
  • 网络Urban Economic Growth
  1. 城市经济增长是经济学中一个重要的研究课题。

    The urban economic growth is an important research topic in developmental economics .

  2. 具有内生人口规模的城市经济增长模型

    An urban economic growth model with endogenous population

  3. 资源型城市经济增长因素相关性分析

    Correlative Analysis on the Economy Growth Factors of Resource-Centered Cities

  4. 中国城市经济增长模型及实证分析

    The Economic Growth Model of China 's Cities and the Positive Analysis

  5. 经济危机对我国城市经济增长影响的差异化研究

    A differential study of the economic depression and the Chinese economic growth

  6. 基础设施建设与城市经济增长的关系

    A research on infrastructure construction and city economy growth

  7. 城市经济增长的区位模型

    A Location Model of Economic Growth in the City

  8. 专业化与城市经济增长&基于中国地级以上城市数据的实证分析

    Specialization and Economic Growth of Cities : Evidence from 281 Cities in China

  9. 长三角16城市经济增长差异比较研究

    Comparison of Difference of Sixteen Cites Economy Increasing in the Yangtse River Delta

  10. 四川省城市经济增长水平评价研究

    Research of Evaluating Economical Growth of Sichuan Cities

  11. 投资与城市经济增长的相关分析

    Correlative Analysis of Investment and Urban Economic Growth

  12. 集聚经济理论指出,空间结构对城市经济增长非常重要。

    Aggregate economics theory indicates the importance of urban spatial structure to the economic growth .

  13. 珠江三角洲中心城市经济增长中生产要素作用初探

    Effect of Production Factors in the Economic Growth of Core Cities of the Pearl River Delta

  14. 对全国范围内的减轻贫困来说,农村经济增长比城市经济增长要重要得多。

    Rural economic growth was far more important to national poverty reduction than urban economic growth .

  15. 成都北部新城是承担大城市经济增长的重要载体。

    Chengdu city in northern New City is a commitment to economic growth , an important carrier .

  16. 我国目前科技创新与城市经济增长的联动效应分析

    Connected Effect Analysis of Scientific and Technical Innovation and Urban Economic Growth at Present in Our Country

  17. 他们劳动力成本低廉,成为拉动城市经济增长的不可或缺的重要因素。

    They have cheap labor cost , becomes the indispensable important factor of pushing the urban economic growth .

  18. 但在经济发展的初期阶段,人力资本积累对城市经济增长的促进作用是有限的。

    But in the early stages of economic development , human capital accumulation plays a limited role in promoting economic growth .

  19. 根据经济基础理论,城市经济增长源于城市外部需求。一个城市的比较优势体现在服务于外部市场的产业中。

    Economic base theory contends that urban economic growth is attributed to external demand and industrial comparative advantages lie in basic sectors .

  20. 技术进步对于综合类矿业城市经济增长的作用比煤炭类矿业城市要显著。

    The function on the economic growth of comprehensive mining cities by the technological progress is more remarkable than that of the coal-mining cities .

  21. 最好把中国经济总量增长的官方统计数据看作中国城市经济增长的大概数据。

    The official statistic for China 's overall growth rate is best regarded as an approximate growth rate of the economy of its cities .

  22. 如何实现资源型城市经济增长和产业升级,退出原资源型产业,寻求接续产业已迫在眉睫。

    It is an urgent task for resource-based cities to increase economy , update the industry , exit the resource industry and seek the superseded industry .

  23. 2000年以来影响中国城市经济增长的因子强度依次为:地理位置因子、产业结构与市场化水平因子和要素投入因子。

    In sequence , the geographical factor , industrial structure accompanied with market factor and input factor exert different significant impacts on the urban economic growth .

  24. 本文结合中国实际从上述方面对城市经济增长质量的评价问题进行了重点分析。

    This paper , in combination with China 's practices and from the above mentioned angles , makes a special analysis of quality evaluation of city economic growth .

  25. 对外开放与沿边开放城市经济增长因素的实证检验&以东北地区为例

    Positive test on the opening-up and the other economic growing factors of opening cities along the border : taking four opening cities of Northeast China as an example

  26. 经济发达城市经济增长与环境污染关系分析&以广州市经济增长与废水排放关系为例

    Analysis of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution of Developed Cities & Taking the Relationship between Economic Growth and Waste Water Discharge of Guangzhou as the Example

  27. 最后,文章在前面理论分析和研究的基础上提出了商业银行支持城市经济增长中的战略发展选择。

    Finally , this paper points out the strategic selections of commercial bank development in support of city economic growth on the base of the previous theoretic analysis and research .

  28. 转向劳动密集型的城市经济增长还有助于减少农业中的富余劳动力,从而提高农村人均收入,进而扩大农村消费能力。

    More labor-intensive urban growth would help reducing surplus labor in agriculture as well , thus raising rural per capita income and therefore the capacity to consume on the countryside .

  29. 我国长期以来存在经济增长不平衡的问题,东部沿海城市经济增长较快,西部地区相对滞后,人力资源分布不均是其中一个重要因素。

    Our country has an unbalanced economic growth for a long time , for there is a faster economic growth in eastern coastal cities and the western region has lagged behind heavily .

  30. 城市经济增长模式的转变,对国家经济发展模式的转变起到了重要的作用,尤其是城市的内生增长已经成为城市可持续发展的主要趋势。

    The transformation of urban growth mode plays an important role in changing of the economic development pattern of the country . Especially , endogenous growth has become a development trend of cities .