
huò bì zhènɡ cè
  • monetary policy
  1. 美国当局尚未透露他们的货币政策计划。

    U.S. authorities have not yet indicated their monetary policy plans .

  2. 一些国家实行紧缩银根的货币政策,以避免通货膨胀。

    Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation

  3. 政府已经就货币政策向批评人士作出让步。

    The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies

  4. 美国和日本又回到了不作为货币政策的老路。

    America and Japan have settled back into a policy of benign neglect of their currencies .

  5. 专家们深信稳健的货币政策将有助于经济发展。

    Experts firmly believe that the prudent monetary policy will be helpful for economic development .

  6. 这是政府的货币政策。

    This is the government 's monetary policy .

  7. 直到去年,经济界的共识还是货币政策能快速平稳经济,而且比退税以及政府支出成本低。

    Until last year , the economic consensus was that monetary policy could smooth the business cycle with greater speed and less waste than countercyclical taxes or spending .

  8. 政府已经就货币政策向批评人士作出让步

    The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies .

  9. 实施好更加积极有为的财政政策、更加稳健灵活的货币政策,增强宏观政策的针对性和时效性。

    We should adopt more proactive and impactful fiscal policies and more prudent to keep macro policies more targeted and timely .

  10. 要推动经济去杠杆,坚定执行稳健的货币政策,把国有企业降杠杆作为重中之重。

    The government will continue to deleverage the economy by firmly taking a prudent3 monetary4 policy and prioritizing reducing leverage2 in State-owned enterprises .

  11. 安倍经济学是一系列旨在解决日本宏观经济问题的政策措施,包括货币政策、财政政策以及鼓励私人投资的经济增长策略。

    Abenomics is a set of policy measures meant to resolve Japan 's macroeconomic problems . It consists of monetary1 policy , fiscal2 policy , and economic growth strategies to encourage private investment .

  12. 从结果来看,2013年第二季度,日本对美元的汇率比上年同期下降了约25%,随之而来的是高度宽松的货币政策。

    In terms of results , the yen has become about 25 % lower against the U.S. dollar in the second quarter of 2013 compared to the same period in 2012 , with a highly loose monetary policy being followed .

  13. 中国将继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,坚定不移扩大改革开放,放宽市场准入,持续优化营商环境,积极扩大进口,扩大对外投资,为世界经济稳定作出贡献。

    China will continue to pursue a proactive fiscal policy and prudent6 monetary7 policy . We will continue to advance reform and opening-up , widen market access , improve the business environment , and expand imports and outbound investment to contribute to a stable world economy .

  14. 人们认为,中国央行(People'sBankofChina)可能会收紧货币政策,尽管在眼下经济放缓的时候,此举显得有些不合时宜。

    That raised the prospect that the People 's Bank of China will tighten monetary policy at an inopportune moment of economic slowdown .

  15. 文章通过Granger因果关系模型,检验了我国稳定货币政策的有效性。

    This article tested the effectiveness of china prudent monetary policy by granger causality model .

  16. 美联储(federalreserve)将把利率维持在接近于零的水平,直到失业率降到6.5%以下,此举标志着美国货币政策发生了历史性变化。

    The US Federal Reserve will keep interest rates at close to zero until unemployment falls below 6.5 per cent in a historic change to monetary policy .

  17. 货币政策效果可能由于其所处的经济背景不同而呈现一定的变动性。本文采用滚动VAR方法对货币供给冲击对产出和价格的影响进行实证研究,发现货币冲击的影响有明显的变动性。

    This paper investigates the variability in the effects of monetary policy on economic activity in China by using the method of rolling vector autoregression .

  18. 金融危机;货币政策效果;IS-LM模型;

    Financial Crisis ; Money policy effect ; ISLM models ;

  19. 文中运用IS-LM模型论证了我国货币政策的效力。

    This paper applies IS-LM model to demonstrate the effectiveness of China 's monetary policy .

  20. 外汇储备、外汇交易量与CHIBOR利率的VAR模型(2000~2004)&兼论三元悖论下冲销干预与货币政策的独立性

    A VAR Model of Foreign Exchange Reserve , Foreign Exchange Trading Volume and CHIBOR : 2002 ~ 2004

  21. 本文从财政和货币政策这两个角度进行了分析,然后具体分析了CAFTA的静态效应、动态效应和结构效应。

    The article analyzes the static effects , dynamic effects and structure effects from fiscal and monetary policies angle of view .

  22. 考虑到银行信用对中国货币政策实施的特殊作用,本文基于VAR模型对权重的估计,计算了中国货币状况指数;

    Taking into account the special function of the bank credibility in Chinese currency , this paper calculates the index of Chinese currency position based on the estimate of the option weight via VAR model .

  23. 中国加入WTO后,更为灵活的汇率制度、规模扩大的资本流动既有利于我国参与世界金融资源的配置,也是对中国货币政策调控能力和金融安全的一个严峻考验。

    After China entering WTO , the more flexible exchange rate system and greater volume of capital flow will not only help China participating in the allocation of global financial resources , but also present a critical challenge to China 's monitoring capability of monetary policy and financial safety .

  24. 本文总结了1998年至2002年间中国货币政策的实践。通过相关分析和Granger因果关系检验,发现中国基础货币与货币供应量之间不存在显著相关关系,货币供应量的变动呈现一定的内生性。

    This paper reviews the monetary policy evolution from 1998 to 2002 . It is shown that there is no significant correlation between monetary base and broad money , and money supply shows endogenous through correlation analysis and Granger Casualty test .

  25. 第九章,在AS-AD模型框架下,也从实证角度,分析了我国货币政策有效性及其强弱。

    Chapter 9 also make an empirical analyse on effectiveness and its intensity of Chinese monetary policy in the AS-AD model .

  26. 结论是:IS-LM-BP模型的分析方法在我国目前是适用的;我国财政政策乘数大于货币政策乘数。

    The conclusion is that , as a method of analysis , the IS-LM-BP Model is suit to China , the multiple of fiscal policy is larger than that of monetary policy ;

  27. 货币政策及市场部〔香港金融管理局〕

    Monetary Policy and Markets Department [ Hong Kong Monetary Authority ]

  28. 我国经济转轨时期货币政策效率分析

    Analysis on Efficiency of Monetary Policy in the Economic Transition Period

  29. 第二章,介绍美国国家货币政策的信号功能。

    Chapter Two introduces the signaling function of American monetary policy .

  30. 全新视角下的稳健货币政策研究

    A Research on the Prudent Monetary Policy from a New View