
  • 网络Industry nurtures agriculture;Industry nurturing agriculture;industry-financed agriculture
  1. 工业反哺农业阶段的乡镇政府角色定位

    The Township Government ′ s Role Orientation in the Stage of Industry-financed Agriculture

  2. 我国已进入了工业反哺农业(本文指大农业含林业)新阶段。

    The stage of industry-financed agriculture ( inclued Forestry ) has arrived .

  3. 现阶段我国工业反哺农业的背景与挑战

    China industry supporting agriculture 's background and its challenge at present

  4. 新型工业化背景下工业反哺农业的制度创新

    Industry-financed Agriculture : System Innovation under the Background of New Industrialization

  5. 论工业反哺农业与城乡一体化发展

    Industry Re-feeding Agriculture and Integrative Development of Countryside and City

  6. 中国工业反哺农业的实现机制和路径选择

    China 's Industry Repaying Agriculture : Its Mechanisms and Means

  7. 关于工业反哺农业的政策选择问题

    Industry Feeds Agriculture in Return : The Selection of Policies

  8. 长江三角洲地区工业反哺农业、城市带动乡村的一般经验有:城乡互动发展、以小城镇为主体和乡镇企业的集聚化发展推进城乡一体化。

    Its general experiences are that urban and rural area develop harmoniously .

  9. 第五章对我国工业反哺农业政策的制约因素进行了探讨与分析。

    The fifth chapter analyzes the constraints of of industry re-feeding agriculture .

  10. 二元经济结构下工业反哺农业机制的研究

    Research on Compensatory Mechanism of Industry to Agriculture in the Dual Economy

  11. 一是对工业反哺农业的发生依据进行分析。

    It analyzes the background of industry financing agriculture .

  12. 第六部分是对实施工业反哺农业的体制机制进行设计与探讨。

    The sixth part designs and discusses the mechanisms of industry nurturing agriculture .

  13. 工业反哺农业应遵循农村经济发展次序

    The Rural Economy Development Order and the Choice of the Route of Industry-Back-Feeding-Agriculture

  14. 工业反哺农业中资金投入的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Input of Fund into Agriculture

  15. 工业反哺农业:机械化现状分析

    Industry " Feedback " Agriculture : Analysis of Mechanization

  16. 工业反哺农业之道

    The Policy of Industry 's Re-feeding of Agriculture

  17. 我国沿海发达地区已具备工业反哺农业的能力。

    The coastal areas in our country have the ability of industry re-feeding agriculture .

  18. 农业产业化是实现工业反哺农业的一条重要途径。

    The agricultural industrialization is an important way for industry to bring forth agriculture .

  19. 浅析工业反哺农业

    Analysis on the " Regurgitation - feeding of the Industry for the Agriculture "

  20. 我国工业反哺农业的理论研究及政策分析

    The Fundamental Research and Policy Analysis on " Industry Nurturing Agriculture " of China

  21. 浅析工业反哺农业政策的合理性

    The Rationality of Industry - financed Agriculture Strategy

  22. 正确理解和把握工业反哺农业的关系

    Analyzing the Relationship of Industry Fostering Agriculture

  23. 实施工业反哺农业政策是中国进入工业化中期后的重大战略决策。

    The implement of industry-repaying-agriculture policy is a strategic move in China in her medium-term industrialization .

  24. 工业反哺农业的目的不仅仅是补偿和补贴,更重要的是建立创新农业。

    The aim of industry-nurturing-agriculture is not only subsidization and compensation , but also establish innovational agriculture .

  25. 其根源在于西部的绝大部分地区依然是传统的农业生产方式,没有形成工业反哺农业的良好趋势。

    The root is that the agricultural production mode in most western regions is still in tradition .

  26. 从经济的角度讲,我们可以将工业反哺农业理解为工业对于农业的一种价值让渡。

    From the perspective of economy , we can treat Industrial-fostered Agriculture as a value transition for agriculture .

  27. 现在我国已经进入工业反哺农业城镇反哺农村的新时期。

    Now China has entered the " industry nurturing agriculture "" townand countryside " in the new period .

  28. 因此,实行工业反哺农业、城市支持农村,推进社会主义新农村建设势在必行。

    Therefore , the feedback from industry to the agriculture and the support from city to countryside are imperative .

  29. 从农业生产角度看,工业反哺农业主要通过技术传递和价格传递实现。

    The main ways of Industry Nurturing Agriculture in Return ( INAR ) is technique transfer and price transfer .

  30. 也就是通常讲得“工业反哺农业,城市支持农村”。

    It means the so-called " industry feeding agriculture in return and the city helping power rural growth " .