
  • 网络the gap between urban and rural areas;the urban-rural gap;rural-urban divide;the gap between the city and the countryside
  1. 城乡差距使得沿海地区和城市的工人受益,因为这些地方具有通向全球市场的良好交通条件。

    Then , the rural-urban divide plays its part by rewarding workers in coastal areas and cities where there are good transport links to global markets .

  2. 虽然有许多困难,但这将成为我们缩小城乡差距的必由之路。

    There will be many difficulties , but it is what we must accomplish in order to narrow the urban-rural gap .

  3. 论交易效率与中国的城乡差距

    On the Relationship between Transaction Efficiency and China 's Urban-Rural Disparity

  4. 城乡差距的本质、多面性与政策含义

    The Nature , Dimension and Policy Implications of Rural-Urban Disparity in China

  5. 宁夏城乡差距及二元结构研究

    Research on the gap between city and country in Ningxia and the duality structure

  6. 其中,城乡差距是中国经济、社会发展差距最明显的反映。

    Urban-rural gap is the most reflection in China 's economic and social development .

  7. 关于缩小我国城乡差距的战略思考

    A Strategic Thinking of Narrowing the Gap between Urban Areas and Rural Areas in China

  8. 缩小内蒙古城乡差距的对策研究

    A Study of Policies for Reducing the Distinction Between Town and Country in Inner Mongolia

  9. 公平:解决城乡差距的突破点

    Fair : Solve the Break-through Point of the Alleviation of the Disparity between Urban and Rural Areas

  10. 社会差距日益扩大,城乡差距、区域差距和群体差距日益明显。

    Social gap grows wider , urban-rural gap , regional gap , group gap and individual gap become obvious .

  11. 建议政府应该努力减少正在拉大的城乡差距。

    It is suggested that governments ought to make efforts to reduce the increasing gap between cities and countryside .

  12. 中国的情形具有特殊性,表现为特殊的交易效率结构对城乡差距的影响。

    In the case of China , it is an inevitable outcome of its special structure of transaction efficiency .

  13. 城乡差距拉大的制度性根源是长期存在的二元经济体制。

    The dual economy system is the institutional root of the expansion of the gap between town and country .

  14. 同时城镇登记失业率与城乡差距之间也存在着正向关系。

    Registered unemployment rate in cities and towns also has the forward relationship with the income gap between rural and urban .

  15. 通过建立计量模型并进行分析,可提供一个认识我国城乡差距的新角度。

    By establishing econometric models and conducting analysis , a new angle is provided for understanding the gap between town and country .

  16. 我国社会处于转型时期,随着工业化、市场化、城市化的全面推进,城乡差距进一步扩大。

    Chinese society is in transition , with industrialization , marketization and urbanization , comprehensively promote the urban-rural gap is further widening .

  17. 农村扶贫开发与农村最低生活保障制度的衔接(下称两项制度)的衔接为完善农村社会救济制度,缩小城乡差距,从根本上解决农村贫困问题提供了制度上的保障。

    The interface provide safeguard for perfecting rural social relief system , narrowing the urban-rural gap and solution rural poverty problem fundamentally .

  18. 但由于国家方针政策、发展战略等多种因素影响,城乡差距却在不断拉大。

    However , because of the influence of national policies , development strategies , etc. , the urban-rural gap has been widening .

  19. 逆城市化在某种程度上缩小了城乡差距,有利于乡村经济的发展;而休闲化的乡村经济将会促使“休闲乡村”的产生。

    The counter urbanization is good for developing rural economy because it reduces the distance between cities and countries at some degree .

  20. 近年来,福建农民收入增加缓慢,使城乡差距不断扩大。

    In recent years , the low increasing rates of farmers'income have been widening the gap between urban and rural areas in Fujian .

  21. 但与此同时,也产生了一些新的社会矛盾,而城乡差距的加大正是这些矛盾的重中之重。

    But at the same time , there were still some social contradictories and the urban-rural disparity is most serious one among them .

  22. 同时,城乡差距的进一步扩大,也影响到整个社会的安定团结。

    Simultaneously , because of the expanding disparity in urban and rural residents , the problem also influenced on the whole social stability .

  23. 加上城乡差距的再次拉大,通过农村剩余劳动力转移来增加农民收入、减少城乡差距便成了研究的重点。

    My study mainly focuses on how to reduce urban-rural gap by increasing farmers ' income via the transfer of rural surplus labor .

  24. 但我国的城乡差距仍然在不断拉大,农村经济社会发展仍然严重滞后。

    However , urban-rural disparity has been still widening with the fact that the rural economy , social development is still the serious lag .

  25. 我国城乡差距的政策性因素分析&基于亚当·斯密城乡发展思想

    The Policy Factor 's Analysis of the Gap Between China 's Urban and Rural & Based on the Urban and Rural Development Theory of Adam Smith

  26. 针对结果,为武汉市以及武汉城市圈以后的发展提供一些建议,避免城乡差距扩大。

    At last , the paper provides some suggestions for future development to Wuhan City Circle for avoiding the widening gap between urban and rural areas .

  27. 城乡差距也很大,城乡居民收入比为3:1。

    There are also big gaps between urban and rural areas , with the ratio of the incomes of urban and rural residents standing at 3:1 .

  28. 现实原因主要有:一,政府政策体制的不合理导致城乡差距的进一步拉大;

    There are five realistic reasons . First , the unreasonable policies made by the government lead to the increasing gap between the rural and urban areas .

  29. 会议强调了最高领导对于缩小城乡差距和开发巨大的农村市场的努力。

    The meeting 's emphasis on rural issues highlights the top leadership 's efforts to reduce the widening urban-rural wealth gap and tap the vast rural market .

  30. 支持落后地区的开发,推进城镇化建设,逐步缩小城乡差距和地区差距,促进地区协调发展。

    It will support the development of underdeveloped areas , promote the urbanization process , narrow urban-rural and regional gaps and promote coordinated development of different regions .