Ability to driving forklift and use packing equipments .

  5. 仓库机械设备的综合评价模型

    The comprehensive evaluating model of equipment in ordnance magazine

  6. 午餐后,我们去仓库检查设备。

    After lunch , we went over to our store and checked the equipments .

  7. 分析了自动化立体仓库主要设备的设计计算方法以及仓库的可靠性评估和优化计算等。

    This section analyzes design and calculation methods of chief equipments in automated High-rise Warehouse and reliability evaluation and optimal design in warehouse .

  8. 在对自动化仓库仿真设备及作业流程、仿真系统中类和对象的分析后,介绍一种基于面向对象建模和多线程的物流系统自动化仓储仿真的方法。

    After analyzing the automatic warehouse simulation equipments and the classes and objects of working process and simulation system , an automatic warehouse simulation method based on object-oriented modeling and multi-thread techniques was introduced in this paper .

  9. 仓库的硬件设备,包括出人库输送链、巷道堆垛机等。

    Warehouse hardware equipments , including warehouse-out and warehouse-in conveyance chains and alley crane etc.

  10. 保持仓库内外及设备的整洁和环境卫生。

    Keep the warehouse , both internals and externals , and equipment in good cleaning condition .

  11. 有一些情况是,他们买了一些仓库,把设备运到仓库,没有人订购,但这些设备却被虚构的客户购买。

    Some cases they were actually buying warehouses , and shipping the equipment in warehouses that nobody ordered but showing on this go into fake customers .

  12. 介绍了模糊诊断模型,并利用该模型对立体仓库的关键设备&巷道堆垛机故障进行了诊断。

    Fuzzy diagnosis model is introduced and applied to the default diagnosis of the storage / retrieval machine which is one of the key plant of high-rise warehouse .

  13. 近年来,自动化立体仓库的硬件设备、自动控制和通讯技术已经十分完善,而自动化立体仓库的优化管理、调度方面还存在不足。

    In recent years , hardware equipment , automatic control and communication technology in automatic warehouse tend to be perfect , but there are still insufficient on management optimization and scheduling .

  14. 投标人应确认目前已为投标人和主要分包商建立的支持设施ik,包括仓库、维护及设备场、施工营地及办公室。

    Bidders shall identify currently established support facilities IK for both bidder and major subcontractors , including warehouses , maintenance and equipment yards , construction camp and offices .

  15. 基于数据仓库的包装机械设备故障诊断方法的研究

    Research on the Packaging Machine Fault Diagnosis Based on Data Base

  16. 负责仓库叉车和仓储设备的维护和正常使用。

    Responsible for the proper use of and maintenance of the Forklift and warehouse equipment .

  17. 在库存管理中加入最高储备和最低储备字段,对仓库中的物资设备实现监控和报警。

    Adding the highest in the inventory management reserves and minimum reserve fields , materials and equipment in the warehouse implementation monitoring and alarm .

  18. 立体自动化仓库设计及主要设备选型:对立体仓库的出入库能力、容量、货架尺寸以及总体规模进行了分析计算,同时也对立库主要设备进行了选型及配置。

    The three-dimensional design of automatic warehouse and main equipment type selecting : analyze and calculate storehouse discrepancy ability , capacity , shelve size and overall capacity , set the storehouse capital equipment and select the type and disposition of the main equipments .

  19. 从仓库的内部布局、货位的布置、仓库设施设备的配备三个方面给出了具体的规划设计方案。

    It proposes a concrete design in terms of the inner layout of the warehouse , the location of the goods and the warehouse facilities .

  20. 对货架仓库的火灾特点、火灾危险特征进行了分析,同时对作为货架仓库有效灭火设备的自动喷淋系统,结合中国、日本、美国、英国相关的规范进行了分析比较。

    Meanwhile , it is analyzed and compared that automatic sprinkling system functions as an effective fire protection combined with corresponding criterions in China , Japan , America and Britain .