
  • 网络Sale of Goods Act;SGA
  1. 像其他商品一样,纯种狗的买卖同样受《货物买卖法》的约束。

    Like any other commodity , pedigree dogs are covered by the Sale of Goods Act .

  2. 英国货物买卖法义务条款分类界定的最新发展

    The Latest Developments in Classification of Obligation Clauses in the English Sale of Goods Act

  3. 货物买卖法只适用于货物买卖合同。

    The sale of goods acts apply only to contracts for the sale of goods .

  4. 货物买卖法授予卖方在一定条件下转卖货物的权利。

    The sale of goods Acts give the seller a right to resell the goods in certain circumstances .

  5. 货物买卖法仅适用于货物的买卖而不适用于提供服务。

    The sale of goods acts only apply to the sale of goods and have no application when services are provided .

  6. 其中主要侧重于在上述法律关系中,买卖双方权利义务的划分,将通过对不同国家的合同法及货物买卖法的对比,力求清晰地区分这些在国际货物买卖中易被混淆的法律关系。

    The paper hopes to make a clear distinction of all these legal relations by contrasting the contract laws of the representative countries of the main legal systems and the international conventions and practices .

  7. 本文将系统评介英国货物买卖法对合同义务条款分类界定方法的演变和最新发展,并分析它们对商务实践和法律实践的影响。

    This paper is to present and comment systematically the evolution and latest achievements of the classification of the obligation clauses in the English Sale of Goods Act and analyze their effect on the practice in business and legal affairs .

  8. 买卖合同风险负担问题涉及买卖双方当事人最根本的利益,所以各国的货物买卖法都很重视货物负担的立法,对货物风险负担都作了具体规定,但其内容却不完全相同。

    The question of bearing transaction contract risk involve bilateral most basic interests , so various of countries give great concern on legislation of bearing deal contract risk , and make regulation on the risk of the goods specifically , but its content is not different .

  9. 国际货物买卖统一法公约;

    Convention relating to a uniform law on the international sales of goods ;

  10. 本文阐述了英国1994年货物买卖和供应法对1979年货物买卖法所作的修改和完善。

    The thesis expounds that Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 of the United Kingdom makes some revisions and improvement to Sale of Goods Act 1979 .

  11. 货物品质担保制度是货物买卖法的重要组成部分。

    The warranty system is one important component of the legal system on the sale of goods .

  12. 在海牙货物买卖会议设立的专门委员会起草《国际货物买卖统一法公约》时,专门委员会就在其报告中指出,风险负担问题是公约起草者遇到的最须严肃对待的问题。

    In the Hague goods business meeting which sets up a special committee of the draft the international sale of goods or unified method convention .

  13. 货物买卖合同的双方对货物交付的义务应遵循货物买卖法中的一系列规则。

    The obligations of parties to a contract for the sale of goods regarding delivery are specified in the sale of goods Acts in the form of a set of rules .