
  1. 城市医疗救助费用控制模式SWOT分析

    Apply the SWOT to analyze the cost control model of urban medical assistance

  2. 探索建立城市医疗救助制度。

    We will explore ways to set up an urban medical assistance system .

  3. 社区卫生服务在城市医疗救助中的作用分析

    The Action of Community Health Services in the Medical Financial Assistance in Urban Area

  4. 基于社区卫生服务的城市医疗救助费用控制模式的情景分析

    Scenario Analysis of the Cost Control Model of Urban Medical Assistance Based on Community Health Services

  5. 最后给出了本市城市医疗救助的政策建议,并得出相应的结论。

    Finally the paper gave policy suggestions of urban medical assistance and drew the corresponding conclusion .

  6. 城市医疗救助试点工作的开展将大批的贫困对象纳入到社会保障体系。

    Medical assistance for the pilot cities to carry out the work of a large number of the poor will be included in the social security system .

  7. 处理好物质、能力、权利三者之间的关系,强调建立和完善后的城市医疗救助制度应该是一种人性化的制度。

    The good management of the relationship among substance , capability and rights , as well as the establishment and improvement of urban medical assistance system with emphasis is humanized .

  8. 现场调查法:采用调查表形式收集与城市医疗救助对象卫生服务需求相关的数据;采用半结构访谈方式进行相关人员访谈。

    Field trip : questionnaires were used to collect data related to the need of health service of medical aid target in urban China ; Semi-structural interview is adopted to interview related persons .

  9. 通过对这六区调查分析,探讨当前长沙市城市医疗救助的存在问题,并针对现存问题提出具有可操作性的战略性建议和对策。

    Through the investigation and analysis of the current six District , Changsha City medical assistance for the existing problems , and in the light of the existing problems puts forward workable strategic suggestions and countermeasures .

  10. 成都市以社区卫生服务为平台的城市贫困医疗救助模式实践分析

    Practice on Model of Urban Poverty Medical Aid Based on Community Health Services in Chengdu

  11. 慈善事业参与城市社会医疗救助,仍然需要不断丰富和完善相关的内容和体系。

    There is still a need of constantly enriched and improved content and system related for charitable medical assistance in urban society .

  12. 医疗救助在医疗保障体系中的地位和作用经济转轨时期我国城市居民医疗救助研究

    Roles of Medical Assistance in the System of Medical Insurance On Medical Assistance for the China 's Urban Residents in the Economic Transitional Period

  13. 近年来,北京、上海、广州、大连、青岛等地建立了由政府主导的相对规范的城市大病医疗救助制度,开始了社会化医疗救助,但从全国来看医疗救助工作还刚刚起步。

    Recent years , in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Dalian , Qingdao , etc , the government-dominated and relatively normative urban MAF systems for serious diseases have been established ; however , for the whole country , the MAF work is just at the very outset .

  14. 我国城市弱势群体医疗救助问题研究

    Study on Problems with Medical Assistance to Urban Vulnerable Groups

  15. 城市贫困人口医疗救助的模式

    The models of medical aid to the urban poor

  16. 对城市贫困人口医疗救助的理论探讨

    Theoretical Exploration on Medical Aid to The Urban Poor

  17. 关于实施城市贫困人群医疗救助制度的思考

    On the Implementation of the Medical Aid System for the Poor Urban Population of China

  18. 第三章是我国城市弱势群体医疗救助状况。

    Chapter III is the situation of medical assistance to urban vulnerable groups in China .

  19. 城市贫困人口的医疗救助作为社会保障安全网的最后一道防线在我国长期以来没有得到很好的解决。

    Faced with increasingly large urban poor groups , The medical relief for poor people in urban areas as part of the social security safety net in the last line has not been solution .

  20. 目的了解试点城市不同贫困人群的疾病经济风险,为完善城市贫困人群医疗救助政策提供科学依据。

    OBJECTIVE Understanding the disease economic risk of the different urban poor and improving the medical aid policy of the urban poor to provide the scientific basis .